1 : Poisonous Green Eyes

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      "Trufor?" I called to him. "I received your scroll."

      He gasped in shock and spotted Nota and I. He exhaled in relief and motioned for us to sit. "Thank goodness, I was just about to send for you."

      "We got your scroll, but why is it you summoned me?" I asked.

      "I'm sorry...?" He cocked his head.

      "The scroll, you know, the one you just sent." Nota explained.

      "I sent no scroll... but it doesn't matter, because I required your presence anyways." He dismissed the confusion. "Zepth, someone is hunting you."

      "What?!" I gasped.

      "My Head Guardian reported an attack and destroyed villages in Vulcen. My dragons were slaughtered. Only my head guard managed to get away. He said there were burnings into several buildings... your name."

      "What?!" I exclamimed. "B-but what did I do wrong?!"

      "Daniik! Enter, please." Trufor called in the hall. In response, a strong black dragon with firery orange-red eyes entered wearing Guardian Armor. "Zepth, I'd like you to meet my Head Guardian, Daniik."

      "I am so sorry to hear about the attack on your dragons." I bowed in respect to the larger beast.

      "The attack was brutal, they didn't stand a chance." He replied, expression ice cold. "Hopefully, we will be better prepared for the next attack."

      "The next attack?" Trufor cocked his head.

      "Obviously." He faced the king. "The aggression of the attack clearly shows they are on a mission. It's only a matter of time before they strike again."

      "Why are they after me?" I inquired.

      "They must know something. Something you do not." Daniik cryptically announced.

      "That is ridiculous!" Trufor exclaimed. "It's probably just a gang of Blatua Dragons, upset they lost the war. They probably blame Zepth. But have no fear, my army will not fail at protecting innocents!"

      "Thank you, Trufor." I began to exit. "Let the Gods watch over us all."


     I was in flight, on the way home, when an inky black dragon knocked me out of the skies and to the grasslands below. I got up and prepared to defend myself. A dragon slightly larger than me limped to his feet. He had poisonous green eyes that were wide and alert.

      "A thousand apologizes!" The male came over to see if I was alright. "My name is Zahkrii. I come from the Blatua lands. I mean no harm, I was escaping the cruel rule."

      "Oh!" I exclaimed, surprised. "I am Zepth, second in rule of Tagonia. I took back the throne for my mother, whom it rightfully belongs to."

      "You are the Zepth in the stories?" Zahkrii gasped. "We've heard of your battles. You're very brave."

      "Thank you." I blushed. "Will you come with me to Tagonia? I can provide shelter and food."

      "That sounds spectacular. Thank you!" He bowed and flew behind me.


      "Mother, I'm back. We have a guest." I landed in the castle gardens.

      "Zepth!" Esperanza smiled and came around the corner. "What did the king want?"

      "He had news of a dragon attack. They are hunting..." I paused, not wanting to alarm her  again. "...hunting in our lands. Some villages in Vulcan were damaged as a result of their aggression."

     "Oh!" She exclaimed. "Thank the Gods Vulcan is far from Tagonia."

     "Hello, I apologize for the intrusion. I was escaping the rule from the Blatua lands. I assume you are the Queen of Tagonia I've heard about?"

     "Why, yes I am." She beamed. "What might your name be?"

     "I am Zahkrii, your majesty." He bowed in respect.

     "Welcome to Tagonia, Zahkrii." She bowed back. "Zepth, please show him to the castle guest chambers."

     "Of course, Mother." I lead him off to the door.


     "Here we are." I stopped at a large door. "If you need anything, a pixie will fetch it for you."

     "Thank you for everything." Zahkrii bowed. "You have been more than generous."

     "We've fought many Baltua Dragons during the Blood War against Queen Hyla." I shuddered at the name. "Their army was great, but at a cost, I'm sure. I cannot begin to imagine the horrible conditions under which the warriors trained in."

      "And they had it easy compared to the subjects." He looked down, sad at the memory. Then, he snapped out of it and smiled. "So why did your king name it the Blood War?"

      "Queen Hyla was a blood elemental. They're very rare and dangerous. She used her ability to control others as a killing tool to work her way to the top and spread fear."

      "Interesting..." He nodded and opened the door to the chambers. "Thank you again. If there is anything I can do in return, don't hesitate."

      "You're welcome, Zahkrii." I smiled and turned around, walking down the castle hallway.


     The torches along the wall flickered again my tapping black talons. I rested my chin on my paw, and scratched the wood floorboards, bored.

     My tail flicked, and I tucked it into my side. With a huff of smoke breath, I came to my feet and left my chambers. Movement down the hall caught my attention.

     A dragon looked around, and I ducked behind a pillar. Once the dragon was satisfied no one was there, he snuck down the hall and out the side door.

     His poisonous green eyes searched in the darkness of night for something... or someone. The door shut behind him before I could see more...

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