Chapter One

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So here's the thing. The first few chapters might be short, a little messy, rushed, and whack-a-poodle, but it'll all get ironed out so just stick with me and enjoy the ride.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends.

Also, let me know which twin you think is going to be your favorite.

-Anon 🤭🥴😉😘💜

(Lorenzo's POV)

"You have everything packed that you need?"


"Your toothbrush?"



"Mom, we got it all." Val said grabbing our moms hands.

She started tearing up.

"Don't cry, mom." He said.

"I can't help it. My baby boys are leaving."

"Mom, we are literally just moving to the city." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah, you're there like every other day." Val said.

We're both starting at NYU in a few days and are in the process of moving into one of the many apartment our dad owns in the city. We could just stay at home but we want to get out on our own. Experience the world on our own.

"Make sure you call me once a day. Or more if you feel like it. Don't forget about us." She said.

"We won't forget about you, mom."

"You sure you'll be able to live with each other and not tear each others head off?" Dad asked walking in.

"Yeah, we've done it for 18 years haven't we?" Val asked.

"But either your mother or I was always there to stop you."

We rolled our eyes.

We are opposites. My brother and I. But mainly in personalities and behavior.

We both have black hair and a tan complexion. We are both around 6'2 and almost nothing but muscle. Val is a bit bigger than me which he has no problem reminding me about.

I take after our mother meaning I'm quieter and more reserved. I don't usually make a big fuss and I don't get angry easily. I will listen to both sides in an argument and think things through. I ask questions before I shoot. I also have her eyes.

My bother takes after our father. He is loud and demanding. He has a mean and short-fused temper. He doesn't think twice before telling you what he really thinks or about his opinions, which he calls facts. He shoots and then asks questions. He also has our father's eyes.

I think it's because he's the oldest even if it's by a minute or two.

We like a lot of the same things like sports and that kind of stuff. Like I said, it's mainly our behavior that's the big difference.

"They will get along just fine. Won't you?" Mom asked.

"Yes, ma'am." We nodded.

"Where is my little girl?" Dad asked changing the subject.

"She is where you expect her to be." Mom said.

"The library."

She nodded.

Our sister is 13. She has black hair like us but our moms' light tan complexion. She got a mix of both our parent's personalities.

"These are finished." I said putting one of my boxes on Val's.

"Take them to the car." Mom said and so we did.

We were raised to do as our mother said without asking questions. My father has a rule that whatever she says is the law. We never understood that rule growing up but now we do. We've heard the stories from Uncle Gio and Knox. We've heard the stories about our parents and now we understand.

We finished packing our stuff into the car just in time for dinner. Once dinner was over we headed to the game room.

Every Wednesday after dinner we have a family game night. This is our last one before we leave.

We went to bed around ten, well we went to our rooms. It was the normal ten minutes before I got up and went into Val's room.

From the day we were born, our parents have said that we hated being apart. They would have to put us in the same crib or at least put our cribs side-by-side to get us to sleep. When we learned to walk one of us would always get out of bed and go into the other one's room. At the age of six, our parents gave up and had a door built that connected our rooms.

We don't sleep in the same room anymore but but we spend time in one of our rooms until we almost pass out and then we go to our own beds. We watch some TV, YouTube, talk, and/or play video games.

It was midnight when we heard a noise coming from the somewhere down the hall, so we went to investigate.

We tracked the noise to the music room. It has a piano and an old vintage record player. The door was cracked so we peaked inside.

We found our mom giggling as dad was dancing with her. She was standing on his feet as he moved.

The both of us couldn't help but smile. We went back to our room and let them be.

We've heard the stories about them and how they met. They met at a young age and have been together ever since.

Hearing their story makes us want to find our own queens. We know we can't rush it. Dad didn't rush it. He met mom by chance.

If only we knew how soon we'd be meeting our queens.

If only we knew how much we'd have to do to save them.

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