I tensed up, not used to the feeling as much. She was giving me a hug? I didn't know how this had to do with anything but I hesitantly accepted it, hugging her back hesitantly & resting my chin on her head. She sighed in content.

"That's how you comfort somebody." She mumbled against my hoodie. Oh. "Thank you." I replied & felt her nod against me.

She went to pull away from the hug, but not knowing why, I didn't budge & kept my arms around her. I don't get hugs often at all & wanted this warm feeling to last I guess.

Emma chuckled & pressed closer to me, hugging me back again. "Ethan you know anytime you want a hug you can just ask?" She added & I shrugged. She chuckled against the fabric of my hoodie. I smiled.

After a few seconds, we both pulled away & Emma looked over at my desk.

Emma Pov.

I spotted the carelessly thrown glasses on his desk & reached over, picking them up & examining them. They weren't that nerdy, just black plastic with rounded-square-like-frames. I glanced up to see Ethan watching my actions with a clenched jaw. He clearly didn't like his glasses. I'm not dumb. Grayson is my best friend, Ethan think I wouldn't know that Gray doesn't need glasses.

I unfolded the glasses carefully & reached up towards Ethan's face. He moved his head away, looking in disgust at the glasses. I lowered my eyes at him, my arms still in the air holding his glasses. He let out a frustrated sigh, mumbling curse words as he held still for me to place the glasses on his face.

Once they were set on Ethan's face, he made a dumb-nerd face & pushed them up on the bridge of his nose using his pointer finger. I slapped his hand away from the poor glasses lightly & chuckled. "Why don't you wear them at school? Do you wear contacts?" I asked & he gave me a look that said 'are you retarded?'. "Do you know how many people would make fun of me?! And yes, I wear contacts instead mostly. But they irritate my eyes sometimes, so I just have to wing it." He explained & I shook my head. "E, you don't look like a nerd. Wear them if you want. At least you'll have better grades than any of the dickwads that make fun of you." I responded & he laughed lightly. "Whatever you say." He said, taking the glasses off & setting them on the desk again.

"Well as much as I would love to stay and talk, I need to go talk to your depressed brother so goodnight." I said, smiling kindly at Ethan. He rolled his eyes. "Goodnight." He replied & held out his arms. "One more hug goodbye?" He asked, pouting his bottom lip out like a child. What the actual fuck? Jesus, this kid gets clingy when it comes to affection. It's like a drug to him now.

I sighed, rolling my eyes & stepping for paused to wrap my arms around him. He returned the favor & sighed happily. I grinned against his chest. At least he seemed happy for the first time in awhile.

After giving a hug to the needy child for a few seconds, we said our final goodbyes & I trotted out of Ethan's room & down the stairs. I walked past the kitchen & into the living room, seeing Grayson still sleeping on the couch. His phone was in his hand as if he fell asleep while on it.

I gently sat down next to his sleeping form & picked up his phone smoothly into my grasp. I turned it on & scanned my fingerprint, since he had let me put mine on here. When the lockscreen went away, it immediate opened up the screen to show 'Pinterest'....& Grayson looking up depressing quotes. They weren't specific quotes, just randomly all depressing. What the hell happened?

I sighed sadly, shutting his phone back off & setting it aside on the couch. I placed my hand on Grayson's bare cold shoulder & shook him lightly. "Gray, wake up." I said softly & he didn't move. "Grayyyy." I sung his name a little louder, ruffling his hair. He groaned & lifted his head up, looking at me before sighing & shifting so that he was sitting up.

"What?" Grayson asked while yawning. "What the fuck happened, why are you all depressed and shit and why were you acting so weird this morning at school?!" I blurted out & Grayson gave me a dumbfounded expression, before grabbing his phone & going on it. "'Dunno what you're talking about." He stated, scrolling through Instagram. "Bullshit." I stated back & snatched his phone out of his hands, causing him to shriek at me. "Give it back!" He yelled. I laughed & shook my head, placing his phone under my ass & sitting on it. He glared me & cocked an eyebrow challengingly. "Your my best friend, I won't give a shit if I have to touch your ass or tackle you to get my phone..you know that right?" He taunted & I lowered my eyes at him for a short moment, before he lunged forward & tackled me off of the couch. "Grayson!" I yelled playfully as my back hit the carpet, him landing on top of me. I groaned. "Get off fattass!" I shouted & shoved him off of me, standing up to lunge for his phone that was still on the couch. Before I could reach the electronic device, I felt Grayson grab my ankle & trip me. As I recovered from my fall I looked up to see that Grayson had already confiscated his phone, smirking down at me.

I sighed in defeat & stood up, plopping back down on the couch as Grayson took a seat next to me. "Aw, what's wrong? Emma doesn't like losingggg?" He said, poking me in the side of my ribcage. As much as I hated to submit to his ways, I giggled at the contact. "Shut the fuck up." I mumbled & he laughed, before sighing & staring at the ground in relaxation.

We sat there in silence for a few seconds before I groaned, grabbing Grayson's bicep & tugging on him. "Gracieeee, talk to me." I pleaded, using the nickname the only he allows me to call him. He sighed again, turning to look at me.

"Fine." He said & inhaled deeply.


Author's Note: yee haw hi my favorite ppl. ly. 🤠

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