Question 129 Continuation + Response

502 4 58

Meggy: (wakes up and yawns)

Mario: (wakes up as well) So, you had a good sleep?

Meggy: Yes I did, and it feels like my throat is better.

Mario: That medicine I gave you seemed to do the trick.

Meggy: Yeah. Maybe soon we'll get rid of that evil Zelus.

Mario: Yeah. She's an asshole.

Pikachu: (wakes up) Piiiiiika.

Meggy: Morning, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pikachu. (jumps at Meggy and hugs her)

Meggy: You were really worried about me, huh?

Pikachu: Pika pika.

Meggy: Well, I'm glad all of that is over with. (gets out of bed and does her usual morning routine) Okay. Now I'm ready. Let's see what questions people have for me. (looks at the question)

(door knocks)

Meggy: (opens the door, sees a box, and takes it inside) I wonder what this is? (opens the box and takes out the Blade of Decimation)

Mario: Holy shit!

Meggy: It's a... sword.

Mario: This question says that it'll be useful in encountering enemies, including Zelus.

Meggy: Well, this sword is gonna be pretty useful in the future. Thanks for that, and those kind words back when I was resting.

Ask Meggy Anything! (Questions 1-189)Where stories live. Discover now