Question 105

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Meggy: Okay. That might be quite a challenge. (starts to make funny faces at Pikachu)

Pikachu: (thinks this is a challenge and starts making funny faces too, including widening his eyes and mouth to look like Fishy Boopkins, showing his teeth and stretching his chin to look like Waluigi, and putting one of his ears down to look like Tari)

Meggy: You can do that too?

Bob (outside): PaInT. gOtTa Go. SeE yOu, BiTcH.

Meggy (thoughts): Did he just say paint?

Meggy: (starts to ink the entire house again)

Pikachu: (laughing a lot while this happens)

Mario: Meggy! Stop!

Meggy: (stops shooting ink) Did I do it again?

Mario: Well, your Pikachu seems to enjoy it.

Pikachu: (still laughing)

Meggy: Pikachu. Just remember this. Whenever someone says paint, you have to shock me before I shoot ink over everything. You understand?

Pikachu: Pika pika.

Meggy: Well, I actually got you to laugh. That's an accomplishment for today.

Bob (outside): (comes back) Oh, aNd OnE mOrE tHiNg. PaInT. (runs away) lOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOl.

Meggy: Not again.

Pikachu: Pika-CHUUUUUUUU! (shocks Meggy)

Meggy: Thanks, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Mario: You sure do come in handy, Pikachu.

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