"I like Sal." I said, hiking my backpack closer to my shoulders, "I'm a simple person myself, so I like simple things, and Sal is simple." I laughed a little, which received a chuckle from him.

"So, you said you moved from New York?" He asked after a few awkward moments of silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah." I said snapping myself back from lala land. "Yeah, I've lived there all my life, and now I'm here."

"I moved from New Jersey a few years ago, so I understand it can be pretty hard. Luckily I met Larry my first day, and we've been best friends ever since."

"Well that's pretty cool. It's nice of you guys to let me join you for lunch today. You all seem really cool." I said as we stopped at a door. Room 202.

"I hope you're ready cause Mr. Darren is going to make you stand up front and tell about yourself and answer any questions the other kids have." Sal said, opening the door for me once again.

"Well that's honestly kinda weird." I said, stopping just inside the door. He shrugged and made his way to his seat. I turned to the teacher who was drinking a coffee and reading the paper. "Hello, I'm (Y/N), I'm new."

"Ah, yes, Miss (Y/L/N)!" He said as the final bell rang and students settled in their seats. "Great. Why don't you stand right here," he said moving me to the middle of his desk, "And tell the class a few things about you."

"Oh okay, well, my name is "(Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I just moved here from New York. I'm 17 and.." I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"Well, anything interesting about you?" The teacher asked.

I shook my head, my slight social anxiety starting to kick in. In small groups I'm fine. But when I have to present in front of a class or anything of sorts, I get really weird. "Could I sit down, please?" I asked quietly. Kids started to snicker, and my face became flushed.

"Usually I have the class ask some questions so they can get to know you." He said. I nodded and he called on the first student.

"Why are you so crazy that you moved from New York. I would kill to live in New York." One girl said, twirling her hair.

"Well my dad got a new job." I said, my hands starting to shake ever so slightly. C'mon nerves, relax..

"What about your mom? Didn't she wanna stay there, instead of moving to this stupid little town?" Another asked.

"I really don't see how these are questions to get to know me." I said to the guy who went back to drinking his coffee. He shrugged. "Can I please sit down now, this is honestly idiotic."

"Yes, you can. Go take a seat by Mr. Fisher." He said, pointing over towards the window. I didn't know who was Mr. Fisher, until Sal waved me over.

"I tried to warn you." He said, "Not a fan of public speaking?" I shook my head and unzipped my bag.

"Mr. Fisher, please share your book until I can get one out for Miss (Y/L/N). It'll be probably tomorrow or Monday."

"Sure thing." Sal sad, sliding his book between the two of us. His book was wrapped in a brown bag and had doodles all over them and his name in scratched writing along the bottom. There was a cat in the corner and a guitar in the other. I pointed at the cat.

"Do you have a cat?" I asked, deciding to be nosey. "I love cats, but I can't have one cause my dad says he's allergic."

"Oh, yeah. I have an orange tiger stripe named Gizmo. He loves watching TV."

"That's so cool. My friend back home had a few and they're just so cute and cuddly."

"Maybe sometime you can come over and meet Giz. He loves attention." Sal said, opening the book to the page we were told.

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