(edited)Chapter 3

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After waking up I put on my gear until I heard a knock on the door

"Oh!" I said with surprise look

Looks like there's a new party member looking for an adventure! I open the door to let them in

"Whew! I finally made it!" She said a bit tired

"Sorry I'm late. I'm Frisk. I'm a Thief." Frisk said with a smile as I thought to myself, a Theif? that job will help us out for sure!

"I always do my best!" Frisk said with a voice full of determination as I nod with a smile

*Frisk joined your party!

We both cheer. I let Frisk room up with Papyrus as I was cleaning mine and Asriel's room, that made our bond grow to Sort of likes and now will lend a hand in battle, we all decided to help Frisk level up and check the Strange Groove as well. When we're traveling through the Strange groove we encountered Smileshrooms, at a point in battle Frisk started laughing for unknown reasons

"Ho Ho! It seems Frisk is acting strangely? It can take some time to get back to normal.If you want to speed up the process,use the safe spot. It will give you a small boost to HP and MP for free!you can use the Safe Spot during any turns, But... while someone's in the safe spot, you'll be one team member short. Make sure you consider that! Ho ho!" The guardian said before leaving

We place Frisk in the Safe spot to recover then the Smileshroom used it's ability to make Asriel start laughing too

"I have enough!" I said while attacking the last Smileshroom ending the battle.

We all got some Exp and Asriel and Frisk leveled up and learn some skills, Asriel learned Lighting while Frisk learned Booby Trap! We made it to and Inn

*Little time skip*

We had some good gear and the HP sprinkles upgraded so we went to go save Bowser's face, when we finally came across it

"Sakes alive!" He said before a Rocky Monster appeared we entered the battle

Asriel used his new skill to attack Rocky Bowser, we first had to get rid of the clouds before using all our skills to defeat the boss.

"What a waste of time!" Bowser said as his face was freed it returned back to Greenhorne town

After eating and resting we return to Strange Groove to save Yuri's face.

"Aiiieee!" Yuri screamed as her face appeared before us as well as mouse monster

We took out the mouse first before we too out the Smileshrooms. The monster disappears releasing Yuri's face

"So cool!" She said with a smile before heading back to Greenhorne town as we all cheered

"Let's head to Greenhorne town" I said as the others nods, once there we return Yuri's face

"So bright" She said and does a cheer as PewDiePie was smiling and clapping

"Look! It's back!" She said as PewDiePie nods

"It's all thanks to this adventurer" She thanked us as PewDiePie looks at me

"Thank you so much" He said before he handed us 3 game tickets before turning back to Yuri

"Looking good!" He said

"Much better!" Yuri said as I was confused again but then gave Bowser his face back to him

"What now" He said as his eyes widen

"Ah, Got my face back!" He said as he then shakes his head

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