Let Me

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POV: Catie

"Good job, baby." Kate kissed my cheek through one of the fence gaps after I lifted my helmet up.

"Thank you." I smile brightly. With it being my junior year, I'm catching every single game. We have a backup catcher, but she just warms the bench or plays first base when Haley doesn't want to overwork herself.

"You've got a shadow." Kate nodded her head to her side. My eyes followed her gesture and stopped on a little girl, no older than seven, who had her catcher's helmet in one hand and her catcher's mitt in the other. "It would make her day if you said hi to her."

"I will." I motioned for Kate to lean towards the fence again so I could kiss her before trotting back into the dugout. She still has the same seat that I made the deal for.

"You're up to bat, Catch." One of the assistant coaches tossed me my helmet and batting gloves after I got my gear off.

I nodded as I quickly put my gloves and slid my helmet on my head before grabbing my bat.

At the end of the game I jumped on top of the dugout and walked towards the stands before waving the little girl over. I had a silver sharpie in my back pocket in case she wanted me to sign anything.

"Hey kiddo, you're a catcher too?" I asked with a smile.

She nodded shyly. I looked over her shoulder to see, who I assume to be, her mother recording our interaction.

"What's your name?" I watched as she shyly shifted.

"Anna," she whispered.

"Well Anna, how about you let me take a picture with you? I can even sign some stuff for you." I smiled as her face lit up.

"Really?" Anna did her best to contain her excitement.

I nodded my head.

"Can you sign my helmet?" She nervously handed me her helmet.

I nodded with a smile. "Can I fix it for you while I'm at it?"

"Please, we don't know what's wrong with it but it hurts when it's on my head." Anna watched closely as I fixed her helmet. One of the back straps were twisted and looped through and clipped to the wrong thing.

"All better." I gave her a smile before signing her helmet and writing one of my favorite catching quotes on it that I came up with. "Here you go kiddo. I can take a quick picture with you, but then I gotta go do post-game stuff with my team."

We took a few pictures and her mom thanked me before I jumped back down onto the field to see my coaches looking at me with a smile. "This is why you help with the clinics."

"What can I say? I love kids." I shrugged.

We were given our review speech about the game and what we need to improve on and what we need to keep doing before letting us go shower and then head home after stretching one last time.

"You were so cute with the little girl today." Kate wrapped her arms around my neck once she met me at the apartment door after I walked in. It takes about two hours before I get to go back to the apartment after games.

"I love kids." I shrugged with a smile before pecking her lips once quickly. "I've got a shit ton of homework to do."

"I've done it already." Kate winked.

"Babe, I told you to stop doing that." I groaned.

"Yes, but since when have I ever listened to you?" She tilted her head to the side slightly.

"Never," I chuckled.

"Exactly, but the main reason as to why I did it is because I want cuddles, chocolate, and to watch a movie in the dark with you." She pulled me into a hug and pressed her ear over my heart.

I knew once she mentioned chocolate that she was on her period. Fucking hell. She only eats chocolate when she's on her period. I on the other hand no longer get my period. Apparently something ruptured and they just went ahead and did something and now I cannot have kids and whatnot, which I'm okay with since I never wanted something to pop out of my vagina.

Without further instruction I set everything up for her. "Put a horror movie on. I'm in the mood for a good one." Kate plopped onto the couch after I set it up as a mini bed. It's kinda like a futon, but not really.

I nodded and soon enough I had everything set up.

My phone buzzing scared the shit out of me. I'm easily startled when it's dark after everything. Don't judge me.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Andy got in a wreak on his way to a date." My mom rushed out as soon as she heard my voice.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, the statements not sinking in yet.

"Andy got hit by a semi truck head on and it doesn't look like he is going to make it, and if he does he will be paralyzed." My mom was sobbing.

"No no, Andy doesn't die. He proved that to us." I shook my head.

"Catie, you're in shock. Get in your car and get over here. I need you here. I need someone strong, and right now your dad is in Europe for business so I am by myself." My mom did her best to speak clearly for me as I stood frozen on the spot.

"I-, I'll be there soon." I hung up the phone and quickly grabbed my keys. "Andy got hit by a semi and he is in the hospital. Do you want to come with or just stay and watch movies?" I asked Kate as I shakily slid my softball sweatshirt over my head.

"I'm coming with you." Kate quickly got up off the couch and stole one of my sweatshirts as she put her shoes on beside me.

My hands were shaking too much for me to lace up my shoes.

"Babe, let me do it." Kate quickly finished tying her shoes and then kneeled down in front of me before trying each shoe. "I'm not letting you drive in this state. Give me the keys." She held her hand out, and I didn't have it in me to protest so I just handed them over.

I was frozen. I couldn't move, and I could barely breathe.

Kate snapped me out of my never ending thoughts by pressing her lips to mine. "Let's go baby. Your mom needs you."

I nodded my head as I followed Kate out the door.

She opened my car door for me and made sure I got in okay before getting in and starting the car.

My shaking hands made it impossible for me to get my seatbelt on, and Kate noticed so she just clicked it in for me before backing out of the parking space and rushing to the hospital.

I can't lose him again.

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