Y/n dropped the phone down looking at Demon killing the last Inmate.

Demon: Well, where's this computer?

Y/n: All of the information is with Taylor at Rainbow.

Demon: There should be another place where every name is stored.

Y/n: The guard station has a computer but I cut the cords when they were getting me out.

Demon: Why did you do that?

Y/n: Would you take a guy that's been charged with killing his own teammates back with you?

Demon: I wouldn't break you out even if they paid me to.

Y/n: I hate you. Do you know that?

Demon: Like I give a fuck.

They walked out of the room stepping over dead White Masks and Inmates. They walked into the guard station where Y/n killed the power.

Y/n: I cut those wires right there.

Demon reached over trying to fix it as Y/n sat in the chair.

Demon: Try it now.

Y/n began hitting the power button.

Y/n: No.

Demon: Now?

Y/n: No.

Demon: This fucking piece of shit. Now!

Y/n: No.

Demon: Are you just being a cunt and lying to me?

Y/n: Would I do that?

He got up seeing Y/n smirking as the computer began to start.

Demon: I will kill you.

Y/n: Whatever. I found the file for the names now gives me the thing to put it on.

Demon: I told you to grab it.

Y/n: I told you I didn't know what it looked like.

Demon: We just came all this way and you didn't bring the one fucking thing we need.

Y/n: I'll call Emma.

Demon: Unfucking believable!

Y/n: Shut up! Hey, Emma....yeah....yeah...I know...I'll send it to you now....thank you bye. Hey, fuck stick she was already on her way here so fuck you.

Demon: Shut the fuck up and get in the car we are leaving.

(Rainbow base)

Thatcher was sitting in his chair reading a book when he noticed a red dot move around his room. He picked up his knife of the table as he got up to the door.

Thatcher: I swear I'm going to fucking kill, you Bandit.

He walked out and was greeted by the last person he expected a White Mask. He stabbed him through the mask as he fired into the wall. Thatcher fell down as another White Mask walked from behind him shooting him. He turned around firing his pistol killing the shooter. He looked back as a door opened.

Mira: Who the hell is shooting at my God damn... Thatcher?

Thatcher: Get a gun we are under attack.

Taylor(intercom): Now Thatcher, you aren't treating our guests very nicely.

Mira ran over pulling the alarm.

Taylor: You hear that? It's not working. Don't bother trying to call, they don't work either. Have fun Rainbow, I have a grave for all of you.

Thatcher: Fucking hell, where is everyone else?

Virtue Of The Vicious (reader x Rainbow 6 Seige)Where stories live. Discover now