D u a l i t y 1.2

67 6 1

continued from previous part...

d e x t e r ' s p o v ;

she began holding up her head and I suddenly have an urge to help her. i go over to her and lead her to the bed and she sits down while I just stand with my hands by my side.

"h-how do you know me?"

"well, i--from the hotel."

"the hotel? oh i guess i never noticed. lately I've been-"

"i know. i've noticed and --"

"oh and what?"

"no, not what, who."

"then who?"

"your husband, james."

"what a--how do you--what's he got to do with this?!"

"everything." i spoke calmly.

"everything? what of it?"

"well, most of all, why you're here."

"okay, why am i here?"

"you were alone, sad, unloved and i've filled that void.

i crossed my arms feeling slightly concerned about her body language that changes. she glanced up and then rose up from the bed. i backed away a bit and crinkled my forehead because i now know something has upset her.

did i say something wrong?

"who--what? i wasn't and am not unloved. how could you say that to me?!"

"because your husband obviously doesn't love you."

i suddenly feel a sting on my left cheek that has already began to burn. she has struck me without any notice; for someone so beautiful, she sure has an ugly side. with butterflies i had never had this kind of encounter. my face had turned slightly to the right but i caught myself quick. now glancing back at jenni's face, her forehead wrinkled.

is she angry with me?

suddenly her eyes begin to form water and she tenses up and she comes at me. now her once delicate and limp arms, were now coming towards me fists and furious. she began pounding on my chest like a tempered child.

although i had never experienced this before, in order for me to contain this situation i thought like my collective self; instead of using my jar, i'd used my hands and only them. before she had a chance to hit me again, i grab her wrists, but she kept fighting. i then try to hold back her forearms and i manage to hold back her shoulders but she insists on reaching for me still. this is harder than I imagined, dealing with a human, but I have to some how learn how to deal.

for my last capture, i put my arms around her back and she finally succumbs to my holding of her; she sank her head onto my shoulder then my chest. her body was now trembling and her hands are balled up but folded and pressed against me; giving me a very warm reception. it gave me the feeling of affection and the very feeling i get in my stomach is the same tingling feeling that's building up in my heart and it was surprisingly peaceful.

j e n n i ' s p o v ;

as far as i can see, i am a victim of a kidnapping; but i feel that's what i've been hoping for these past few months. this might sound crazy but i feel someone has found after i had lost myself completely. he was in fact correct, i was lonely; i just didn't want it said to me in such a manner. just realizing now my husband might've loved and his leaving makes me emotional and angry. that to me spells alone and unloved.

he had taken my heart and left it in that note, therefore i knew he couldn't have truly loved me. i guess sometimes leaving is the best love you could leave with someone especially if they feel that's what's best. but should it hurt this much?

i just wish we could've worked harder to reconcile through our difficult loss. now that i've seen this man's eyes and his heart i knew that we both needed each other. not only has he captured me but he has captured my heart.

i probably looked like some raving lunatic even though he didn't seem bothered, he still was able to get a hold of me before i did anymore damage. the way he held onto me seemed a little odd because the moment before it was as if he was unequipped to know to hug me back. but currently he was making up for that somehow and i didn't want to let go.

he was much taller than me so he was bent down some just to actually get a a hold of me which i found pretty amazing. james was also tall statured as well and i had missed his hugs but after that had stopped i didn't know what it felt like anymore, until now. the hug had lasted just a moment, as that's all i needed, and after so long he was feeling my emptiness.

i felt the hug coming to an end when i heard dexter clear his throat, which vibrates in my ear. i still just hang on a little while longer because he just makes me feel so loved.

"um, jennifer?" he asks calmly.


"are you okay?"


after that response he then removes his arms from around me and back to his sides. therefore i had to remove my hands but before i do i listen to his heart, that's beating exemplary. i remember while i was in my 'deep sleep' i heard that same thumping echoing in my ear and now it makes sense; as if he were tarzan and i was jane. i push off of him and notice on his shirt that there's wet ring on the right side of his dress shirt.

"forgive me?" i stated and he looked confused.

"for what?"

i pointed to his shirt and he glances down and he merely smirks.

"no, it's my fault. forgive me because i had upset you."

"it wasn't your fault at all. it's just i just overreact a lot. so i suppose you must hate me now?"

"no, why would i?"

"i behave like fool then a damsel in distress and you still comfort me?"

"i don't think--aren't i supposed to?"

"oh, never mind. now you have full advantage over me, right?"

"n-no, why that's - i'm not the monster you may suspect."

i noticed him tense up at the thought of what i had stated.

"then who are--" i say emotionally confused and i begto sob again.

"please don't speak," he said as he had stepped closer to me putting his hand over my mouth. "just stay very still."



well this may seem a bit long and it is lol but i wanted to be done with this scene so there ya go. and yes this is turning into somethin but i'm not gonna make it about murder or anything like i planned but nonetheless it'll still be good. thanks for reading. :)


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