M y Me m o i r ◾ need editing

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d e x t e r 's p o v ;

flashback before 'duality'

just flashing back right after the capture is what I'll never forget; it's already a memory stuck inside my mind. i finally have my collection complete. the capture was so easy and quick; i have her in my jar, so to speak; she is mine forever. i drove away, leaving her car unattended, and no witnesses i hope. once at a stop light i glanced behind me where she was lying so peaceful like she was dreaming, because she smiled in her sleep; i thought that was lovely. she finally seemed happy and so was i; she was the remedy i needed.

when arriving to the cabin, the snow had filled up quite a bit in the time frame i had gone, so i know it's freezing inside. i got out of the van, slid open the door, quietly so i wouldn't wake her. she really did look lovely, like she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of a happier place; gladly for me this isn't a dream.

i picked her up in my arms gently as she's so delicate and carry her into the cabin, that's freezing like i imagined. i continue to carry her upstairs where i had prepared her room; she still hadn't moved or flinch but she was still smiling. the room was slightly dark because the sun hadn't came out yet, so i thought i'd light the fire to help warm up the room.

after i put her on the bed quickly, she lied down on her side towards me like a child, so innocent, and so fragile; i couldn't help but gaze at her. I wondered what touching her face would do to me. would it create those butterflies, that would eventually escape me? i didn't mind the feeling, but i did mind that they'd go away and only come naturally. is this what a normal person feels?

i'm not sure, because i've never really shown affection except for the beauty that is butterflies. when catching a butterfly it can be difficult and you have to be careful especially holding them. although they're pretty and you may want to pet them, it can be extremely dangerous for them in the end. that's why with jennifer i wanted to be careful in case she'd get broken in anyway. momentarily breaking free of my thoughts and going with my stomach, that made me want to know the feel of her face as opposed to the feel of butterflies; i'm gonna be real careful and gentle.

while bending down towards her face and looking down at her sideways, i listened to her breathing; she was sound asleep. i bring my hand out towards her slowly as if i were touching a butterfly, and gently caress her right cheek with the back of my hand; i suddenly feel my stomach get very tingly and the butterflies emerge; i love the feeling but dislike how it comes and goes. her face is soft and warm almost like a baby, and suddenly from my touch, a smile crept upon her lips. that made me curious of how her lips felt.

i can't believe how curious a human makes me feel unlike a simple butterfly. as i began to wonder further she moved her lips and said the name, "james." then i stopped and she just fell soundly back to sleep, so i began to go start the fire; which has heated up quite nicely. i decided i'd re-visit again later after i get some rest as all these happenings has gotten me tired and my mind boggled. i left out of the room quietly and retreat downstairs to lay on the couch to recuperate from this excitement.



/ 8.22

sorry i have no poem for this part or previous parts, but i can add it later if anyone wants me to :) but really i had so much for the previous scenes that I made them into two parts and plus i've decided to not make the story how i planned, but just wait and read i'm sure you'll enjoy it. thanks for reading!!

hey who can tell me how many chapters this should be? even though i think i have the rest of this planned out.

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