The Date

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HERE IT IS!! Snowed In Part Two, The Date :) Seeing has how so many of you wanted an other part I just couldn't say no.


Clothes where strun around Zayn's room in a unsightly manner. "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" Zayn yelled putting his head in his hands and growing. "Why don't you just where you're blue and white varsity jacket with a white v-neck with some gray'ish chinnos, I'm sure Liam will love it." Doniya says popping her head inside Zayn's messy room with a small smile on her beautiful face. Zayn gives her a glance before getting up off his bed and throwing his blue varsity and a white v-neck on his night stand before look for some gray chinos. Once Zayn is dressed and standing in front of his mirror fixing his hair, Doniya quietly sitting on his bed. Doniya was really the only one who knew he was going out with Liam tonight. Zayn's hair was finally quifted up and he stared at himself for a few moments. "Well, don't you look good tonight." Doniya says softly before turning Zayn around and fixing his varsity jacket just slightly. "Go have fun." She says before pushing his out his bedroom door and watching him walk down the stairs to the front door. The drive to Liam's house was pretty short and Zayn couldn't help that his hands started to shake when he stood in front of Liam's door about to knock. Zayn takes a deep breath before knocking and taking a step back  to not seem rude standing right in front on the door. The door opens slowly to revile a pretty girl with medium length blond hair and a soft smile "You must be Zayn. I'm Ruth" She says before opening the door all the way and letting Zayn inside. "Liam just taking to our mum, he'll be out in a minute." Ruth says softly before leading Zayn to what looks like the front room. "So, Zayn tell me about you're self, what do you want to be when you get out of high school?" Ruth asks, taking a seat in one of the chairs leaving the couch to Zayn. "Um, well I hope to go to art school." Zayn confesses softly, a small blush on his tanned cheeks. "Ruth who was at the door?" Liam's voice calls out from the hall way, Zayn's head snaps up just as Liam enters the warm looking living room. "Oh, Zayn you're finally here." Liam says softly before heading over to greet Zayn with a soft hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah." Zayn replies softly before looking at the ground. Liam smiles softly at Zayn before turning Ruth "Well I should be back before eleven." Liam says smiling brightly at her, Ruth rolls her eyes at her little brother. Ruth walks them to the door and goes to wave them off as they walk down the path but choose to yell out to them "HAVE FUN AND USE PROTECTION IF YOU HAVE SEX!" She screams out to the two horrid and blushing boys. Liam turns to Zayn his eyes wide and a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I'm sorry about her, she was dropped on her head as a baby." Liam says, Zayn laughs and hands Liam a helmet. "Wheres your car?" Liam asks finally realizing that Zayn was on a motorbike. Zayn laughs softly "Well, the doors got a lot of damage from the ice and Mr. Simpson prying open the door to get us out..." Zayn says trailing off and shrugging, Liam smiles and takes a helmet and placing it on his head. Zayn slips his on as well before hopping on and starting up his Suzuki and reeving it just a little for Liam who is now wrapped out him, his head lying softly on Zayn's back. "Ready?" Zayn ask, Liam give his a soft nod and they shot off down the street into the night.


"Hello my names, Channing and I'll be your waiter this evening. Can I start you guys off on some drinks?" Channing asks eyeing Liam, making Zayn chuckle as Liam was only staring at Zayn. "Um yeah, I'll have coke." Zayn says smiling softly at Channing before he turns to Liam still eyeing Liam. "Same." Liam says smiling softly at Zayn, Zayn rolls his eyes at him. Once Channing is out of sight Zayn laughs "He was so checking you out." Zayn says, chuckling "Nu ah, he was checking you out!" Liam says giggling at Zayn face expression which was a raised eye brow "Nope, he was totally into you." Zayn says, jealously starting to feel the pit of his stumick at the thought of Liam and Channing getting together instead of Liam and him. "Well I'm not on a date with him now am I?" Liam asks, taking Zayn's hand in his and rubbing his thumb across Zayn's. A soft smile plays out on Zayn's lips and Liam can't help but feel the need to kiss thoughts lips. "Alright here are you're drinks." Channing says placing them on the table and pulling out his little note pad. "Are we ready to order?" He asks now eyeing Zayn and ignoring Liam "You order first babe." Zayn says looking down at his menu for something good. "Hmm alright how about the steak with the baked-potato." Liam says shutting his menu and handing it to Channing "How do you like you're steak?" Channing asks look bored already "Well done." Liam replies before giving his a smile, Channing turns to Zayn his face lighting up just a little "The same for me." Zayn says, and hands his menu over to the boy their hands brushing just slightly but Zayn pays no attention to it, his attention all focused on Liam and how great he looks in his blue plaid button up. "You know I just realized we match." Zayn says chuckling at the way Liam looks down and then looks at Zayns out-fit. "So it may seem." He says chuckling softly, it goes quite but neither of the boys mind the silents. Its comfortable, not forced and neither Liam or Zayn feel the need to break it. Finally it's Zayn who breaks the silents after a few minutes of just shamelessly ogling each other. "What are you doing after high school?" Liam is takin back by this just slightly but answer right on beet. "I'm going to go to Uni for music technology, what about you?" Liam asks genially interested as to where the Bradford boy was going after high school. "Well I was hoping to Uni for Art." Zayn says looking down a slight blush covering his cheeks. All his life Zayn was told many times by his teachers and family -with the exception of his mother and sisters- that Art was a silly thing to go to Uni for and he should become a doctor like his father or lawyer like his uncle not a silly artist. "That sounds wonder full, are you applying to the University of London?" Liam asks a sparkle in his eye, Zayn smiles softly at Liam. "I've applied but they only take about one hundred applicants for Art a year.." Zayn says softly already know he wont get in. "I bett you are good at art." Liam says softly, Zayn shakes his head " I don't think so." Zayn says softly looking down at his napkin. "Draw me something?" Liam ask suddenly making Zayn look up at him. "I dunno Li." Zayn says using the nickname that he just though of. Liam grins at him "Please." He asks and Zayn just can't say no to him so he pull out a pen he always has hidden in his jacket pocket and starts to draw. Five minutes pass and finally Zayn looks up, his eyes meeting Liam's over the table. "It's not that good." Zayn says before handing Liam over the napkin, on the napkin is a small drawing of there waiter Channing holding a note pad with a little caption bubble saying 'Can I take you're order?' "Oh its beautiful, you have a talent Zayn." Liam says still staring at the little drawing. "Will you sigh it?" Liam asks, handing the napkin back to Zayn. Zayn nods before writing his name in the left hand coroner and hands it back to Liam. "Let me see you're pen." Liam says, Zayn hands it over and Liam starts to wright sometime on it. Once Liam is done he hands both the napkin and pen back over to Zayn. At the bottom on the napkin it reads, 'Zayn and Liam, Dec 12, 2012 at Nandos, 7:37 p.m. First date.' "Are you saying there will be other dates?" Zayn asks a small smirk playing out on his lips, Liam blushes softly "I hope so..." He whispers thinking Zayn wouldn't here him "I'd be happy to take you on another date."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2012 ⏰

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