A shoulder to cry on

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Requested by Kiibo_The_Cute_Robot Who wanted Kiibo getting beat up and the comforted by Kokichi.

"Well well well... If it isn't the nerd." Kiibo heard from behind him.
"Here we go again..." He thought as he turned around to see one of the many boys that made his school life hell.

"Hello. What brings you here?" Kiibo asked politely.
"Maybe if I'm polite enough, they'll let me go early." He thought, even though he knew it wouldn't be that way.

"You owe us. Remember?" The taller boy snarled.
Kiibo chuckled awkwardly. "How could I forget when you remind me everyday?" He knew what was coming next, and he didn't like it. "I should have never asked for their help..."

Kiibo felt himself tense up as he punched in the gut, being warned about smart assing the one who just punched him.
It was like this ever since he asked these students to help show him around when he was new. The payment was to be their personal punching bag.

He straightened himself back up, only to get kicked in the leg, making him topple over.

The actions continued until he was all but covered in bruises.

"That 'aughta teach him to talk back." The ring leader of the bullies sneered before walking away.

Kiibo slowly got up, holding his nose to keep it from bleeding everywhere. He felt like crying, but he wouldn't allow himself to just yet. He'll cry when he gets home and lies down in bed.
Just like every night.

The walk home was less than exciting, but he had managed to clean himself up, so he didn't look like a total train wreck.

What he didn't expect to see when he got home was his boyfriend of 2 months, Kokichi Ouma, sitting on his couch, glaring at him. "What did they do this time?" He asked sharply.

Kiibo froze. "Wh-Who? I don't know what you're insinuating. I just had a really clutzy walk home, that's all." He lied, not wanting to get Kokichi involved in his problems.
"I'm not an idiot Kiibo. Don't lie." Kokichi stated coldly. "Tell me the truth."

The beaten up boy bit his lip before walking over to the couch and sat next to his boyfriend. "They beat me up again..." He mumbled, tears threatening to spill.
Kokichi pursed his lips into a line before gently holding Kiibo close to him. "I'm so sorry Kiibo... I hate seeing you hurt..." He whispered, refusing to let him go.

Kiibo felt his heart ache, hot tears rolled down his face as he sobbed into his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Cry as much as you need. I'll be here for you. I promise." He heard Kokichi whisper as he tried soothing him.

"Th-Tha-thank... Y-yo-you..." Kiibo barely managed to get out through his sobs.
"Of course." Kokichi pressed a small kiss to his cheek before holding him close again. "I love you."

Kiibo couldn't explain how or why, but he felt safe in crying into Kokichi's arms.

The next morning, Kiibo's usual band of bullies started avoiding him like the plague, and showed signed of extreme fear whenever he was close with his boyfriend.

Kiibo leaned to Kokichi and whispered a "Thank you." To which Kokichi would whisper back "You're welcome."

How was that for a fic?
... No seriously, I'm asking.
Sorry if this was too short, but I ran out of ideas 5 minites into writing this... Sorry...

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