Valentine's day sucks... kinda...

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Here's the Valentine's day special no one asked for!
Enjoy! And Happy Valentine's day! <3

This sucks! A bitter Kokichi thought, looking at all the colorful hearts that adorned the walls of the school.

To him, Valentine's day was the same. For the past 10 years, Kokichi would get an anonymous Valentine of flowers, chocolates, and a card. His bullies would take them before he could even open the card to see what was inside. And he left for home broken hearted as all joy left his body.

So, yeah, Kokichi pretty much loathed the holiday.

He walked into class expecting the usual of a small bouquet of flowers with a heart shaped box of chocolate and an eye catching card that had been left for him, but was surprised to see that nothing was there.

Maybe they finally decided to give up on me and find someone else to be their Valentine... Kokichi sighed and sat down in his desk, twirling his pencil around, waiting for the dreaded day to be over.

He would have been completely gloomy if someone next to him didn't keep poking his arm with a ruler. Kokichi looked to his left to see the one and only Tetsuya "Kiibo" Iidabashi, his best friend since babyhood.

"What do you want Tetsuya?" Kokichi really wasn't in the mood for conversations. "What's wrong? You never call me by my first name? That and your sulking is starting to freak me out." He asked in a concerned voice.

Kokichi let out another sigh. "It's just this stupid Lovey-Dovey day... Every year I would get something that would make me smile and then the same group of jerks would take it and leave me with just a broken heart... Sad thing is I was excited to see the same group of items today... Guess they gave up..."

Kiibo reached up to pat the heartbroken boy's back. "Hey, if it makes you feel better, I saw someone put a card in your locker." Kokichi sat up and put on a small smile. "I hope you're right." "But I'm not right, I'm Kiibo, remember?" Kiibo said in his best naive tone.

Kiibo wouldn't admit it, but it made him feel warm inside hearing the laughter from his best friend's mouth.

As soon as class was over, Kokichi made his way to his locker and entered his combination as fast as possible. He had to see if Kiibo's words were true.

He swung the door open, and low and behold, there was a small, pale pink envelope. It had a small red heart in the middle, and the writing on the back had said, "To my one true Valentine" in big fancy looking letters.

A smile had broken on to Kokichi's previously glum features. He just couldn't wait to see what was written inside, and opened the letter up.

"To my one true Valentine, I've been waiting for years to tell you how I feel, but not once have I receive a reply. I've seen for the past 10 years, how my cards ended up in the trash, but never once were they opened, and never once have I seen you with a smile on your beautiful face on this day of love. I didn't want you to get hurt again like you have the past Valentine's day. So I wish to give you your gifts in person this time, and finally tell you how much I love you. Meet me at the school roof at lunch time.
Yours sincerely, your secret admirer."

Kokichi felt close to tears reading and rereading the letter over. He held the letter close to his chest and checked the time.

11:30 I still have enough time to meet them, but I'm gonna need to hurry. He thought running his way up the stairs.

When Kokichi opened the door to the roof he was surprised to see it empty except for a rather large Teddy bear holding a huge plush heart. "H-hey... Is anyone up here?" He asked, uncertainty in his voice. "H-hey Kokichi, you finally got to read my letter!"

Kokichi knew that voice anywhere. "Kiibo! You're the one who kept leaving me those Valentines?" He exclaimed in shock. Kiibo slowly made his way out from behind the gigantic stuffed bear, both hands behind his back. "Hehe... Surprise!"

Kiibo now stood in front of Kokichi, arms extend with a bouquet of pink roses and a large box of chocolates. "Happy Valentine's day!" Kokichi's vision blurred, and before he knew it, tears came out of his eyes.

Kokichi wiped away the tears and took the gifts from Kiibo's hands. "Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything..." Kiibo chuckled. "It's okay Kokichi, just the fact that you came up here is all I needed." Kokichi moved closer to Kiibo, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Happy Valentine's day Kiibo!" Kokichi said as he pulled away. Kiibo couldn't help but blush at the bold action.

"Ah! We should really get some lunch!" Kiibo said while looking at his watch, and made his way to pick up the stuffed bear.

"Hey Kiibo... Thank you, this is the best Valentine's day ever." Kokichi said, holding the roses to his chest. "Say... Are we dating now?"

Kiibo laughed and placed a kiss on Kokichi's cheek. "I don't see why not."

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! Raise your hand if you're a lonely single person today! *raises own hand* :'D
Sorry for not being as active, please accept this obligatory Valentine's day fix as an apology!

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