Part 1 (Facts 1-20)

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1. Evan had a map up on his wall of all the best hiking trails in the country. He dreams of going on all of them someday. His list includes Precipice Trail in Maine, Angel's Landing in Utah, Kalalau Trail in Hawaii, Harding Icefield in Alaska, and the West Maroon Trail in Colorado.

2. Evan once clicked on a video for "how to make friends" and didn't realize until the very end that he was watching a car commercial.

3. Evan's thoughts are actually often sarcastic and snarky. (He has more in common with Connor than you'd think; you'll see as the list goes on.)

4. Evan eats a Sunbutter and jelly sandwich every school day for lunch.

5. Jared says he hooked up with an Israeli model at summer camp, and obviously he was lying.

6. Connor actually does turn into a ghost after his death; however he can't interact with anyone (obviously), so we assume the "Connor" Evan talks to during the musical is a figment of his imagination, however, Connor does follow Evan around over the course of the book, and Evan is almost peripherally aware of his presence.

7. Connor used to own a Subaru, but he crashed it into a tree. He told his dad that he swerved to avoid a deer, but really he did it on purpose as a spur-of-the-moment suicide attempt. He survived.

8. Connor refers to his parents by their first names (but not to their faces because they hate it and he'll get in trouble).

9. Evan went to Connor's wake, against his and Jared's better judgement. There were quite a few people there - not a lot, but more than you'd expect. No one from school was there, though.

10. Mrs. Gorblinski, the teacher that Connor "threw" a printer at in first grade, actually liked Connor and attended his wake. You see, the rumor has only some truth to it. Connor was supposed to be the line leader that day, but Mrs. G made a mistake. When he tried to correct her politely, she cut in and refused to listen. Connor's anxiety kicked in and he swiped the printer off the desk. After that, Mrs. G put Connor as the line leader and gave him a notepad. If he ever had a question/problem, he could write it down, ball up the paper, put it in a jar on her desk, and she'd get to it as soon as possible. She was very patient with him and really listened to him.

11. Zoe's hair is blonde, but has natural highlights of red and brown in it.

12. Evan's real name is Mark - Evan is only his middle name. He doesn't like his first name because it's also his dad's first name. His initials spell MEH, which he claims is the reaction he gets from society at large. (Poor bab)

13. Evan is a Pisces.

14. Eva takes Lexapro and Ativan for his anxiety.

15. Heidi is really into horoscopes, inspirational quotes, arena rock, and Bruce Springsteen.

16. Jared and Evan are actually in a public gym when writing the fake emails in "Sincerely, Me."

17. Connor never hit his sister. In fact, he actually always loved her. They played together often as children, but they grew apart and began to resent each other over the years.

18. Zoe likes to sing and write songs, on top of playing the guitar. She performs gigs sometimes at the Capitol Café.

19. When no one came for Evan after he broke his arm, he got up and found his boss, Ranger Gus, to take him to the hospital. He told him he was in the tree because there was a dog loose in the park and he couldn't catch it so he climbed up there to see if he could spot it. (Obviously, this is a lie.)

20. Jared is Jewish.

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