Chapter 18

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I tied Delilah to a tree and walked over to Malachi who was waiting for me.

"I hope it was no problem coming here," I didn't want him to get into any trouble.

"No! No! It's fine. My parents let me go anywhere. I just hope your parents are okay with you being out here," I knew he wasn't trying to hurt me by saying this, but it still hurt.

Tears filled my eyes and he closed the distance between us and pulled me into his arms for a hug.

After I had settled down, I led him to the top of the slide. We sat in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry if I upset you," he apologized.

"It wasn't your fault," I breathed in deeply before beginning my explanation, "when I was born my father left after making sure my mother was in good hands. My mother left the second she was released from the hospital."

"I'm so sorry, Americus. I didn't know."

"That's not the worst of it," I looked up into his blue speckled eyes, "my mother showed up at my foster home today to tell me my father had died in an accident."

He moved to sit beside me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he spoke to me after a little bit, "Americus?"


"Wanna race me down the slide."

I smiled wickedly back as he grinned at me. I jumped up and ran down to the slide. We both sat down and laughed as we slid down the curls of the slide. When we reached the bottom we both gripped our stomachs as we laughed.

"Why do you like this place? It's an old park in the middle of nowhere," I was shocked at his sudden question.

"It uh... is where I go when I'm sad and need comfort."

"But why? It's just an ordinary park that no one seems to go to anymore," he looked around at the broken swings and mud and rotted wood.

"It's more than just a park. It wasn't always this run down, but it was like a special place for me to go. One of my old friends brought me here, she showed me not to trust people because they break you which is why I always end up here," by now my voice was breaking as I had to try harder to not cry.

"We should go," I said turning to get Delilah.

It was a silent walk back. As we reached my house I could tell Malachi was getting more nervous.

"You can go home if you'd like," I offered him.

"I just want to make sure you get home safely."

I walked to the door and turned to him, "Malachi, you never did say how old you were?"

I meant it as a question, but he dismissed it, "You Americus never told me your last name?"

Being the kid I was I said, "Tell me your last name and age and I will tell you mine."

He smiled, "I already know how old you are. You're eleven."

"So I want to know."

"Fine. I'm twelve and my last name is James."

"Alright goodbye," I playfully turned around to leave.

"Hey, you never told me your last name!" his smile reached his eyes as I turned back around.

"Americus. Americus Beacon," I put my hand between us for him to shake.

He laughed and shook it. I smiled as he bounded down the road.

When I walked into the house I expected to find David and Meghan, but instead, I found a note that read:


We went to the store. If we are not back in time you know where the pizza rolls are. Think about what we said. Hope you're okay.


D & M

I walked into the kitchen to get some pizza rolls going. It was already five and my stomach was yelling at me for skipping lunch.

Once they were in the toaster oven, I made my way to the living room and laid down beside Delilah how had set up camp on the couch.

I rested my head on her back and let the day play throughout my head from Meghan picking me up to my mother's appearance to my time with Malachi.

Simultaneously, the toaster oven and the doorbell rang. Delilah barked as I scrambled to the kitchen and turned the oven off quickly and stumbled my way to the door. I unlocked it and opened it to find a piece of paper taped to the handle.

I picked it up and read in a not so neat handwriting:

Hey. I know we just saw each other, but I wanted to say I had fun. I don't go to public school, so I won't see you there, but I hope we run into each other again sometime. See you around.


I smiled still standing on the porch. A smell wafted from inside and it made my stomach growl in anticipation. I put the letter in my pocket and looked around for any sight of him when I came up empty I decided it was time to eat.

David and Meghan came home a couple minutes later while I was savoring my pizza rolls.

They had piles and piles of groceries as they made their way into the kitchen.

I jumped up and hugged David as he emptied his arms. After his embrace, I moved to Meghan and gave her one too.

"I'm guessing you're good now," David smiled with a laugh.

I nodded and cleaned up my dishes.

We put everything away and I got a shower washing off the place where Malachi's hand had brushed my arm.

I put on my sweatshirt and shorts as my pajamas and made my way to my bed where Delilah was already waiting to anticipate our bedtime. I climbed in beside her and wrapped my arm around her.

As I closed my eyes I whispered a silent prayer:

Thank you for the experiences you gave me. I hope I get to meet my father someday. Amen.

I felt David plant a kiss on my forehead a couple minutes later. I plastered a smile across my face as I drifted to sleep.

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