Chapter 11

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~Americus's present~ Delilah

"Um...David aren't you going to invite her in?" I questioned. 

He moved out of the way. Meghan slowly stepped inside. Her beautiful red dress almost reached her knees, her hair flowed with luscious curls, her face glowed, and her eyes glinted.

"Meghan. You... uh... look beautiful," David stuttered before looking at the ground embarrassed by the way he had acted. 

"Thank you," she blushed.

"Meghan, guess what David got me for Christmas," I said as the excitement filled me.

"Oh shoot. I left the gifts in the car," she remembered. 

"I can get them while Americus shows you her presents," offered David.

She smiled as I led her into the living room where Delilah was asleep on the couch.

"Oh my! He got you a puppy," Delilah lazily raised her head and wagged her tail.

"Yeah, and her name is Delilah." 

The blood in Meghan's faced drained. I was happy about the name I had chosen, but clearly, neither of them were.

"Americus, how did you get that name? Did you see it somewhere?" she questioned me.

"I just came up with it," tears filled my eyes.

"Awe. Don't cry. It's a good name," she bent down and pat Delilah. 

I wiped my eyes and decided to move onto the next gift. 

"Do you see my necklace?" I held it out for her to see. 

She smiled at me. A couple of seconds later David entered the room. 

In his hands, he held two decent sized boxes. 

"Which one's for me?" I jumped up.

"Americus, is that the way to act?" scolded David.

"No, it's alright. The one in his left hand is yours," she urged me to go.

David handed it to me and I sat on the floor to open it. I tore the wrapping paper off then stared in awe at the gift. 

Inside was a box filled with art supplies and a stuffed animal with a name tag that read, Benji.

I smiled and jumped up and gave her a hug.

The oven timer beeped and David hopped up, "We better get ready to eat. It will be done in a couple of minutes."

We all walked into the kitchen. While David handled the food, Meghan handed me plates and silverware to set the table. She grabbed three napkins and folded them into little hearts. 

We sat down and waited as David laid the ham, corn, homemade bread, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and my favorite stuffing. Meghan and I stared in awe as the delicious smells filled our noses. 

Before David seated himself he went and grabbed the iced tea. He sat down and smiled at his work. 

"It all smells and looks very good, Dave," Meghan commented. 

"Thank you." 

I reached down and smoothed the dress I had put on only minutes before Meghan pulled in. David looked handsome in his dress shirt and pants. 

We all grabbed hands, closed our eyes, and bowed our heads. David was about to pray when I interrupted.

"God. I thank you for this food that David has spent all day making. I thank you for the pancakes and bacon he made me for breakfast. We also thank you for allowing David to ask Meghan to join us for dinner. Bless our bodies and the hands that have prepared this meal. We love you. Amen."

I raised my head to find both David and Meghan staring at me. I ignored their looks and started getting my meal. 

"Could you pass the stuffing?" I asked. 

Slowly, David handed over the stuffing and they started loading their own plates. My plate had two slices of ham, a piece of homemade bread, mashed potatoes and stuffing. I added a little bit of salt and then dug into my divine meal. 

I stuffed my face until my stomach could hold no more. I waited as they finished their meals too. We sat there and talked about the usual things. 

Then, David stood up and walked to the fridge and pulled out a big tray of homemade Christmas cookies.

I had almost forgotten about decorating those last night. I decided that my stomach had room for one cookie. After devouring my cookie, I slowly slinked out of the kitchen to let them talk.

I entered the living room and headed straight for Delilah. She wagged her tail as I sat beside her. She jumped up and licked my face just like Benji would do when I was sad. I laughed as I dug my nose into her fur. 

"You would've loved Benji," I whispered into her fur. I breathed in her scent before releasing the hug. 

I could hear the floor creak behind me and turned to see David and Meghan standing there watching me. 

"Americus, is it okay if we turn a movie on," David asked.

"That's fine. What movie?" I wondered.

"The Grinch?" Meghan offered.

David set the tv up before positioning himself between Meghan and I. The movie started and I watched as the story unfolded of the Grinch's shrunken heart. 

Sometime during the movie, I laid my head on David's lap and fell asleep. 

I could hear David talking about me, but I was delirious from exhaustion that I couldn't make out what he was saying. 

I could feel him picking me up and carrying me to my room, where he set me down on the bed and covered me in a blanket.

 I felt something warm press up against my stomach. I didn't know what it was until I felt the warm, but wet tongue glide across my cheek. I smiled at the feeling of it. 

I could hear David chuckle and shut the door as he left to reunite with Meghan in the living room.

Right before sleep overcame me and took me to the land of dreams, I thanked God for this amazing Christmas and for letting me have these people in my life. 

I said three words before drifting off, "I love you." I don't know who they were directed to David? Meghan? Delilah? God? who knows. I said them and they were out for grabs. 

That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face and the joy in my heart.

It's the Little Things in LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora