Chapter 5

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Natsu's POV

After getting Lucy out of the rubble and onto actual land, the old mean hag told me to take Lucy back to her cottage where her arm could be healed, with the help of Wendy of course.  Gray and Juvia were still looking for Lucy's keys.
After 20 minutes of intense running we finally made it to the cottage. I immediately set Lucy down on one of the infirmary beds and allowed The mean hag and Wendy to heal Lucy. Of course they told me I had to leave the cottage due to the critical situation.

Images clouded my thoughts. Images of Lucy's missing arm, her speared leg, her blood pooling around her body. Porlyusica has informed us while  Wendy was healing Lucy, that if we got there a minute later, she would be dead.

When I first heard that I thought about future Lucy and when she died. I had nightmares for months, and there's no doubt that I'll get more from this. I don't know what I'd do without Lucy. My sweet, beautiful, precious, princess Lucy.

I told everyone that I'd protect Lucy's future. And I almost failed because of the stupid attack.
"I swear when I find the idiot who attacked Fairytail, I'll Kim 'em. I don't care if I get thrown in prison, no one hurts what's mine." I whispered softly, voice laced with hatred and venom.

I sat by a lake for who knows how long, just thinking about Lucy and how I should've stayed with her. All the adventures we took. The way we first met at Hargeon. Then I thought about my feelings towards her, how this morning we were all lovey dovey and now Lucy is fighting to stay alive.

The day soon turned into darkness and still no word about Lucy. I knew Wendy could easily find me with her strong nose and I wasn't too far from the cottage. I leaned on a gigantic rock and closed my eyes for a few seconds. More images of Lucy appeared.

Missing arm.
Pierced thigh.

I immediately opened my eyes panting. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Wendy.
"We healed the smaller injuries perfectly, her thigh is fully healed but her arm is permanently gone. I was able to heal around it so the skin would close and she wouldn't bleed out. Once her arm is fully healed Porlyusica will give her a prosthetic arm, like the one Gildarts has but probably in a golden color." Wendy informes me as I got up and we walked to the cottage.

Upon arriving to the cottage I opened the door and saw Lucy in a bed sleeping peacefully.
"Right now she has a fever due to blood loss, but other than that she just needs some rest. She won't wake up for a while." Porlyusica spoke softly as she placed a damp towel on Lucy's forehead to keep her cool.

I nodded and sat on the chair next to her bed, holding the only hand she had left. I guess Lucy felt me here because she smiled lightly. I looked at her right arm and noticed how bandaged it was, my bangs covered my eyes as I lowered my head.
Wendy's yawn was soon heard and I realized how much magic and effort Wendy used to save Lucy so I said, "Go to sleep Wendy, I'll be awake for a while so I'll let you know if anything happens." Wendy nodded and passed out on a chair, Porlyusica placing a blanket over her tiny body. Porlyusica then nodded at me and went off to her own room for the night.

The entire night I just couldn't sleep, I didn't want another nightmare, well, at least not here.
I looked at the peaceful look on Lucy's face until it suddenly became scrunched up and she groaned. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes were shown and we made eye contact for a few seconds until I realized that she had actually woken up.
"Wendy! Porlyusica! Lucy is awake!" I loudly said to wake them up. Wendy was at my side in seconds asking Lucy questions while I looked out the window and noticed the sun rise.

Porlyusica started asking Lucy more questions then the dreaded topic of Lucy's arm came up.
"Lucy, since your arm was cut off during the attack, Wendy was able to heal the skin around the wound and then the wound itself so that the bleeding stopped and it was sealed. Once your arm is fully healed I will make a prosthetic arm. This arm will look like the one Gildarts has but Wendy and I thought it would be a good idea if the color was a golden color. It will take me a while to find the correct metal for the arm and you will have to come here about every two months for me to check it and clean it." Porlyusica said to Lucy who looked at her missing arm while silently crying. I hugged Lucy and she smiled a bit before asking,
"Will it be strong enough so that it won't get damaged on missions? What would happen if it's damaged?"

"The metal is a special type of metal that is magic proof, which means fire will not melt it, ice cannot freeze it, it cannot be sliced, etc. I will also mix in other metals and substances to make sure that it doesn't rust or anything, but you have to make sure to clean it and oil it that way it doesn't become stiff." Porlyusica answered.

"Does the prosthetic hurt when putting it on?" Lucy asked.

"Whenever we first place it on it should hurt quite a bit because of you nerves connecting to the arm to help it move. However. Once we place the metal plate onto your arm, that should connect to the nerves, then we place the prosthetic onto the metal plate." Porlyusica said. (A/N: it's kind of like Ed's arm from full metal alchemist, so if you're having trouble understanding this part just think about Ed.)

After the little check up Wendy examined Lucy's blood levels to see if most of her blood had recovered, which it did. Lucy felt tired again so she went to sleep, Wendy and Porlyusica told me to go to the Guild to tell the others about the new information.

Running to the guild I noticed a few people look at me weirdly but I didn't care, then I realized that I still had blood on my clothes.
'I should probably change before I go to the guild' I thought as I took a U-turn and ran towards my little house.

After changing I ran straight to the guild. Once I arrived I saw that the Guild hall was being rebuilt but everyone had worried looks on their faces.

"Hey guys! Natsu's here!" Romeo shouted as everyone turned to look at me. After about an hour of me explaining everything and answering peoples questions I noticed someone who had just arrived. Gildarts. He looked at the destroyed Guild hall then asked what happen. We filled him in on everything and he looked at me sadly. He knew that I loved Lucy so he must've known how this affected me.

After I said I was going back to check up on Lucy, the rest of 'Team Natsu' demanded to see Lucy. They were her friends too so I brought them along.
We walked back into the forest where the cottage was and saw Lucy wide awake and smiling at Wendy who was being very clumsy. Once Lucy saw us her smile widened and her eyes had that twinkle that I know and love.

"LUSHIIIIII" Happy yelled as he flew into her chest. Lucy smiled down at him and hugged him with one arm. Everyone in the room except for Lucy and Happy looked down because of her arm. It had been so quiet and all that was heard was Happys sobs.

"Hey, Im alive, why are you guys so quiet?" Lucy asked then her eyes widened in realization. "It's because of this isn't it?" Lucy nodded towards her right arm.
"I'm okay, I can just get a new guildmark, loosing an arm isn't that bad, I'm getting a prosthetic. It's okay guys, really!" Lucy beamed.

Even in the worst situations, Lucy still finds a way to be happy, that is one of the things I love about her.

This chapter is so long, I think it's the longest I've written. This past week was finals week so I've been studying for that and have been super busy. I was also sick for the last 2 days and I'm still sick now so I'm like dying. Anyways, I felt really bad for making you guys wait for this chapter so I went over 1000 words just so that it could be a bit longer. After Friday (tomorrow) is my winder break so hopefully I'll have this book finished and I'll get started on "the bad boys song" I recently watched venom and I kind of want to make a cross over where Natsu is Eddy and Venom is END. Like i think It would be pretty cool because venom is my favorite anti-hero before Deadpool. So once this is done and I start with "the bad boys song" I'm going to make venom but the name of the book will be "E.N.D" because in the book 'venoms' name will be Etherious. In the movie Eddy and venom both say "we are venom" and I thought it would be cool to put both names together and say "we are E.N.D". The book would be based off the movie but it won't be exact. Thanks for reading this bye and I'll probably update over the weekend or closer to Christmas. Love you guys!

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