"This tea is good" he complimented, he took another sip.

"Yes Kamal it is good, like i ever make a bad tea" Amal said "I should be on this cooking show" she added and Kamal turned slowly to look at her, astonishment registered in his face.

"What Kamal, my cooking is not good enough for a cooking contest?" She asked staring notoriously at Kamal.

Amal was an average cook, a good cook even but to think her cooking will make it to a cooking contest? That was exaggerating.
Kamal didn't want to think of what Amal would do if he answered negatively, he choose his words.

"I love your cooking, love" Kamal said, smiling.

"But its not good enough for a cooking contest?" She bickered

"Who said it cant be" Kamal tried to divert "i mean most of these renowned chefs started somewhere" he nodded convincingly at her and sipped yet again at her tea.
Amal was not buying it, Kamal had just placed her cooking and he was going to dance to the music.

"Now, give me my tea" she bawled, yanking away the mug from Kamal: almost spilling the tea on him.

"Ha!" Kamal exclaimed "what's wrong with you, what did i do?"

Amal eyed him leaving his side, she settled on the far end of the sofa, distance away from him
"Me? Nothing" she said "you? Everything"

"What about the cuddling" Kamal took a high chance considering he had just pissed off his wife

Amal turned to look at him, barefaced: then she took a pillow and threw hard at him
"Here" she said "cuddle this, it doesn't hate you right now and it probably wont hit you in the chest like I'm tempted to" she added

"And the tea?" He dared asked and Amal turned gravely at him, the kind of look that gives him chills

"You say what Kamal?" She challenged, daring him clearly with her eyes. She desperately hoped he will fall for her dare. One of these days, she thought: one of these days she would definitely murder someone in that house.

"Nothing" Kamal replied cautiously, he took the safe route.

"I thought so" Amal said and she continued to sip her tea, alone this time.
She could see Kamal staring at her from the corner of her eye, she refused to acknowledge him.

* * *
Amal sat at the shade in the university parking lot. She glanced at her wrist watch and hissed. She had been waiting for almost thirty minutes: Kamal was late to pick her up again, for the second time this week. She stamped her feet impatiently on the ground.
She could get home herself but Kamal had made it very clear to her he didn't want her taking a taxi or a rickshaw home, what if something happens to her on the way? He said, she didn't see him walking with her all day, what if something should happen to her right now? she thought sarcastically.
Nothing ever happens, she just had a paranoid husband.

She sort out her phone from her tote bag and started to read a new chapter from a novel on wattpad. Soon, to her dismay the chapter ended and she hissed again: this author should broaden on her chapters, she thought and she wrote that on the comments section: but on second thought: thinking about how the author has a life herself and is actually trying writing, should be appreciated, no matter how short the chapter was. She erased her previous comment and wrote a comment on the positivity of the chapter.

Almost an hour and Kamal still did not show up, by then Amal was fuming furiously.

When Kamal finally showed up, Amal had been waiting for more than a hour. He pulled up close to where she was sitting, legs crossed.
"I'm so sorry I'm late" Kamal apologized sincerely when he came to her.

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