Universal Studios

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The next morning I woke up in Brad's bed once again. I had awoken a bit earlier than normal and before Brad, so I was just left there to contemplate. Tomorrow I'd be going home... Without Brad. And the thought scared me. What if this had all been a dream? What if when I get home it'll be like it never happened? What if I never hear from Brad again? What if the magic stops? I knew I was being paranoid, but I having something so special made me realise how important it was to keep it in my life. I feel like once I saw him back in the U.K., in my own home, I'd feel like we were more concrete. I waited for the alarm to go off, and when it did, Brad switched it off and immediately gave me a cuddle.
"Morning cutie." He mumbled.
"Heyyy..." I smiled, giving him a kiss.
"You're up early."
"I didn't wake up that long ago." I shrugged.
"Excited for today?" Brad asked.
"Yeah, definitely. I get to nerd out with Connor in the Harry Potter area." I chuckled.
"Awwwh, I'm so glad you get on with the boys so well." Brad smiled.
"Me too." I chuckled.
"I mean, I knew you would, but not this well. You fit in so well with us, I'm so glad I met you." Brad said.
"Awwwwwh... It's quite weird. I've never felt like I've fitted in." I admitted.
"Well you do, here, with us." Brad promised before giving me a kiss.

We all got in the car later that morning and headed to Universal Studios. I was excited and glad it was just gonna be the five of us, as supposed to yesterday when we went with my entire family.
"So which park first?" Tristan asked as James drove us.
"I say we start with the park with Diagon Alley. And then we can get the train over to the Adventure Island Park." Connor suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Brad smiled.

We arrived at Universal and parked in King-Kong B. The five of us entered the park, with Brad holding my hand.
"We haven't been here for ages." James said as we walked down 'Production Central.'
"Shall we just do everything?" Tristan asked.
"Why not?" Brad shrugged.
"Alright, well, let's do the Despicable Me one." Connor decided, pointing out the ride closest to us. So, we went over and used our fast pass to go through. It was a simulator-type ride and soon, we were all sat on the ride.
"Can I have a kiss?" Brad smiled as we waited for everyone to sit down.
"Of course." I chuckled, letting him peck my lips.
"It had been too long." He told me before the ride soon started. The Despicable Me ride was a good laugh, it was fun to be tipped from side to side, which just made us laugh.

When we got off, we chuckled away at the dumb, silly ride.
"Might I suggest we skip the Sherk 4D ride?" Connor asked.
"Agreed." I half laughed.
"Yeah, it's pretty naff isn't it?" James chuckled.
"How about instead we do the Transformers ride?" Brad suggested, pointing out the futuristic building that had a giant Bumblebee outside it.
"Yeah, that's a fun one." I smiled. So, off we went towards the ride. Through the fast pass lane we went and thank God we could. There was an hour and a half wait, already! The line was a lot of Transformers talking to you on screens - unfortunately I hadn't actually watched any of the movies except one, and I was like 12 when I watched it.
"To be honest, you're not missing out on much." James scoffed.
"Yes he is!" Connor whined.
"I just couldn't get into it. Like, I like the concept but it just feels like a testosterone dump." I admitted, making the boys laugh.
"He's not wrong." Tristan chuckled.
"Hey, I enjoy the ride though." I defended.
"That's all that counts." Brad laughed.
"No it's not!" Connor insisted, but we were soon getting on the ride. Conveniently, it fitted 10 people on 2 rows, so the Vamps and I were all together at the front. The seat bars came down and the ride begun. It was a good laugh as we shook and tilted through, with fire shooting out at different places and cold air blasting us when we were thrown by the evil Transformers. Again, we all laughed through it, at the silliness and how it was chucking us around - it was great fun.

The five of us entered 'New York', and decided we wanted to grab something to eat, as we were all pretty peckish. So we popped into Ben and Jerry's.
"It's never too early to have ice cream." James smirked as we went inside. It was nicely air conditioned inside and we all looked over the different choices. I ended up trying out the cotton candy one and Brad had Phish Food. We all sat down inside, enjoying the air conditioning and looking out the window into the sunny park.
"Looking forward to going home, then?" James asked me.
"No..." I answered, simply.
"Don't you miss it?" Connor asked.
"Pffft, of course not! This has been the best week of my life!" I beamed.
"I can't even imagine how this week would've been like without you. I... Ive never been this happy. I don't wanna go back to what I was before." I sighed.
"You'll never go back to that, so long as we're breathing." Tristan told me.
"Yeah, babe... We'll still be your friends when you go back." Brad assured me.
"I know, I just... It'll feel weird to not see you guys." I admitted.
"Awwwh, Jamesy!" Connor said, hugging me as he was also sat next to me. "We'll miss you too." He said.
"Oh, God, yeah. You're wild and we love it." Tristan smiled.
"One of the funniest people I've met." James added. I had gone bright red.
"And I'll be coming to see you very soon after you're gone with open arms ready to hug you." Brad added, joining in, making it a Bronnor hug.
"You guys are my closest friends, now..." I told them.
"Awwwwwh! He's so cute I just want to eat him up!" James laughed.
"We love ya James." Tristan promised.
"Maybe you can join us for the bit of the American tour, later." Connor suggested.
"Ahaha I'd love that." I smiled. Both Brad and Connor gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me go scarlet.

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