The Studio

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I woke up that morning and saw that I was in the villa. It wasn't a dream! I had ACTUALLY met BRAD FUCKING SIMPSON yesterday!! I buried my face into the pillow to muffle my freak-out. And it only got better when I saw that I had gotten texts from him.   
'Picking you up at 10 🚙🤗'
I would be meeting James, Connor AND Tristan today! I was so excited! I happily went and had a shower, wanting to look as fresh as possible for the boys. I was nervous, as much as I was excited, though. I didn't want to ruin anything! So as I put on a t-shirt and shorts, I noticed I was shaking a bit. When I was dressed and ready at 9, I patiently waited in the living room.
"Excited then?" Mum chuckled, once seeing I was already up, coming into the room.
"For the best day ever? Yes. Yes, I am." I scoffed. After the slowest hour ever, I finally heard the doorbell go off. I practically raced to the door, wanting nothing more than to see Brad's beautiful face again. I opened it and there he was. He wore a white t-shirt with black strips going across and some black shorts.
"Heyyy." He smiled.
"Eek! Heyyy!" I squeaked before he gave me a hug. Still felt as good as ever.
"You okay? Sleep well?" Brad asked as I let him in.
"Yeah, slept okay. Kinda jet lagged, though." I admitted, shutting the door.
"Yeah, same." Brad sighed before coming in further to see Mum and Dad in the living room. "Hi, guys!"
"Hi, Brad." Mum smiled.
"Alright, dude?" Dad asked.
"I'm great! So, you ready, James?" Brad asked.
"Yeah, lemme just grab my shoes." I smiled, before quickly going to my bedroom and sticking them on, along with my sunglasses. When I came back, Brad was making small talk with my parents.
"Ready?" Brad asked once he saw me.
"Yeah, I'm all ready." I nodded. So I said goodbye to Mum and Dad before getting into Brad's rental car.

I was suddenly REALLY nervous as we drove on the Floridian road. He had his SatNav on to tell him where to go and although the surroundings were pretty spectacular, with all the crazy buildings or beautiful, blue sky, my eyes were glued to the very handsome man beside me.
"So today we're just gonna be writing some stuff and seeing how things sound if that makes sense? I think you'll really enjoy it." Brad told me.
"Are you kidding me? I'm so excited to just be hanging out with you guys." I beamed.
"Awwh, good. It'll just be us, too, which will be really nice. That rarely happens. I mean, there will be the guy who owns the studio, but he knows us well enough that he's just gonna let us be." Brad explained.
"Cool. So... Am I gonna hear some... Unheard stuff?" I asked.
"Yep. So I gotta ask you to promise not to record anything or tell anyone about what you heard." Brad told me.
"Oh, of course! I would never do anything to hurt you guys or spoil anything for anyone. Promise." I said, sincerely.
"Thank you. I knew I could count on you." Brad smiled.

We parked up and approached a very unsuspecting building. However, as we got closer and closer, I went quieter and quieter, slower and slower.
"Awwwh, you getting nervous?" Brad asked, noticing when we had come up to the door.
"Of course I am! Meeting you was nerve-wracking enough, but there's 3 more of you in there!" I pointed out.
"Ahaha, but you were great with me! Just be yourself, relax and enjoy yourself." Brad assured me.
"When's that ever worked out?" I scoffed.
"Ahahaha, see? You're great. C'mon." Brad laughed before opening the door. I followed him inside and we approached a door that Brad had to punch a code in to open. We went up a staircase and there was a corridor of doors. We approached one which had a paper sign on saying 'THE VAMPS' taped to it. "Ready?" Brad whispered.
"No..." I muttered but he opened the door anyway. He went in and I followed.

There they all were. James was there with a guitar on his lap, sat on a black couch. He wore a red shirt and a pair of dark brown shorts. Then Connor was sat on a wheelie chair, wearing a dark blue shirt and grey shorts, next to Tristan who was by the mixing board. He was wearing a white top and blue shorts, too.
"Alright boys, meet our best and most amazing fan, now a new friend, James!" Brad announced as all the heads turned to me.
"Heeeeey!" James said putting his guitar aside.
"Brad was telling us all about you last night." Connor said, coming over to me.
"Yeah, sounds like you're quite the legend." Tristan grinned.
"No, you're the legends." I beamed.
"Give him the hugs, guys. He loves the hugs." Brad chuckled, going over to the mixing table.
"C'mere!" Connor smiled before giving me a sweet hug.
"You guys are all so talented and your music is so incredible!" I grinned.
"Thank you!" James said before giving me a hug, too. His muscular body hugging me made me a tad lightheaded.
"Did you have a good flight?" Tristan asked as he, too, gave me a hug.
"Best flight of my life. Got to hang out with that handsome man." I smiled, looking over at Brad, surprised at what I was saying, but they all laughed.
"He is very sexy, isn't he?" Tristan said, jokingly.
"You have no idea." I chuckled.
"Not as sexy as these boys." Brad laughed, coming over and slapping Connor's abs through his shirt.

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