Hawaiian Fireworks

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Waking up in Brad's arm's was something I'd never get tired of. It was the best way to start the day. As my eyes opened, I saw Brad was still fast asleep, hugging me like I was his childhood teddy bear. His face was nuzzled into my shoulder and I could feel his curls against my face. I felt so at peace. I heard my phone suddenly vibrate next to me on the bedside table. Trying to be slow, I reached over and picked up my phone. It was a text from Mum asking if we'd like to have lunch with her at a Diner in a town called 'Celebration.'
"Mmm..." Brad mumbled as he slowly became more awake, giving me a squeeze in his arms, hugging me tighter.
"Morning Bradley-Bear." I smiled, leaning down to kiss his head.
"Morning J-Baby." Brad said, lazily, eyes still shut.
"You're so cute." I sighed, gently running a hand through his hair.
"Not as cute as you, darling." Brad whispered, shifting his head so he was looking up at me with his big, brown, tired eyes, with a sweet smile.
"Oh, just kiss me." I whimpered as I looked at his heart-melting face. He laughed, quietly before connecting our lips, cupping my face with a hand.
"Your lips are perfect." He whispered, gently running a finger down my cheek and along my jaw. "You're perfect." He added, staring at me with such care. Not knowing what to say, I just kissed him again, holding him close and never wanting to let go.
"Can we just kiss in bed all day?" I asked as that was all I needed.
"Well, that does sound tempting..." Brad said before pecking my lips. "Buuut... You have 200 bucks to spend." Brad smiled. "So I'm gonna take you shopping."
"I'll give you 200 bucks to kiss me all day in bed?" I tried.
"Nice try. Come on, it'll be a lot more fun." Brad said, giving me another peck before getting out of bed.
"That's debatable." I said as I watched him stretch. "Actually we gotta go anyway... My Mum wants to have lunch with us." I told him.
"Awwwwh, that sounds nice." Brad smiled.
"Yeah. Do you know Celebration?" I asked.
"Yesss, I love it there." Brad nodded.
"That's where they wanna have lunch with us." I told him.
"Perfect. We'll go have lunch there, then go shopping afterwards." Brad decided.
"I don't even know what I want." I admitted.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out." He winked.

We got dressed and came out to the living room to see James and Tristan all watching Netflix.
"Morning boys." Brad smiled.
"Morning!" They all responded.
"Did you have nightmares of losing pool to James last night?" Tristan smirked.
"Shuuuut up." Brad rolled his eyes as I giggled.
"Where's Con?" I asked.
"Still in bed." James chuckled.
"We're gonna be having lunch with James' Mum, then go shopping, do you guys wanna come?" Brad offered.
"Nah that's alright mate. You should have your second date already." Tristan said.
"Yeah, a nice shopping date is always fun." James agreed.
"And I clearly need to work on my tan." Tristan said, showing off his pretty pale skin.
"Alright. I think we are overdue for a date." Brad admitted.
"We only had one four days ago." I reminded him.
"Four days too many." Brad told me before pecking my lips.
"Alright. Hey, I'll never complain about a date." I beamed.

So when the time came, Brad and I got in the car and headed down to Celebration to meet my Mum at a Diner there. It wasn't the same one Brad and I went to on our first date - which is good because I want that place to only contain memories of Brad and me.
"So um... Do you know what your family really thinks of me yet?" Brad asked me, curiously.
"Oh, they love you, babe. I can tell." I told him.
"Yeah. I've seen what they're like when my brother brought home a girl they don't like. But they love you - how could they not? They love all of you." I reasoned.
"Awwh good. I know my folks will love you." Brad smiled.
"You think?"
"Of course! You're a cutie with a big heart, what's not to love?" Brad chuckled.
"My awkwardness?" I shrugged.
"Urrr, that's one of my favourite parts about you." Brad corrected.
"Seriously?" I scoffed.
"Yeah. It's adorable. And it's so human. I dunno, I just find it sweet." Brad shrugged.
"If you find awkwardness being sweet then I'm a fucking candy store." I said, making him laugh.

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