The Boyfriend

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I was awoken by Brad who gently shook me awake. As my eyes slowly opened, I saw that he was looking down into my eyes, with his arm around me. So it really DID happen. I really DID become BRAD'S boyfriend!  
"Hey, baby." He smiled before gently kissing my nose.  
"Awwhahahawww!" I giggled, going bright red. "Heyyy." I smiled before giving him a hug, pulling him close.
"It's already 11, babe." He chuckled before kissing my shoulder.
"That's normal for me. If anything it's early." I scoffed.
"That's ridiculous!" Brad laughed.
"I don't like mornings." I shrugged.
"Maybe that's because you didn't have a boyfriend to spend them with." Brad smirked leaning back to see my face.
"Mmmmaybe. I think everything will be so much better with you in my life." I smiled, which earned me a passionate kiss.
"You're the cutest." He whispered before one last peck. "C'mon. We should probably tell your folks about us." Brad told me.
"Noooo..." I groaned.
"Ahaha, what?" He chuckled as he got up. "Do you not think they'll like me?"
"No, that's not it at all. I just... I don't know how they'll feel about me getting a boyfriend within the two days of knowing you. And then sleeping with you last night." I reasoned as he put on the same shirt as the one he had yesterday.
"Babe, we didn't do anything. All we can do is tell the truth, I'm sure they'll be fine with it." Brad assured me, pulling his shorts up his legs.
"Fine." I sighed.
"Gimme a kiss." He said leaning over the bed. I reached out and pulled Brad's head into a kiss. "You're so beautiful." He whispered before kissing my nose and then my forehead.
"You are too. You're adorable." I smiled as he then picked up his glasses and put them on. "Fucking adorable." I grinned, loving how they transformed his face into something even more cuter.
"Ahaha, okay, I'm gonna pop into the shower, if that's alright?" Brad smiled.
"Okay, babe." I smiled back, feeling like finally, everything was right in the world.

When Brad left the bedroom, I got changed myself. I was in the best mood I think I've ever been in. I was practically dancing around the room. I thought about it and decided I wanted to tell Mum and Dad about Brad, myself, as it would be a little bit easier. I walked out of the bedroom and came into the kitchen/living room. I noticed they were both out by the pool, in the deck chairs.
"Morning!" Dad said.
"Were you two much later?" Mum asked.
"Nah, not really. Umm... I do have something to tell you, though." I began, deciding to get it over and done with, like ripping off a plaster.
"Okay?" Mum said, taking off her sunglasses.
"Ummm... So last night we were talking and... We ended up confessing our feelings for each other and... Thought we'd give us a shot." I quickly blurted out.
"Oh, okay. That's great." Mum smiled.
"I know its quite sudden and quick, but... Our feelings were quite sudden and quick, too." I added.
"You don't have to justify yourself to us, dude. He seems like a good lad." Dad told me.
"Okay... Cool." I sighed, relieved, before sitting down on a chair.
"You really like him, then?" Mum asked.
"I do. I really, really do. He just makes me feel very happy and he really cares about me." I said, dreamily.
"You'll have to send Tom a text about it, as he's in Disney, right now." Mum told me.
"Oh, right, yeah... That'll be a funny text." I scoffed.

I picked up my phone and began texting Anne, excited about the recent events.
'ANNE! Holy fucking shit, things just got REAL!'
'What? What? What?!'
'Brad and I ARE A THING!! 💖💕😱❤️'
'SHUT UP!! You CANNOT be serious!!!'
'Yep! Okay, it's a long story so get ready... So yesterday I accidentally overheard Brad telling the band that he LIKED me 😱 Right? And I was gonna tell you when I got home but I realised I left my phone in his car, but he had already left for dinner, so he told me he'd return it when they finished dinner. So I was JUST SAT THERE, CONTEMPLATING TO MYSELF WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!! Anyway, he eventually came over and returned the phone and he hung around chatting with family and had a couple beers so he'd have to share the room with me for the night. So I was like, holy shit I'm sleeping with Brad... Not in that way. But we were soon left on our own by the pool and BRAD TOLD ME HE LIKED ME! And then WE KISSED! Then SHARED A BEDROOM TOGETHER! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱'
She read it and there were a few moments that passed.
'James. You're dating Brad Simpson. Your life is gonna COMPLETELY change!'
'I know. And I'm ready for it!'
'Ahhhhhhh!!!! I'm SO happy for you!! 💕💖❤️💕💖❤️'
'I've told my parents and I think they're cool with it. I cannot believe it! He's a really good kisser, by the way 😏'
'Ooooooh la la! Have you done it, yet?'
'Pfft! No! My parents were in the same building and we only JUST got together! I ain't THAT slutty 😂'
'Hahaha, worth asking! I demand a picture!'
'I'll get one later. Tomorrow he and the band are taking me to Epcot. They're gonna take me to ALL the Disney parks! 💫⭐️'
'Wow. You must be in heaven 😂'
'I don't even know what to do with myself. Sometimes I forget I have to breathe, too 😂😅🤩'

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