Hollywood Studios

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm on Brad's phone went off all too soon. I wasn't ready to get up. I was quite happy snuggled up to Brad in bed.
"Hey.." Brad mumbled, rolling round to look at me.
"Hey." I said, breaking into a smile as I looked upon his tired, sweet face.
"You okay?" He asked, reaching up and gently caressing my cheek.
"Y-Yeah. I'm great. You?" I asked, feeling suddenly in a trance with the way his fingertips ran against my skin.
"I'm good, too. Sleep well?" He asked.
"Yeah. I've never slept better than when I'm with you." I admitted.
"Awwwh... I've noticed you're a cuddled when you sleep. Like a huuuge cuddler. It's so cute." Brad chuckled.
"You're my Bradley-Bear. You were made for cuddles." I said before giving him a hug.

We both got dressed and went out into the living room. Mum and Dad were getting stuff together while Tom and Kim were also making sure they had everything. It was a lot more stressed than when I was just with the boys. Brad and I exchanged amused expressions as Dad was asking where things were. Eventually, they had everything together, then we got in the car and left. Brad and I sat in the back and he had his arm around me, as we looked out the window.
"We should be having your tunes on, surely?" Kim said, looking over her shoulder to Brad.
"I'm alright." He laughed. "James has already been blasting them all the time."
"Because they're the best." I said, flatly.
"That's very sweet, darling, but there's plenty of good music out there other than mine." Brad chuckled.
"Oh, sure, just not AS good." I commented, making him giggle.
"You're ridiculous." Brad said, amused.
"So where are we meeting the others?" Dad asked, in the driving seat.
"We are meeting them at the entrance. They'll be on the lookout for the red hair." Brad said before ruffling my said hair.

We arrived at Hollywood Studios and soon found the other boys at the entrance of the park

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We arrived at Hollywood Studios and soon found the other boys at the entrance of the park.
"Heyyyy!!" They all greeted us. We all said our hellos before entering the park. Unlike the past couple of days where it was really stormy, today was sweltering. The day had barely begun and I was already getting sweaty.
"Right, straight to Toy Storyland, then? Before it gets too busy?" Dad asked.
"Well, we don't have to rush." I told them.
"James, Toy Storyland is brand new. People will be going there more than anywhere else-"
"No, I know, but the boys all have fast passes, which can work for us, too. They can bring guests with them, too." I reminded them.
"We can do everything here without queuing. Oh, except for getting food and meeting characters." Tristan nodded.
"Wow... Okay... Urr, so what shall we start with?" Mum asked, unsure what to do with this new found freedom.
"Well, we've just been going around the park, doing everything because we can." I told her.
"Tell you what, that Indiana Jones stunt show is about to start very soon. Is it worth doing that one now, so that later we're not just sat in the intense heat?" James suggested, looking at a digital sign that had all the times on.
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Kim smiled.
"Alright, let's do it." Dad said, also looking a bit lost with the whole no-rush-system.

" Dad said, also looking a bit lost with the whole no-rush-system

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