Chapter Two

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A/N: Ok, let's pretend that Dumbledore didn't die in The Half-Blood Prince but was in a coma for the entire of The Deathly Hallows!! Ok, and it's set after the Battle of Hogwarts and the seventh years have gone back for another year of education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!! Also, Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments are set at the same time! And please enjoy another chapter! Also all characters belong to Cassandra Clare and J K Rowling! 😄

"Welcome!" Albus Dumbledore was standing in front of his students, beaming down at them all, his arms spread open wide, as of he wished to give them all a hug! "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our start-of-year feast, I would like to say a few things." He paused, several students stomachs had begun to rumble and gurgle, just loudly enough for everyone to hear them. A few students giggled quietly and Dumbledore chuckled pleasantly. "Or maybe I should wait until we are all fed and watered! ("Are we all horses?" Asked Ron quietly to the people around him, who chuckled politely)" Dumbledore smiled, "here are a few words: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

(A/N: I actually borrowed some of that speech from the Philosopher's Stone)

He sat back down and there were several cheers from the students and a couple if gasps from some first years.

Once all the students had finished eating, Dumbledore stood back up again.

"Right, now we have all eaten and are sufficiently full, time for some notices. First years should note that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds, and is still forbidden to the older students too." He glanced over to the Golden Trio, causing a few people to laugh but others to look down sadly, remembering Fred and George Weasly, always cracking jokes together. Dumbledore coughed slightly before continuing. "Quidditch trials will start in the second week of term, so contact Madam Hooch if you are interested in playing for your house team. This year, hopefully, will be a peaceful year but we are hoping to have a couple if guests around Hallowe'en."

Most students were paying more attention as he said this, looking up at him with interest.

"Right then, that's all for now, I think!" Dumbledore continued. A few students groaned, causing a few teachers, including Dumbledore, to chuckle. "Your heads of houses will give you more information nearer the time! Now everyone pick their favourite tune and let's sing the school song!!"

After they had sung the school song, the students were dismissed and they began to troop up the stairs to the common rooms and dormitories (except the Slytherin's who were in the dungeons).

"So, what'd you make if that?" Ron asked Harry and Hermione. "Who do you expect the guests are?"

Both Harry and Hermione shrugged (A/N: None of the trio are head boys, girls or prefects).

"Don't know, I guess we'll find out soon," said Hermione, although she was rather curious.

"It has better not be like the Tri-Wizard competition though," warned Harry. "I swear I'll leave the school otherwise!"

"You're kidding!" Cried Hermione, disbelievingly.

Harry and Ron shared a look.

"Yes, Hermione, I was kidding. Hogwarts has always been my only home," said Harry dismissively.

This time, it was Hermione and Ron's turn to share a look. It's was a sad look, they both knew about Harry's appalling childhood.

"Anyway," said Ron, trying to cheer them all up. "We have Hallowe'en and lessons to look forward to!"

Both boys lapsed into silence has Hermione began to talk, very excitedly about their lessons. Harry and Ron both could barely contain their groans and Ron inwardly cursed for mentioning lessons.

A/N: So what do you guys think so far? As you can tell, this chapter was set in the Wizarding Worlds point of view. Also, I borrowed some of the information from the Philosopher's Stone. Anyway, the next chapters going to be in the Shadowhunters' P.O.V.

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