Chapter One

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A/N: Right, so this is my first story, so sorry if it isn't as fabulous as Magnus Bane but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway!

Also all the characters belong to Cassandra Clare and J K Rowling.

Clary was sitting on the sofa with her best friend, Simon. Both were staring at the TV, watching Obi Wan Kenobi fighting Darth Vader for the one hundredth time, when the doorbell rang. Clary sighed, paused the TV and went to answer the door. She hesitated slightly, before deciding to look through the peephole she recognised the woman outside the door at once. She quickly opened the door and there stood Tessa Gray, who was looking incredibly excited.

"Tessa!" Exclaimed Clary in surprise, "what are you doing here?"

Tessa grinned and held up a letter that was written on something that looked like parchment. Clary saw that the writing on the parchment was narrow and slanted.

"What's that?" Asked Clary and Simon at the same time.

"What? This? Oh, yeah!! It's a letter from the one and only Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!" Said Tessa, excitedly. (A/N: I know that Dumbledore's not alive in the time The Mortal Instruments is set, but let's just pretend that it's set at the same time!!)

"Who?" Asked Simon and Clary, now intrigued.

Tessa sighed. "A professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He's invited myself and a few friends to visit his school. His school's in England, if you wanted to know." (A/N: I know it's meant to be filmed in Scotland but still... It's a fanfic...😉)

"'Witchcraft and Wizardry?'" Echoed Clary, curious.

"Oh, you'll find out if you come with me!! We're going for Hallowe'en!!" Tessa squealed slightly, grinning at them both.

"I'll need to check with Mum and Luke first. Who else is going?" Asked Clary.

"Ummm... I was going to ask Magnus, Jem... Uhh, I mean Zachariah (A/N: I think that's right anyway, I haven't been able to get a copy of Clockwork Angel but I'm just going by the internet and my friend!). Also, maybe, Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Simon is welcome to come too," said Tessa.

"Ok, cool," replied Clary.

"I'll check with Mum, later," Simon added.

"Ok," said Tessa. "Tell your Mum I came by?"

"Yeah, sure," Clary smiled and Tessa made her way towards the door.

"Oh and can you tell the others about what I said, please?" Asked Tessa.

"Ok, sure," Simon replied. "We're meeting them later."

"Ok, bye." Tessa waved and left.

Simon and Clary looked at each other. Simon shrugged and put the film back on. Clary shook her head, muttered something about boys and sat down next to Simon, her mind still on their conversation with Tessa.

A/N: So what do you guys think of the first chapter. Please be nice, this is my first story and I didn't really know how to start it off. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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