I let my eyes peek at him and his serious facial expression. His eyes were burning into the road ahead of us. "They just will, Harry. They always do, and that is why I'm relocated every week."

        "Well, I won't be here so it's not up to me."

        I let my lips drop into a tight frown. "I thought you were here to protect me. That you only care what happens to me and not anyone else."

        "I don't care about you," he said quickly, and quite annoyed already. "But because of your father's orders and the rules I have to follow, I have to care about your safety."

        "So if it weren't for your orders, you'd let them kill me?" I asked bitterly.

        Harry merely nodded. "That's how it works."

        Such an asshole that man is. Then again I can't expect him to care. He kills my hopeful mood, drenches me in loath when I'm faithful, and tears my expectations apart. He has no reason to genuinely care for me. This is a job, and he is my protector. He volunteered and had been assigned to do the job out of bravery.

        "You're an insensitive asshole." I muttered to him lowly, looking away from him and staring ahead at the road, my hands on my lap.

        I heard him chuckle humorlessly. "I've heard that one before many times."

        "And you're also a sick bastard. Kills people when they don't deserve it." I continued to insult him, which was futile because he isn't effected at all.

        Harry shrugged. "You kept whining about being tired. I got your sorry ass out of the dirt, Dollface." 

        I cringed at the pet name. "And you make me want to vomit. Your personality is a drag and you have a peculiar way of showing commitment."

        "Very observant," he nodded nonchalantly, as if nothing I was saying was factually offensive. "Anything else you want to ask me?" He mocked.

        "You mock me every chance you get. You lower my hope. You're a pessimist at heart." I snapped angrily.

        "Oh, no," he dryly reacted.

        "I just can't stand you. And quite frankly I don't care what happens to you either," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

        Harry kept nodding. "Perfect. You can stop getting angry because I said you don't matter to me, now."

        "That's not why I'm angry!" I shouted suddenly, defensively. "I just can't fucking stand you!" 

        "What a shame!" He exclaimed unenthusiastically.

        Grumbling and inhaling deeply, I spat, "Go fuck yourself." 

        His nostrils flared and he glanced over at me. "I should have been warned about your whiny brat instincts and --"

        I lunged forward at the large impact that sent both of us forward a few inches. My instincts were too quick and I shrieked in horror, my head following Harry's and turning to look behind us. There was a car with two men dressed in dark clothes at the front seats. I felt my jaw become slack as I peeked at Harry, seeing he was already turning around and possibly creating a plan in his head with impressive speed.

        I quickly fixed myself in my seat, avoiding speaking and letting my heart thump violently in my chest. If we weren't so caught up in our argument, we would have been able to see the car that had been quickly trailing behind us. I inhaled sharply, seeing Harry rapidly press on the accelerating pedal.

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