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Brayden's POV

I've been dating Ryan for about a month. Ryan came out as bisexual in grade 11 (me in grade 10) I've liked since I met him in grade seven just never got the balls to say it. But this year I just kissed him. He said he liked me and I liked him. I wanted to be with him so bad, but things felt not like they did when we started dating.

I reach Mr. Clayton's class and I see Mitch sitting there dozed off.

"Mitch. Hello Mitch? You there pal?" I say and he looks up realizing I'm here and says "oh hey Brayden"

He has this confused worried uncomfortable look on his face. "Mitch you seem kinda out of it bud."

"I'm fine I was just up late recording cube." Not really believing it but I just let it go.

"Oh cool." I say before sitting down behind him. We sit there in silence waiting for the bell to ring.


I sit there kinda listening but not really. Writing down notes that he writes on the board. When I hear him scolding Mitch for not listening. Trying to hold back a smirk. When the bell cuts him off.


He adds before everybody races out of class. "Okay read pages 110 - 160 for tomorrow's class where we talk about [insert topic here]"

I remember that me and Ryan were going to the diner for lunch and I invite Mitch. He agrees to come.

I'm headed to go talk to Nicole. I need help with some calculus. I know her because she's in Ryan's calculus. She's in the higher grade so I bet she knows more. I search for her by her locker. I find her in the almost empty hallway by her locker.

"Nicole! Oh hey!" I catch up to her "I need some help with this calculus homework just can't understand [insert math equations] on page-" she cuts me off by kissing me. 'What the hell?!? I' dating Ryan!!' I think I try to push her off. I push her off "what the hell!?!" I look back and see Ryan shocked with tears in his eyes. He runs off. "What the fuck Nicole! Fuck you!" I say before running after him. I can't find him?!? I need to find him! I can't lose him! I go into the parking lot and I see him driving off with Mitch. Omg! I text him to meet me somewhere. No reply. He must have his phone off.. Or he's ignoring me. Can't believe this! Fuck her! God. He has to know the truth.

*time skip*

Mitch and Ryan never show up for period 4 and 5. I wonder what they did or wherever they went.


A/N WHAT YOU THINK?!? Excited? Yeah? Would be awesome if you left some feedback in the comments and voted! Ily all! Mitch or rusher?!? Comment it below!

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