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Tybzi POV

I'm sitting on this hot bus and I hate it. But I'm here for a school trip. My social studies teacher decided we need to see a historical site. Which happened to be five hours away. So I got my mom to sign the permission slip and off I went. I felt uncomfortable this whole trip. We were almost there. But the reason I was uncomfortable was not because the unreasonably hot charter bus.. It was because I got paired with Parker. I've had the biggest crush on him since grade three. We were now in grade eleven. I've never had the balls to even talk to him beside the casual "hi" or the "see you next class". He was a big into the whole drama thing. I never really known much about him except he was in a movie. Which was a great movie. Sitting here awkwardly I decide to say
"I Parker I'm Michael but people call me tybzi"
"Yeah I know I was in the same class as you since grade three" he said
'OH. MY. GOD. I'm so stupid! I've known him since grade three!!' I mentally scold myself.
"Oh uh sorry." I say almost not audible.
"Oh it's fine" I laughs his beautiful laugh and his smile. My goodness. I caught myself staring and I feel myself blush and I quickly look out the window.
'How am I going to talk to him without embarrassing myself? Okay I'm sharing a room with him tonight. Perfect time to get to know him.'
"So uh you excited to get there" I say
"I guess so at least I get to get out of class for two days. So that's a plus" "You do anything? Like hobbies?"
"I play video games like ruin scape"
"I play that too!" I say excitedly
We sat there talking about video games almost the whole time. He is really funny and outgoing! It was starting to get dark and we were getting tired.
"So uh Parker are we friends now?"
"I thought we were always friends"
"Oh yeah okay!" I say feeling a slight blush on my cheeks.
"Tybzi your really cool. We should hang your more." Parker says
"Yeah! That sounds really fun!" I chirp [a/n chirp?]
"Yeah tybzi I really like you, you're cool." He smiles at me.
I smile and I start to feel myself fall asleep "Parker? You mind if I lay on you? The window is really uncomfortable and cold." I ask awkwardly trying to make a move.
"No I don't mind." He says "Go to sleep my friend" he smiles.
I lay my head on his shoulder. I try to sleep but the butterflies in my stomach won't settle down. I feel a hand on my head pushing my hair out of my face, and a pair of lips touch my forehead. I smile. I hear Parker say "I've always liked you Michael. Like a lot. I know you might not hear this but I wanted to say it."
"I like you too Parker.." I say to him.
I look up and I see him smiling. I lean in and kiss him. And lay back down on his shoulder. And fall asleep knowing that things were never going to be the same.

A/N you like?!? I thought it was kinda long yeah? Not really? Okay lol but vote and stuff if you like it and want more from this mofo!! Sorry if it's bad I don't have a computer to but things in BOLD and
stuff to bear with me(I know that's not how it's spelt) but I will hopefully get a job and stuff to buy a computer to write better and stuff!! Till next time!

Cube Smp One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora