I stayed silent for a second. Then I earnestly said, "Not really. It's just a new person looking over us. There's really no point in thinking about it too much if she's only temporary."

Ho Seok laughed a bit as he moved his body, so he was laying on the sofa again. I looked at him questioningly. He looked up at the ceiling and halfheartedly sighed. "You think too critical Yoongi. Is it because of that girl who broke up with you when we were still training?" He glance at me, but I remained silent. "But anyway, learn how to lay back and have some fun. I have a feeling she's not just anyone."

"Yeah, sure," I scoffed. "By the way, she didn't break up with me. I was too busy to be with her, and so we parted." He looked at me and tsked as if I was making excuses, but I just shrugged my shoulders. Everyone has their own story that's better left untold. Needless to say, I haven't forgotten about her yet.. Being an idol sure does have its consequences.

Another ten minutes went by, and we waited impatiently for our new manager.

Everyone was laying on the floor.

"When is she coming?" Jimin asked. "It's been close to an hour already."

"Who knows," Jin sighed.

"Ugh," V grunted. "I'm bored."

"Aren't we all?" Nam Joon said.

Ho Seok suddenly sat up and said, "You guys wanna play a game?"

"Sure," JungKook said.

"Dance battle!" Ho Seok exclaimed. "Who ever loses has to treat us out to eat with the new manager."

We all smirked at him and got up as he went to play a song on the computer.

We were playing around for awhile when Ho Seok started twerking to a girl group song. "You guys like this?" he joked. We were laughing pretty hard that we didn't even notice the door open.


Mi Young's POV

I had to finish work at a noodle shop before I could head to Big Hit. I felt a bit guilty that I had to make them wait for me, but I really needed to earn my paycheck.

My dad's in the hospital, and I have to earn the money for his heart operation. I promised myself that I would do anything it took to make him healthy again.

"Mi Young-ah, just quit and go to your manager job," my boss said. She apparently married the guy I'm substituting. "You know they're waiting for you."

"I want to work off this week first," I said. "Then I'll go work over there."

As I was mopping the floors, she walked over to me and handed me an envelope. "What's this?" I asked.

"Your week's pay," she answered, nonchalantly. My eye brows raised in surprise.

"Oh no no no. I can't take this. I have to work it off first." I pushed her hand away and continued to mop the floor.

But she slapped me in the head and shouted, "AISH! This girl. Take the money! You only have two days left anyway. You have other people waiting for you."

"But... I can't."

"Fine then, fine then," she said and then walked away.

Weird lady, I thought. As I finished cleaning, I hung my apron on the hook and went to get my belongings. Boss then came out and said, "Mi Young-ah."


"You're fired."

My eyes widened. "What?! Wait why-"

"Until my husband comes back to work, you're allowed to work here again." She started pushing me out of the restaurant, so I quickly grabbed my backpack. When I stepped outside, she said, "By the way, I sneaked your paycheck in your bag. Don't come back until your work is done! Bye!"

I stood dumbfounded. This lady.... After a second, I unconsciously yelled while waving to her through the window, "Thank you boss!" Everyone was staring at me, but I didn't care.

In an instant, I gathered all of my energy and ran towards Big Hit Entertainment.


My hand rested on the door handle while I tried to catch my breath. Dad, just hold on alittle bit, I prayed. Then I opened the door.

My eyebrows rose when I saw a guy shaking his butt and heard laughter everywhere.

I guess this is what I get for being late.

Not wanting to end their fun, I slowly walked in and closed the door lightly. I stood behind the group of guys; I watched this guy twerk better than the girls I saw when I was working at a club.

Nice butt, I think to myself. I eyed down at the other members' butt and nod satisfyingly. Then my eyes move upwards to the guys wearing sleeveless shirts and examine their muscles. Hmm... That's hot. Very hot.

Suddenly, the music stops and the laughter dies down. The guy who was twerking turns around and yells, "Who are you?!" Everyone in the room turns to look at me.

I immediately bow and introduce myself. "I apologize for being late! I'm your new manager, Park Mi Young. Please take care of me!"

I look up and see everyone staring weirdly at me. Well... I don't blame them. Silence fills the room until someone says, "Did you... Um.. See?..."

"Yep. And I got to see more than just that guy twerking," I slyly say. I see all of their faces get red as they try to cover up their bodies with their arms; I laugh inside.

In the distance, I hear someone whisper, "Ho Seok... You totally lost."


Hello, hello everyone! This chapter is yet again unexpectedly long. I try to refrain, but I can't. I naturally write a lot.. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Please vote, comment, and follow! I would love to hear some feedback!

See you in the next chapter!~ ^^

Thank you for reading! And thank you @jhopesbae for liking the bae's butt! You inspired me! Haha


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