His Hair Like a Sunflower

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I loved remembering the day I met Toshinori. I was working my shift at the flower shop my parents owned. I was on staff with a teenager working for the summer, and the evening was drawing to a close. The other employee left early. Soon, we'd close up shop, collect my pay and go home. I was only nineteen, turning twenty soon, and this job was giving me a consistent amount to move out in the next few months.

It had been a slow day of work, and at this point, I was just standing behind the counter and watching the cars drive by. Not a lot of people come this time of the week. I tore my entranced gaze away from what was beyond the window.

Enter the pro hero. I heard the bells on the door ring, indicating someone had come in. I looked over to see a man in a wonderfully intricate red, white, and blue hero costume. His hair was a golden blonde, two strands of his long bangs sticking up into the air at his forehead in a V shape. His vision panned across the store, and his blue eyes fell upon me.

"Hi, welcome!" I gave the instinctive greeting as I would give to any customer. "Can I help you with anything today, sir?"

"Yes, actually...I just got a new apartment and I thought some flowers would liven it up a bit. Any suggestions?" The hero glided one of his large hands over the soft flowers of one of the displays.

I came out from behind the counter to join him where he stood. "That depends...what's your favorite flower?"

He gave a soft laugh, "I don't think I have one."

Oh, so he's one of those customers...doesn't know what he wants.

"Lilies are a nice touch if you're looking for something less profound. If you want to have something more brightly colored, how about bleeding hearts?" I immediately began a search for the two different flowers.

"What's...your favorite flower?" He asked me.

"Oh me? I really like (favorite flower). They're really pretty."

"I've heard of those...they're right there, aren't they?" He pointed to the display by the side window.

"Yeah! Those are it!" I clapped my hands once, grinning ear to ear at the sight of them.

"Ah, they are lovely. I'll be looking over there." He gave me a proud, happy smile before moving in that direction.

"Alright, call if you need anything!" I dusted my hands over my apron.

He was cute. Definitely a people person. I guess you need that to be considered a good hero. That's what I thought at least.

The front door opened again, the jungle of the bells being indicative that another customer was in my sights tonight.

"Hi, welcome-!" I turned my head and was greeted with a gun pointed directly at my head. My smile from my previous conversation faded and I felt my heart pick up.

"This is how it's gonna be, doll...you're gonna go back to the register and gimme all the dough innit, aight?" The robber came closer to me, the gun still trained right in between my eyebrows. "Or I'll make that pretty face red as sin."

With a nervous nod and squeak, I began to walk back to the counter to fulfill his request. I couldn't believe this was happening, we've never been robbed and the one day I decide to do the second shift we do.

"Detroit-" I hardly had time to turn my head around before that pro that I had been helping was lunging at the villain, raising one of his fists and punching the villain, "-Smash!"

The wind danced rapidly across the store, some of the flowers losing petals or leaves. None were extremely damaged, though. The villain flew through the window, crashing onto the pavement. I brushed my hair from my eyes and saw that he was lying in a crater created by how hard he had hit the ground.

"Have no fear, miss, you are safe now. I am here...at the perfect time." the pro looked over his shoulder at me, beaming all the while.

I was amazed at the strength of his Quirk. The window may have been broken, but my eyes were fixated upon him. "Thank..you...Thank you so much."

He held a bouquet of (favorite flowers) in his other hand. "I would like to purchase these."

What? He wanted to buy from me so causally after saving me from being robbed at gunpoint? He saved my life, probably!

"No, please...take them for free," I uttered, clearing the fear from my system slowly but surely.

"I can't just do that!" He laughed, "Absolutely not! These flowers are too beautiful!"

"Oh, but please, I insist! In fact, free flowers from here for life for you!" I crossed my arms, looking up at his amused expression. Goddamn, was he tall. He had to be at least two-hundred fifteen centimeters.

His tan face flushed slightly and he looked to the flowers, "Then if that's the case, I want to give them to someone special." He held them out to me.

"Guh!" I went redder than a tomato, "F-for me? Are you sure, what about your apartment?"

"I think it could stand to be bland. You, however, are definitely not bland. They're your favorite, after all." He winked, giving me a thumbs up.

I looked down at the petals, taking the bouquet into my arms. "Hey, uh..." Goddammit, Y/n, don't you dare- "Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

It was his turn to an impression of a red fruit, apparently. He gave me a lopsided grin, "Well, I suppose that would be a fun break on my off day...!"

"When's your off day?"


"I'm sure I can work things out...Do you want to pick me up here?"

He gave me one sharp nod, "Of course...I'll take you out for dinner!"

"That sounds lovely..." I could see myself having a hell of a time with this hero. "Oh yeah...what's your name?"

"For now, All Might... On Tuesday your date." He began to walk from the store, "Meaning, you'll get my real name on Tuesday, Miss...?"

"Y/n...Y/n L/n." I chuckled at him.

"Well, I'll see you then. I'll also give money to help fix the window. Until Tuesday!" All Might walked outside, grabbed hold of the villain's shirt, and jumped up into the sky.

Huh...I guess I have a date.

Before closing shop, I organized the whiplashed flowers in the store. I fixed some sunflowers that had been knocked over, picking one up. Now that I'm looking at it, his hair did look like a sunflower.

Sunflowers (All Might/Toshinori Yagi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now