"It's just work pressure." I don't like to burden people with my worries.

"I get that but that can't be the only reason for your outburst." I sigh.

"Look I get it, you don't want to talk about it but at least don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying Libby, it's half the truth. It's work and something else." She nods.

"Well then find a healthy outlet for your anger, rather than lashing out at Manny and your other employees." she points.

"Fine fine, Doctor Phil. Let's get back to shopping."

We ended up having dinner together. Now time for my package.

I drive to the warehouse. I get to the basement where only a few people are allowed.

Johnthan and Ben greet me. "He's been fed minimum food and water, enough that he can feel the pain that's coming to him." I nod.

I walk in and see poor Winston tied to a chair. There's some dried blood on him. I take a shot of vodka, I always need this before I can begin.

I take a seat in the chair in front of him. I crack my neck. 

"Winston it's been a while." Silence. No response from him.

"So do you know why you're here?" He keeps his sight away from me. I grab his chin and force him to look at me.

"You speak when I ask you a question. If you don't there's consequences. If you lie there's consequences. If I don't like the answer you give me there's consequences." I smirk and let go of his chin.

"I'll ask again, why do you think you're here Winston?"

"I tried to sell confidential information about Swanson technology." He reluctantly admits.

"Correct. Good boy, you learnt fast."

"But you see, I don't like what you were trying to do." With that I punch him in the face over and over again.

"Next question, who were you going to sell to?" He spits out some blood.

"I-I don't know, the person didn't show me his face. I've only talked to him on the phone." Really?

"I don't think you recall me saying no lies. You couldn't even come up with something original."

"Who. Were. You. Trying. To. Sell. To?" I accompany each word with a punch to his gut.

"S-St-Stop please. It was that old man Mr. Willis. Bruce Willis." Ah for fucks sake.

I continue my interrogation and taking my anger out at him for a while, until I have no more questions.

I need to settle things with that old man. He can't take rejection lightly. He won't be listening to any reasoning, since he hasn't backed down from the insulting meeting we had in my office. I'll need to handle this the dirty way.

"Patch him up and leave him somewhere. Keep an eye on him for the next 2 weeks. I doubt he will be retelling this story and no one would believe him anyway." I down another vodka shot.

"What about your hands, let me clean that." I see my knuckles are bruised and bloody. I grab the vodka and pour some on my hands. 

FUCK! I grit my teeth. "See all done". I leave knowing that things here will be taken care of. I can still feel the stinging from the vodka, but somehow it's soothing and distracting.

I rest my head on the headrest. I got carried away with the vodka, my vision is a little blurry. I can't leave my car here and I don't want to drink and drive.

I hear a tap on the window. 

"I'll drive, I got a ride here with Ben anyways." Johnathan. He's the head of my security for a reason. Well at least I don't have to worry about cops or crashing into someone.

I put on the radio and try to keep my eyes open. 

30 minutes later we reach my house. He parks in my driveway. I take my seatbelt off and reach for the door, only to have Johnathan stop me. His eyes fixed on my front door he tells me to stay in the car. He gets his gun out and walks to my front door. 

I turn my blurry gaze to where he was heading. There's a box on the welcome mat. 





A/N: Oh no what if it's a bomb or something??

But her "package"? Did ya'll expect that?

I'm against drinking and driving so I wasn't about to let my girl do that!

VOTE AND COMMENT! Until the next chapter XD

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