"Cinderella Left Her Bra"

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All rights reserved
Copyright © 2019 by Thesebrowneyes (MisisChrome)


  Ai! Beautiful and handsome people , crazy people, oreo people !! Bwhehe So this is going to be an insane slash original story... Own opinion ahead so hope you like it and will learn lessons from it .
  Please vote, share or even comment ,tell me what you guys think 'Coz I'm kind of not sooooo sooo good ..

    This story is originally made by me , Thanks to God-given ideas !!! Everything is fiction .
And as I just wrote, All rights are RESERVED! yeah, Say NO to plagiarism! No to Claiming!! No to stealing !!

Clichés Ahead!! Sarcasms Overload!! Unfamilliar events comming!! Humors Ready! Insane possibilities ,Present!
And oh' don't forget the typos
Pardon me!

This story doesn't focus only on love events , it also contain fights, scenes which looks into the other side of what we usually do and think ,contains reality, as well as fantasy, total roller coaster

So! Let's get started!!

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