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You stand idle in the elevator, eyes cast into nothingness in front of you as you consider your circumstances. Your hands are cuffed in front of you, and they're tight enough to where escape is impossible, the red and green lights inactivated and hollow. Kylo Ren is with you. Having surrendered yourself, you hope to be able to turn him, to convince him. There's still time.
"You don't have to do this." You apathetically state, eyes still staring at the metal bits of framework in the elevator. Finally, you turn your head to the left enough to gaze upon him.
"I feel the conflict in you. It's tearing you apart." You finish your sentence but notice his gaze is fixed upon the elevator door as well, purposefully attempting to tune your voice out of his head.
"Ben," The way you softly mutter his name catches his attention as his eyes flicker to the right to look upon you, "when we were together, I saw your future. Just the shape of it but solid and clear." At this you begin to step towards him as you speak.
"Don't you want things to be like how they were? Me with you? Together? Connected as one, forever?" You plead desperately.
"You could rule with me. Together we could be powerful, more than any of them." He mutters as he turns to you.
"Ben, please, you know I can't. I can't accept the darkness. I can't." You whisper.
"Then there's nothing to discuss." He coldly states.
"You will not bow before Snoke." Your eyes drop immediately to study his chest, looking intently upon his heart, fighting to feel the light inside. You finally look back into his eyes, filled with emotion. "You'll turn. I'll help you. I saw it." You whisper softly as he looks into your eyes, into your soul.
"I saw something too," he begins, voice controlled and even, "I know that when the time comes, you'll be the one to turn. You'll stand with me, Rey. I saw who your parents are."
Your eyes brim with tears as you wonder what he means. He saw your parents?
Just as you think to question him further, you feel the whir of the elevator beginning to stop. You take a step back from him in surprise of his statement and hear a rush of air as the doors of the elevator open behind you and a loud boom as they hit the sides. Immediately, you turn to see a room of scarlet red. It drapes over as the walls and creates an aura of evil, cruelty. It unsettled you. The room is so large but nearly empty. There is a walkway lined with blinding red lights, leading to none other than evil itself. In the middle sits an onyx throne with none other than their leader in a sparkling gold robe. Beside him stand members of a guard, dressed in red uniforms and armed with various weapons. Spears, swords, anything.
You flinch and your eyes widen as you hear Ben step forward, pressing a palm against the small of your back as he guides you forward into the room. Your footsteps echo along with his in the giant but quiet room, increasing your fear and anxiety.
"Well done my good and faithful apprentice," he exclaims, voice booming across the room. You feel the loss of contact of Ben's hand but you continue walking as he kneels before him. You eventually stop walking, glaring at the creature in front of you as he continues, "my faith in you has been restored."
"Young Rey..." he purrs sadistically, your eyes never leaving him.
"Welcome." He cruelly mutters, bringing his hands together in a manner that was intended to be intimidating.
Suddenly the green lights on your cuffs activate with a small noise and come undone, clashing to the floor before you. You shake your hands once, relieving some of the tension and pain from the cuffs as you furrow your eyebrows in revulsion.
"Come closer, child." He hums once more, awaiting you to move before him but you don't. You don't want to give him any satisfaction whatsoever. You won't obey him. Your feet stand firmly in your place and your chest rises and falls with angered breaths.
"So much strength. Darkness rises, and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise."
Suddenly you hear a whoosh as something zips past your ears and you realize it's the lightsaber. He so effortlessly used the force to take it from Kylo.
"Skywalker..." he laughs menacingly as he puts the lightsaber on the arm of his throne, "I assumed. Wrongly. Closer, I said."
You feel your boots shift forward on their own accord and you helplessly look down at them. Your arms are clenched in fury and fear at your sides as you are pulled forward to his throne.
"You underestimate Skywalker, and Ben Solo, and me." You courageously state, voice even and strong. "It will be your downfall." Your feet still as you reach the peak of his throne.
"Oh. Have you seen something? A my that why you came?" His voice bellowed, cruelly booming against the walls as it turns to a wicked laugh.
"Young fool. It was I who bridged your minds. I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you, and you were not wise enough to resist the bait." Your nostrils flare in outrage as he moves your closer so that your faces are nearly touching. He begins to bring a hand to caress your face, your chest rising and falling heavily as you audibly inhale and exhale.
"And will give me Skywalker. Then...I will kill you with the cruelest stroke."
"No." You defiantly command.
"Yes." He purrs once more before you feel yourself being pushed back and release a small cry. You are forced into the air and frozen.
"" He demands, and a rush of pain reaches your body, ensnaring it in complete agony.
You are panting now, releasing small whimpers and cries of "no" before your pain intensifies completely and your body is caught in a storm of torture. Releasing an animalistic yell, you close your eyes and hear your screaming reverberate in the space.
You feel your body being released and you fall in a heap on your back and lie still for a moment. You then move to sturdy yourself on your side with a whimper as Snoke laughs.
"I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise." You angrily lean yourself up on your side as you glare at him, panting. "We will give him and the Jedi Order the death he desires. After the Rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island." That does it. You rush to stand up and extend your arm towards the lightsaber, fingers spread wide as it flies towards you. You whip your head to follow it as it flies behind you, and it is then that you realize you are not controlling it. You cry out as you feel it collide against the back of your head and return to Snoke's side. You fall forward slightly from the pain but stand back up straight.
"Such spunk. Look here now." He motions with his fingers as you are pulled sideways. You cry out as you are brought in front of some sort of magnifier. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion until the red curtains open to reveal a viewport. You look to see the now enlarged Resistance transport ships being destroyed one by one.
"The entire Resistance on those transports. Soon, they will all be gone." Your eyes widen in horror as you watch bursts of fire engulf the ships. "For you, all is lost."
You angrily turn to face him, again summoning a lightsaber, but this time you summon Ben's crosspiece. As you ignite it and bring it into a position ready to fight, the guards around you react, bringing their weapons ready in a stance of attack.
"Oh, still that fiery spit of hope? You have the spirit of a true Jedi!" Snoke spits out the words in spite.
You release a sort of war cry as you charge towards him, running with the will to kill. You feel your body being lifted with the force as you are pushed backwards again. Landing in front of Ben on your back, the wind is knocked out of you with a whimper. The lightsaber spins and lands in front of kylo, merely inches from you.
"And because of must die." He mutters sadistically, and you cry out in pain as you are harshly lifted off your knees. He spins you around to face Ben. His face is drained of any emotion, and his eyes are empty.
"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve; Where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny."
You watch as Ben picks up his lightsaber, and he stands before you. Panting with exhaustion and nervousness, you watch as his eyes are clouded with the stress of what has been expected of him.
"I know what I have to do." He apathetically states.
"Ben..." you plead desperately, looking into his eyes and searching for light. Eyes brimming with tears, you look into his and see conflict. You are distracted as Snoke's laughter echoes around you again.
"You think you can turn him? Pathetic child, I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind: I see his every intent." You watch as Ben brings the lightsaber up and directs it to you. "Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true!" Tears begin to streak your cheeks as Snoke's voice grows louder and cruel. "And now, foolish child, he ignites it...and kills his true enemy!"
You hear the ignition of a lightsaber and fall to the ground in a heap. Quickly using your body to lean up, you look towards Snoke's chair in shock. You watch as the bright blue light of Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber is impaling the emperor at the waist. His face is full of surprise as his mouth lies agape, looking at his own demise in confusion. Suddenly, the saber is summoned forward towards you and you lift your hand to catch it, watching as Snoke's body is cut in half. His top half falls to the ground in a thundering smack.
Still filled with confusion and shock, you look towards Ben as you stand up. His eyes are filled with both fear and confidence, as if he knows he made the right decision but is still terrified what it will bring him. You give him a look of trust and thanks. You hear his lightsaber ignite as a glow of red cuts across his face.
You suddenly turn, back against Ben's and watching as five guards stalk towards you. There are five more on his side undoubtedly, and you analyze how you'll get out of this mess. You decide to immediately stop the attack on your far left and block the blow as you counter against the others. Anticipating the various attacks, you maneuver around their swings and strikes, landing a hit here and there. You kill one trying to sneak up on Ben and quickly turn back to your own, using Ben's backswing to lean against him. You gently hold onto his side with your non lightsaber hand for support as you kick the guards in front of you away, slaying a few. Eventually, only two are attacking you.
One of them uses a sort of whip while the other carries a staff with a light blade on each side. You dodge their blows and jump to avoid losing a leg, eventually catching the one with the staff. You cry out as the whip catches your lightsaber, and the guard slowly begins pulling you towards him by grabbing the links on the whip. His hand reaches out and grasps your throat as he attempts to bring the pointed blade to your throat. You struggle for a bit, gasping for breath and grunting as you try to pull back from his grasp. You suddenly dip and  surprise him, flinging his weapon away. You watch as the whip flies through the air and hits the red curtain, immediately catching fire and forming a burning hole in the wall. You watch as a guard is waiting below the fire, immediately splitting his weapon into two hand held blades and spinning them tauntingly.
You skillfully swing your blade intimidatingly as you release another war cry and he stalks towards you. You meet with a clash of weapons, blocking and weaving as his blades skillfully strike out at you. You cry as he cuts you with a blade below your right shoulder, knocking you off balance. The searing pain distracts you and you lose your focus completely. You swing your saber in fear and are kicked backwards, landing hard on your stomach. You whimper as you lose your breath but stand up once again, carelessly swinging your blade back and forth to get him further away from you, but to no avail. You wince and look to your left as a burning piece of the draping material swings towards you. Distracted, you lean out of the way of the fire but towards your enemy. He swings a blade and gets you. You release a loud scream as he cuts your stomach, the material of your tunic ripping on your upper left side as blood pours from the wound. You look down at which you see the open wound, just at your ribs. It's spewing blood violently, and you know it's severe. Your eyes widen in surprise and you back away, clutching your wound in attempt to stop the bleeding. As you step backwards you trip over your own feet, falling to the ground in a terrified cry. You watch as the guard towers above you, raising his weapons to kill. You hold your wound on your stomach and look up in terror.
Suddenly, a red light pierced through his chest and he drops his weapons, falling limp. You watch as Ben stands above you, holding his lightsaber up as he looks upon you with relief. You look around to see all the guards dead, their red uniforms strewn upon the floor. The fire is burnt throughout the room but relatively calm.
Suddenly Ben is leaning down before you. He touches the wound on your shoulder as he brings a hand to caress your face. He traces around the burn before moving his hand down to the wound on your upper left side. You wince as he brushes his fingers against it and hiss in pain, leaning into his hand for comfort. The wetness of the blood has drenched your side completely, and you are beginning to feel lightheaded from the loss of blood. You look down to see that a small puddle has formed around you as well. As he moves the hand from your injury to your back, he moves you so that you are resting up against him and leaning into him. He then again moves his hand back to your wound, applying heavy pressure.
You feel him plant a kiss upon your forehead, damp with sweat. He then comes into your eyesight, closing his eyes as you kiss, desperate and needy. You lean into his kiss, but quickly break away with a gasp of pain and grab your side.
"Rey..." he whispers, his voice barely audible.
You lean your head back to look at him, his face full of concern, eyes brimming with tears.
"It's bad isn't it?" You ask with a laugh. You don't know why you're laughing, but you are. The wound is deep and you've lost so much blood already, but there's almost nothing you can do.
"It's- we can fix it." He mutters, voice deep but full of terror.
"No, we can't. If you take me to the medic on board they'll kill me for treason. They'll kill us both. It's too late." You choke out. You're now beginning to feel a metallic taste in your mouth. You cough and sputter, bringing your hand to your mouth. When you move it away, it is covered in a small spray of maroon. Blood.
"I can't let you die." He chokes out. You feel something wet hit your temple and bring your hand up to wipe it. You bring your fingers in your line of sight to see a translucent drip of something, and you look up for the source. It is then you notice that tears are streaming down Ben's face.
"It's okay Ben. There's still hope for you." You whisper, bringing your hand up to feel his face once again.
"No, NO! I can't let you die!" He shouts in anger.
"It's alright, let me go. You can let me go, just promise me you'll never lose the light in you." You mutter, beginning to cry.
"Don- don't talk like that! You're gonna be okay!" He stutters, picking you up off the ground and carrying you bridal style.
"Hey! Remember the last time we did this? I heard what you said, about marrying. I want that." He states, heart pounding as he runs out of the room. A smile comes upon your face and a tear rolls down your cheek at the thought.
I would love that.
Would have, at least, I mean since you're dying. You WOULD HAVE loved that.
"Hey! Don't talk like that! I'm gonna get you outta here, alright? You're gonna be okay!" He yells, running through the halls of the ship. You forgot he could read your thoughts.
Where is he taking you?
"To a ship! We're getting help." He answers quickly, and you feel yourself drifting as your head lulls back into his arms.
"Ben, I love you." You whisper, looking at him with tear stricken cheeks and a pale complexion.
So much blood. You've lost so much.
"I know." He answers emotionally.
Was that to the words or my thought? You think desperately before he answers you with his mind.
At this, your eyes are filled with black dots and everything becomes blurry. You fall into unconsciousness in his arms.

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