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“Ruby, dinner is ready!” My grandma calls to me through the U.N.O. Grabbing my phone I begin the walk down the stairs, this place smells so greak, like oak or something. Wobbling down the stairs I see all the staff making their way into the kitchen, some laughing. Pushing past some of them I get into the kitchen to spot my grandma helping with the meals. Quickly walking over to her she smiles widly.

            “Do you need help with anything?” I ask her, she looks around the kitchen, I see a salad, spaghetti, and rolls.

            “No I think we are good in here, could you check yourself though? Blood sugar?” Oh yeah, I left my kit upstairs.

            “Yeah, ill be right down.” Dismissing myself through the echos of laughter and chatter I head back upstairs into my room, seeing Maddie is up and awake, along with a small little pee stain. Groaning I grab my kit, scooping her up in my arms, I search for cleaner under the kitchen sink to find Puppy Clean, quickly spraying it on the pee, the spray smells awful with the mix of the pee. Letting it sit, I grab her and my kit making my way down the stairs into the kennel room, I put her in her create, she looks just so cute and sad. “Ill be back.” Heading back into the kitchen everyone is already eating, I fine an empty row of chairs at the bar, sitting there comfortably, my pregnancy has made it so I have a great posture. I get all my things out, this is going to really hurt.

            “Do you need help?” Granny asks me spooking up on me, I honestly don’t know how to do this.

            “Yeah could you?” She used to be a nurse so I figure that she was able to help me. She takes my pinky cleaning it off with an alcohol swab, its kind of cold. She cocks the small little blue thing before placing it on my finger. She then quickly presses the button sending a small pinch through my finger, I yank it away but she grabs it back placing it to the reader. “That hurt!” I snap to her and she only chuckles to me before it beeps giving us the results of my blood sugar.

            “One hundred, your still good, I counted out all your food, what is your ratio?” She asks, I never knew that she was this good with diabetes?

            “One per twenty I think, how do you know all this stuff?” I ask, taking my bloody finger back, I clean it off with the swab, it still stings. She hands me my plate of food, it smells so good.

            “Well you need to deal with diabetes when you are a nurse. I had to deal with it a lot, I don’t forget.”

            “Well I am glad that a lot of my friends are good in the medical field. Am I good to eat now?” I ask taking my bread keeping it close to my mouth, it smells so good.

            “Yeah go ahead, tell me when you are finished, unless they give you insulin first?”

            “Insulin first.” She takes my things preparing it for me, its all prepared nicely. Wiping my arm fat again she squeezes my fat before injecting me, counting to ten, the needle going in makes me feel nauseous again. She pulls out rubbing my arm but I only just stare at my food for a moment feeling sick.

            “Are you okay?” She asks rubbing my back, I just nod before I begin to eat, this food is to die for, its so delicious.The bread is so nice and fresh, the spaghetti is perfectly warm and creamy, the salad is definitely fresh because of the salads and ingredients from the garden. Everyone is chatting amongst themselves and I just sit here all by myself eating, I quickly finish rubbing my stomach from the deliciousness.

            “See you later grandma, gotta unpack.” Pecking her cheek I begin to walk to get Maddie, she is whimpering and barking once she sees me, she is so adorable, I love her. “Come here baby girl.” Pulling her out and up into my arms she begins to lick my nose all crazy and begins to get crazy, nipping my nose and chin. “Ah, ah no, don’t bite.” T-bone, and Beethoven come running up to me wagging like crazy. “Come on.” I motion for them to come with me to the kitchen, everyone is still eating slowly and they don’t seem to mind me. “Hey grandma I think they need to go, can they go out back?”

            “Ah yes they can, Taylor will you show her where their pen is?” Taylor looks a bit uncomfortable before sighing, getting up from the table I follow him with the dogs out the back door. The back yard is so beautiful, there are two horses, four goats, and a huge garden. The dogs go nuts scaring the goats making them fall over. I run over to the goats, what happened?

            “Hey don’t mess with them? They are just temporarily paralyzed.”

            “What?” I stroke the goats softly when Taylor helps me up, the goats get up dragging their back legs behind them. “That is so weird, why did they do that?” I ask, he drags me to the pen behind the barn, its very large and T-bone and Beethoven are already in there messing around and peeing.

            “They are called fainting sheep, they don’t really faint, just get paralyzed when they are scared. No biggy. Need help with anything or can I go eat again?” He asks motioning back to the house, he looks super uncomfortable.

            “Well is there something wrong that you have to avoid me? That you have to be a jerk?” I ask putting Maddie down letting her play with the big boys.

            “N-no, I have to go.”



            “Tell me what is wrong?” I snap to him, he is so annoyed right now and it gives me the few points.

            “Ugh, I feel uncomfortable in the presence of a pregnant girl. It freaks me out that at any time something could go wrong like you could go into labor or something? I don’t know I just get uncomfortable.”

            “Wow typical!” 


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