House Arrangements

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Not believing the words I just said his eyes just about bulge from his eyes, he looks so happy and for some reason I am not afraid to admit it. His lips carefully and cautiously trail up to mine letting the heat from his zap me right in the face, with Lile I never had this feeling. Jerik is here for me and he doesn’t make me feel like I am so immature. He protects me and makes sure I am doing alright. His lips move against mine letting my fingers lock in his beautiful hair. He pulls apart huffing not leaving my forehead pressed against his.

            “I have always loved you Ruby. Since the moment I saw you I had to have you. Now I think I have.” He smiles again pressing his lips once again to mine, I feel so safe and I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner. His lips move so gracefully and pleasurably it makes me feel relaxed and calm. Everything is going to be okay…everything will be. Because I have a person who really is protecting me, and is serious about it. “How are you feeling?” He gasps stepping away he sits into the chair holding my hand tightly.

            “I am okay, I feel just fine actually. Do you know when I get to get out of here?”

            “In a few days, they want to make sure it heals properly.” What? Groaning I throw my head back frustrated and hear Jerik chuckle. “Are you okay with the baby and all?” He looks a bit nervous on the topic but that just makes me feel nauseous to talk about.

            “Im not really comfortable with it, adoption might be the best thing for me.” He looks pained, like I just jabbed him in the heart.

            “Are you sure about that? I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do but are you sure?”

            “I will just look into it doesn’t mean I will, I am just not prepaired for something like this, I don’t really want to be a mom right now, let alone a mother to my rapist child.”

            “But the baby didn’t do anything.”

            “I don’t really want to talk about this right now. Could you stay in here with me? I am tired but still not comfortable with the dark.” Gripping his hand tighter he nods agreeing letting me close my eyes to rest, no evil thoughts come into my minds, he is gone forever. Out of my mind because I have someone who can replace him.

            “Oh no you don’t Kitty, you don’t get to leave me, because you are mine. I love you and my child and I have never felt this way about a girl I have raped.” He places his cold lips to my forehead gently caressing my body, tieing me to the bed post. But the door to this room blows open revealing Jerik, he grips his neck throwing him to the ground hissing in his face.

            “She is mine, and you will never touch her again.” He screams in his face before a loud gunshot goes off. But then something happens, my stomach begins to grow and move making me seem as if I am fully nine months then a huge gush leaves me, a pain shoots through me making me scream through my gage, Jerik darts to his feet unharmed. “Our baby is coming. You ready?” Without hesitation I begin to push, I didn’t know labor went this quickly? He holds out his hands while I push to my hearts content. Then three things flow out of my body leaving me panting and skinny again. Jerik smiles holding up three small things in his hands until he brings it to my chest revealing three small kittens. Screaming on the top of my lungs he looks confused.

            My eyes dart open panting with sweat rolling down my face I turn to look at Jerik who is wide awake looking concerned. “Hey what happened what is wrong?” He asks but I am too freaked at the moment to speak. Running my hands through my hair I rip my sheets off in the endless heat.

            “C-can I have your phone?” Stuttering he hesitantly hands me his phone, quickly dialing my grandma’s phone she answers immediately.

            “Hello?” She asks clearly annoyed, probably watching 20/20.

            “Hey granny, this is me Ruby. I was uh, wondering if you had a room available for me?” Looking over to Jerik he looks heart broken, tears form in his eyes but he turns away letting me finish.

            “Oh my dear Ruby! Are you alright? I tried getting ahold of you but it said your phone was out of service and your mother said she didn’t know where you were! I saw you on the news. Baby doll are you okay?”

            “Not at the moment. But do you have a room for me?”

            “There is but its filled with crap, I can have it available in two months. Are you sure you are alright?”

            “Granny Im not okay…I know that’s what you don’t want to hear, because that rapist got me pregnant.” She gasps and then begins to scream startled by her sudden loudness. I remove the phone from my ear making me feel horrible that my pain is bringing others down.

            “No Ruby! I am so sorry! I will try to get that room done for you, I will call you when its ready. Oh my God baby girl. I will call this number. I love you, I gotta go to get started. I love you hunny. See you later bye.” Without saying a good bye she hangs up. Its kind of hard to realize that I am pregnant, I have no symptoms. Feeling the hot tears flow down my face I hand Jerik back his phone, he looks up to me with his own tears in his eyes.

            “Jerik…” Is all I say and he pulls me into a giant hug holding me tightly, the tears just flow down my face. Shoving my face into the crook of his neck I begin to sob hard too. My stomach twinges holding him tightly. I cant do this, I really cant, I don’t know how I am going to be able to hold this life in me? My chest heaves and shutters gasping for air through every painful sob. He holds me just as tightly, I thought I was okay, I thought my tears were over?

            “Ruby you are still safe, nothing will happen to you. Just please don’t leave.” Pulling away I wipe my eyes sighing trying to calm myself down before looking into his red rimmed eyes.

            “I-I have to…once I start showing people are going to talk. I just cant…I need a break for a while, to clear my head. I need to make big decisions about my life. Wether to keep it or not.”

            “You need to keep it, and if people talk just say its mine, and you were pregnant before you were raped?” Seeing how dedicated he is makes me feel so happy but I cant drag him down with me.

            “People wont belive it. Everyone knows I was a virgin before that night. Jerik I just need a break. My life is kind of confusing okay? You still have two months left with me.”

            “That isn’t enough time though, I want you forever.” He pouts kissing  my nose, but I only turn away.

            “Jerik I don’t think its good for you to love me, I am too broken and not very stable, I run away from everything. Now I am pregnant.” He lets out a gasp making me snap my head to him in confusion.

            “Why in the world would you say that? I love you no matter what and I want you to get better! If you would let me I would love to live with you and your grandma and help you raise the baby because no matter what that baby is going to look so much like you. One hundred percent, please Ruby just don’t go, don’t give up the baby. You would be such a great mother, and maybe God did this because he knew you needed to love a baby. Have that special bond with someone.”

            “Jerik…I don’t know?” Tears begin to flow down my face again I honestly don’t know what to do about the baby. Jerik grabs my chin forcing me to look at him.

            “Keep it, keep me, love me and I will protect both of you.” He presses his lips to mine again moving slowly before parting.

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