Chapter 1.3: Fort Thal'Gard (Rough Draft)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, these are the new Riders that Aeron and I found after Eragon gave us a few eggs to guard and search for their Riders. Took a bit, but here we are now, all the Dragons with respective Riders." Jaclyn states with a smile, though I could see he was holding in deep pain in his voice. My suspicions must have shown in my gaze because he looks away while taking a quiet breath. "Don't look so depressed and unsure, kid, you'll fit in just fine here, I... I swear." He says, before turning to Aeron and busying himself with the Harness while two of the other Riders, both looking like they were my age, walk casually up to me.

"So, you're the kid that Aeron was all excited about. Word travels fast around here, kid... You found a Dragon Egg in the trash dump?" The girl approaching me asks, the other some kind of hybrid-Girl that seemed more animal than girl, but at least walked on two legs and had a semblance. "That sounds like a crazy story, I must have missed it when I was sorting things... Dunno how, but... Could I see the egg?"

"Uh... Yeah, sure." I murmur shyly, before opening my tight hold enough for the two to see my Dragon Egg, and the girl's eyes soften, a warm smile on her face.

"It's a beautiful Egg, brother, I bet that they'll be a gorgeous Dragon... Maybe they could be friends with Eclipse." She remarks, and the Hyrbid purrs.

"Or Vyth'ca~"

"I'm sure she... love to meet them... When she hatches, of course, I was told she not quite ready yet..." I remark, the two nodding in understanding. "Who are you?"

"Ah, maybe we should give our names, that'd be a good idea. I'm Adolpha~ This is my friend Ailynna As'irr. It's nice to meet you..."

"Kade. I am Kaedrien... I just use Kade for short, easier." I respond quickly, and Adolpha smiles warmly. "I'm happy to meet you too..." I remark, before Jaclyn coughs softly.

"Sorry to interrupt the meet and greet, but I'm sure he's gonna want to know where he will be sleeping, eating, and all that good jazz. Why don't you two show him around, huh? Give him a nice tour while I talk with the Captain?" Jaclyn asks casually, Adolpha nodding with a grin. "And no funny business with dragons... Kid needs some human interaction first. Been out in these woods a while, it seems." He looks to me, smiling a bit reassuringly.

"Not too long. I just been out in woods for... um..."

"Exactly, kid. Human interaction first, Dragon time later. Though I'm sure that the other Dragons are gonna love you, if you can sway Aeron to like you." He remarks, before Adolpha and Ailynna take one of my arms each and giggle, pulling me along with them. "Just remember, kid, relax and don't worry about things. We'll figure things out~!"

I wish that I were optimistic as he, the feeling I still bear from that man. I manage to get my arm free and shift my pack up my shoulder, following the two ladies into the Fortress. The interior was rather warm, for being made of hard, cold stone and mortar. Torchlight and fireplaces light the main gathering room, a large fireplace dominating the center of the room, where there were several lounging seats and couches set up, bookshelves and things set up along the walls with large banners and tapestries adorning the windows on either side.

Adolpha leads me along, Ailyn aside me, as they show me through the maze of halls. This Fortress looked quite small outside, but it came to my realization that they didn't build out... they built down into the mountain they were set into, the cliff being a part of the garbage and waste disposal for the group residing within the walls. And everywhere, there were at least one or two people working or hanging out. A few very small Dragons running about, playing around and scampering around my feet, I couldn't help the soft laugh as one barreled into my leg, blinking, before looking up with an apologetic noise and look, before hurrying off without much more delay.

"It's a lot to take in, Kaed, I know that much... Ailynna is the newest, beyond you now, and I was before her. We're still getting used to things, though a bit easier than most. Ailynna was, what... A tribe of vulpine elves from the forests, was it?"

"Aye, yeah, I was from a tribe of elves who turned themselves into hybrids... I wasn't the most well-liked of my group... The runt, you could say. Last to everything, and not the strongest. Thanks to Vythica, though... I've come to terms with a different strength..." The, as she was now revealed to be, Vulpine Elf remarks, before gently cupping her hands and gazing to them, before a light forms. "Illuminary magics and Casting... Jaclyn thinks I might just be able to sustain light for more than a day..."

"That's awesome. You can make light? Can it... Can you make things light?" I ask curiously, Ailynna tilting her head a bit before she nods a bit with a grin.

"Yeah... I can make things light up..." She then grins a bit evilly and focuses visibly, and Adolpha yelps as her swordbelt glows brightly.

"AILYNNA!" She yelps, glaring playfully at Ailynna, and the Vixen giggles, before taking my arm gently and pulling me away.

"Come on, Kaed! I'll show you the rest... While I save my furry hide!~" The Vixen laughs, and I can't help but smile...

Maybe this won't be so bad.


A Short Update, I have been dealing with a lot lately... I dunno if anyone really even comes around, but for those who do, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read what I write. I mean it, it means more than the world to know that someone looks at what I publish and what I work to put down. I know its not the greatest, I know it's not the longest... But I'm so happy that you all take time to read it.

Love to you all,
The Warrior

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