Juvia could hear Mirajane speaking in a low, animated tone, and suddenly Elfman was pulling Gray to his feet with one hand and Juvia with the other.


“Juvia, I think you should take Gray home.” Elfman said, humbly, placing Gray’s arm around her neck and allowing his weight to fall onto her again. “He will not listen to a Man right now.”


“R-right.” Juvia, her face only a little paler, looked down and ignored the looks she could feel, burning into her skin. "J-Juvia thinks so too."


With some difficulty she half coaxed and half dragged Gray out of the guild, stumbling through the gates and into the cool night air. She had one arm wrapped around his torso, his arm still over her shoulder, and he was suddenly leaning on her heavily. Thankfully it was not a particularly long walk to Gray’s house, and now that he was no longer in the presence of everyone else at the guild he was beginning to behave himself (well, mostly. Occasionally his hand would slip too far in the wrong direction and she would have to correct it, but apart from that he was, well, perfect!).


As she walked, Juvia sighed. Now she really thought about it she was...confused. On the one hand Gray was showing her affection, and drunk minds supposedly speak sober thoughts. On the other hand, the behaviour of most of Fairy Tail when drunk entirely disproved this theory, leaving her with a drunk and perverse Gray who still didn’t love her.


“G-Gray-sama.” Juvia mumbled, tearfully, as she pushed open the door to his apartment and dragged him through. She leaned against the door again to close it, letting go of the surprisingly heavy mage with a sigh, assuming he would be relatively safe in his own apartment, whether or not he had enough balance to stand properly.


The apartment was small and there wasn’t a lot of furniture. She was stood in what looked like a makeshift living room with an armchair and a sofa. Through a half opened door opposite her she could see a bedroom (she blushed) and an open archway on her right led to what she assumed was a kitchen.


As she observed, Gray stumbled around unsteadily, appearing confused and a little angry until finally he spotted Juvia again.


“Juvia!” He reached out and pulled her into a crushing embrace. Juvia gasped and stumbled forwards, unable to keep her balance, and fell against Gray heavily, almost knocking the both of them over again in his drink addled state.


"G-Gray-sama, what are you-oof!" Juvia broke off as Gray slumped over her. Somehow he had twisted her so his chest was against her back and he was draped over her like some kind of living, breathing cape. His face was pressed into her neck and she sighed in exasperation, though it tingled where he touched her.


"Gray-sama." She sighed. "Juvia shall put you in your bed and bring you water and coffee."


Aloud she wondered if this would make Gray realise what a wonderful wife she would be, but he was too distracted by her neck to notice.


With an awkward shuffle, the rain woman managed to get Gray inside his bedroom;that was the easy part. The real problem was that now they were inside, every time she tried to drop him from her back to the bed he would wrap his arms around her waist and hide his face in her shoulder like a child.

Fairy Tailsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें