Intoxicated (Gruvia)

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"So, Juvia," Mira began. She was stood behind the bar, wiping at a tankard with a cloth. It was an especially busy evening in Fairy Tail so she had her work cut out for her (really it was a party but nobody could find a good enough excuse to have a party, so it was simply referred to as an 'especially busy evening'). "How are things going with Gray?"


Juvia sighed and slumped down on the bar, her head resting in her arms. "Juvia doesn't know." She told the barmaid, raising her voice a little so that it could be heard above the shouting. Apparently someone was having a drinking competition, though Juvia didn't care too much;she was too preoccupied with thoughts of her Gray-sama. "Sometimes he does things that makes Juvia think he cares for her the way she cares for him, but when she tries to talk to him about it he won't listen. Juvia thinks boys are very confusing."


Mira giggled and picked up a new mug, taking the opportunity to clear up a bit while the entire guild was drinking out of barrels.


"Now now, Juvia, don't give up hope! I'm certain Gray cares for you; he just doesn't know how to show it. He's always been that-"




Juvia was distracted from Mirajane's words of encouragement by someone hugging her waist from behind. She tried to turn around to see who it was, but they tickled her just under her ribs and she gasped, managing to wiggle free and get a good look at-




"Ju-vi-a." Gray scowled, taking the seat next to her and slumping over the bar, his head resting on folded arms but looking at her all the while. "You weren't supposed to turn around!"


"Oh my." Mira murmured, pressing a hand to her cheek with a fond smile, and discreetly she moved down the bar, away from the pair.


"G-Gray-sama-" Juvia stuttered, slightly confused though not entirely displeased with the attention he was suddenly giving her. "A-are you alright?"


"Mmm." Gray shuffled towards her, still hunched over, and wrapped his arms around her back, burying his face in her ample chest. It was sort of like another hug, Juvia noted, only more...perverted. "Squish-" The ice mage's speech was muffled by Juvia's thick blue coat, but still understandable, unfortunately for him.


Juvia screeched, her face heating up in surprise. Jerking backwards, she toppled off her stool and took Gray down with her.


Once on the floor she found herself in an even worse (or better) position than he has previously. Gray was laid on top of her (he weighed more than she had thought; not that she ever expected to have him on top of her!), his face still in her chest and their legs entangled. Juvia’s own face was bright red and steaming, only made worse by the catcalls of the guild members gathered around them. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and realised, with a small amount of relief (and just a pinch of bitterness) that he was drunk.

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