The Killing Game. Their Killing Game. - Part Five

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Just like that, the day seemed to continue without much else happening. Himiko decided to head back to her dormitory for a while after lunch, passing Angie trying to kick Miu's door open while entering her own, but she paid little attention to that, forgetting to lock her door again after entering and falling onto the bed for an afternoon nap. While Himiko was sleeping, a lot more was going on.

"Look, Shuichi, I don't think you should be putting your life at risk to fix an arcade machine," Kiibo tried to reason with his friend, but to no avail.
"It'll be fine. Even if it does electrocute me, it won't be too bad, kinda used to it," Shuichi shrugged. He'd returned to his work of repairing the broken acrade machine in the game room and was trying to reconnect a series of wires, but it had to be done all at once, in order to avoid electrocution, and Shuichi wasn't letting Kiibo risk getting himself hurt, so refused to let him take half the cords. "Please work," Kiibo thought, swallowing back his fear as his friend tried to reconnect the wires.

Meanwhile, Miu had locked herself in her dorm room, Angie, Kokichi and Rantaro all outside, asking for the book back. She knew she didn't have a way out, or anywhere to hide it, plus, Angie was sure to pick the lock soon enough. She had to use the only way out she could think of, "Monophanie," she muttered, "come on, Monophanie," she repeated the name several more times before the half-white-half-pink bear appeared, finally. "Sorry for the hold up, Monokid was bullying Monodam again," she giggled, adjusting the glasses that rested on her snout. "Could you maybe hang on to this for me please?" Miu asked with a shaky smile. She didn't trust these robots in the slightest, but she knew Monophanie seemed to like her, so she'd use that to her advantage. "Just don't let any of the others know you have it or I gave it to you, please," Miu practically begged, holding the book out. She was glad she'd kept her voice down the whole time, otherwise the others would've heard her. "Will-do!" Monophanie smiled, taking the book from Miu.
"Thank you," Miu sighed, knowing the book was in relatively safe hands - or, technically, paws.

"Hey, Kiyo?" Tsumugi walked over to the detective, who quickly turned to face her, only responding with a dull, monotone "Hm?"
"I was wondering, how'd you get given your Ultimate Talent? Like - the title of the Ultimate Detective?" the blue-haired girl seemed intrigued, logically so.
"It goes back to about two years ago," Korekiyo recalled, "apparently Angie and I solved a mass-murder of almost a hundred girls, we didn't intend to but it just happened. Angie already had an Ultimate title, so the authorities just gave the Ultimate Detective talent to me, even though I tried to explain it happened by accident."
"Woah," Tsumugi gasped, "how do you solve a mass-murder by accident?"
"I'm still unsure," Korekiyo laughed dully, "what about your talent?"
"Oh - it's not as cool of a story as yours, but alright," Tsumugi smiled gently, "the kiss at all the schools I ever attended never liked me, so during lunch breaks and stuff I'd just go look at the bugs, it ended up becoming a hobby. One time I went into the forest near my house during a weekend and found Gonta, like, just abandoned there," her expression turned to a frown, "it was so sad, it looked as if he'd been there for a long time, damaged by the environment and everything but, then again, I did go further into that forest than most people did."

"A robot being abandoned doesn't sound to uncommon," Korekiyo shrugged, "perhaps whoever built him no longer had the funds to continue, and simply had to scrap him, but had nowhere to take so much metal."
"I guess you're right," Tsumugi sighed, "it's just upsetting though. I ended up getting Ryoma's help to fix him, he was kinda like me, I guess, one of the outcasts at out school, I guess he saw me searching on my phone 'how to fix a broken robot' during this one math class where he got sat next to me, we ended up doing a pretty good job - contemplated trying to comtact Shuichi during all of it for help but decided against it, since we figured the Ultimate Inventor had better things to do, plus, he lived several cities over."
"You knew about Shuichi before all this?" Korekiyo asked, seeming surprised.
"Yeah? What's weird about that?" Tsumugi responded, confused.
"Well, so far from what knowledge I've obtained through analysation and conversation, the people here only knew those who went to the same school as them before we were all brought to this killing game. For instance, Kaito and Maki, Tenko and Himiko, Angie and myself," Korekiyo answered.
"I guess that is weird," Tsumugi scratched the side of her head, "the more I think about all this, the more confusing it gets, it's like there's no answeres to anything."

Elsewhere, there seemed to be something far more sinister going on. "Shotput ball, check," they murmured to themself, placing the object in question into the bag they'd collected from nearby in the storage building, "hammer, check," they added the hammer to the bag. "Switchblade," they muttered, adding the knife to their collection of items, "chloroform, rag," they smiled, adding the last two items required for their plan to work. Nothing could go wrong, right?

Himiko had slept the rest of the day away, not even waking up when the Monokubs informed everyone, using the telivision screens, that they had twenty-four hours left to live unless someome committed murder, or when it was lights out. She was so tired, as usual. That was just the norm for Himiko, it seemed. Though, her tiredness was more extreme than before, not even waking up when her still unlocked door was gently pushed open at two o'clock sharp.

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