The Killing Game. Their Killing Game. - Part Two

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"Ahah, it's Monomi!" Angie smiled, still in Tenko's arms, as the taller one seemed to have forgotten she was even holding her. As Tenko realised, she dropped Angie again, letting her hit the floor with a thud and a quiet "Oof."
"You said the door looks like me, right, Kokichi?" Monomi giggled, "That's my door! Maki, you said about my wording, you're right too! Wow, you're all so smart, I'm so proud of my students!"
"Please shut up," Maki said flatly, "can you explain what you mean by that last bit? About how I was right?"
"Sure thing!" Momomi smiled, "There is at least two people in this killing game who are willingly taking part!"
"Nyeh...? Who would wish that upon themselves?" Himiko asked, confused.
"Well, one of them bought all of you here to take part in the killing game, I won't explain the other, yet," the robotic rabbit giggled.

"Ahah! So I was correct," Angie smiled, proud, she gently punched Kokichi's arm, jokingly, "when we get out of here you owe me ten -" she was cut off.
"You two really think you of all people will get out of here alive?" Kaito seemed to glare at them, his words cutting through the momentarily happier vibes in the room like a blade. "Are you implying something, Kaito?" Kokichi smiled evilly, resting his left elbow on Angie's shoulder to lean, placing a hand on his hip. "Well - I -" Kaito only then realised what his words could imply. Luckily, Maki saved him before he had to explain himself, "What Kaito is trying to say is that you two aren't the nicest to people, you'd be ideal targets for some of the others."
"Eheh... she's not wrong," Monomi agreed with Maki, "anyway, I gotta get going now, bye-bye!"

Just like that, she was gone again. Tenko and Himiko decided it was best to leave the library at that point. The air was tense, Kaito and Maki seeming to argue in whispers, Angie and Kokichi climbing the ladders leant against the bookshelves to see what was actually on top of the giant shelves.

"Cafeteria," Himiko mumbled, seeing the sign above the doors into the room that was now ahead of them, they pushed the doors open and walked in. What was inside was quite the surprise to say the least. "Give them back, I can't see right without those!" Tsumugi was stumbling around around the room, trying to chase Miu, who had Tsumugi's glasses in hand. "No way, this is way more fun," Miu laughed. She then ran out the room, shortly followed by the still-stumbling Tsumugi. They got a decent look at the room now, atleast. There was one long table in the center of the room, surrounded with chairs, a door on the wall to the left, and a smaller table with two chairs in one corner.

"What was all that about?" Tenko asked, noticing that Korekiyo was there too, on one knee by a door labelled "Kitchen," it looked as if he was trying to pick the lock with the small peice of metal in his hand. "I, too, am unsure, it seems Miu enjoys taunting others and found Tsumugi as an easy target," he answered Tenko as the door before him clicked and he pushed it open. The three of them headed into the kitchen, beginning to look around. The floor was made up of tiles, cold as ice, Himiko could feel the coldneas through her shoes. There were several countertops, a refridgerator, an oven, a sink and a microwave. Himiko turned to Korekiyo, "Hey, Kiyo?"

"Yes, Himiko?" he glanced down at the small girl.
"How'd you pick the lock so easily?" she asked.
"Angie lent me this," he held up a thin peice of metal, probably a needle, "we attended the same school before ending up here, she seems talented with that sort of thing."
"Nyeh, that makes sense, I guess," Himiko shrugged, then continued looking around.

There wasn't much interesting in there, aside from an unusually large amount of kitchen tools, from knives to rolling pins, it seemed like Monomi - or whoever bought them there - really did want to make killing easy, but getting away with it hard. At some point during their exploration of the kitchen, Korekiyo glanced at the clock on the wall, "It appears that it is half past eight. That is when Kiibo said we were to gather at the gymnasium, if I am correct."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot," Himiko yawned, then was hurried out the room and to the gymnasium by Tenko, Korekiyo making to attept to match their pace, walking slowly.

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