The Killing Game. Their Killing Game. - Part Three

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"Rise and shine, ursine!" the Monokubs spoke at once, their loud voices blaring from the speakers connected to the television screen in the corner near the ceiling of Himiko's room. She didn't want to get up, hearing them drone on about the time, unlocked areas, and how there was only thirty something hours left until they'd all be excecuted. How womderful. Himiko rolled herself over, froom laying on her stomach to her back, staring uo at the ceiling blankly. She would've stayed right there all day if it wasn't for the sudden string of loud knocks on her dormitory door, forcing her to get up, still wewring most og the clothes from the day before, but she didnt care, throwing on the rest of her clothimg and hurrying to the door. "Nyeh... good morning Tenko," she yawned.
"Good morning, Himiko!" Tenko responded, upbeat as usual, "I had an idea last night, Momomi said someone forced us to stay here, right?"
"Yeah?" Himiko asked while steppimg outside her dorm, locking the door behind her.
"Well, why don't we all just team uo against them? They'll stand no chance!" Tenko was her usual confident self, am improvement from how she momentarily seemed down the night prior. "But... we don't know who this person is," Himiko seemed more than a little confused. "That's why we're gonna work together to expose whoever it is!" Tenko stepped aside, allowing Himiko to see the group she'd gathered.

"Nyahaha! This is sure to be great fun, is it not?" Angie half-sung, spinning in a circle as she did so. "Please, Angie, take this seriously, this is a matter of life or death," Kirumi scolded her, though not harshly, as Angie didn't seem to care, continuing to spin in circles. "I'm fairly certain this will work well, we seem to be a pretty good team for this job," Korekiyo nodded.
"Hang on," Angie paused her spinning, stumbling a little as she counted the others around her, "Himiko, one. Tenko, two. Me, three. Kirumi, four. Kiyo, five. Kiibo. Six, Himiko, I thought you said there was gonna be seven of -" Angie was cut off by a familiar, quiet voice, every so slightly louder than usual. "You - um - missed me -" Shuichi stuttered, waving nervously to Angie. "Oh, right, forgot you existed, maybe speak some more and we won't forget so often," Angie giggled. Kiibo looked like he wanted to smack her over the head with his tennis racket, but withheld himself from doing so, not wanting to genuinely harm her - or worse.

The grouo made their way to the library. On the way, Tenko explained to Himiko that she'd asked Korekiyo to use his detective skills to set up a way to figure out if the door had been used overnight, and according to the dust Kiyo said was on the floor, someome had indeed entered. While the others were elsewhere, most likely asleep. It took a while, but they arrived and began to hatch their plan. Kirumi and Shuichi had left to go to the storage locker and get the cameras needed for their plan to work prior to them all arriving, though, so it was just Angie, Tenko, Himiko and Kiibo. "Alrighty everyone, we just need to make sure we can prove who the mastermind is, we're not out to kill them!" Tenko remimded the group, "we just gotta clear, like, five spaces to place the cameras down."

So, they set to work. Kiibo climbed one of the tall ladders, trying to reorganise the books atop the shelf, as he said he was going to try to get one to snap a picture of them the moment whoever they were going to catch entered the room. Angie shifting some books on a low shelf aside, trying to make enough space for a camera to fit between some books, with others rotated to cover the gap. Tenko had, too, climbed a ladder, though she was following a similair route to Angie in terms of what she actually did to the books on the shelf.

Himiko, however, figured there was an entirely different way to go about her idea, so she simply waited for Kirumi and Shuichi, who luckily, returned quickly. "We got all five of the disposable cameras you requested, Tenko," Kirumi announced upon entering, holdimg two of the cameras in question, Shuichi following shortly behind her  carrying the other three. "Alrighty!" Tenko smiled, hurrying over, "Shuichi, you think you can make these automatically roll the camera roll or whatever? It's pretty important that that's what happens," Tenko smiled. Sure, she hadn't been the nicest to him before, simply because he was male, but she was trying now. "Y-yeah, okay, I'll do my best - I'll just go grab my toolbox," he stuttered, then hurried out the room.

"He seemed in a hurry to leave," Angie span around on her heels, smiling, "only Atua knows why, I suppose, nyahaha!"
"Yeah," Kiibo mumbled a response, "I guess so." His tone seemed off. Himikp couldn't put her finger on what emotion it was, but it most certainly wasn't his usual enthusiasm. Besides, she didn't have much time to think about it, as Shuichi seemed to have ran all the way to the dormitories and back, wheezing and coughing as he placed the toolbox he'd bought with him down on a table, then got to work on adjusting the cameras.

Himiko wandered over and stood about half a metre away from Shuichi, "Hey, Shuichi?" she asked, her voice deliberately kept quiet and calm so as to not startle him, as he was, at that moment in time, dismantling one of the several disposable cameras. "Yeah?" he responded, matching her tone, trying not to loose focus. "Do you think you could maybe set one of the cameras to send a signal to this thing?" Himiko placed a small plastic cube with three labelled lights on it. The red one was labelled "active," the blue one "inactive," the green one's was mostly rubbed off, but looked to say "alarm."

Shuichi glanced fro, his work to the cube, "Where'd you find this?" he asked her, surprised she'd found such a thing. "It was in my bag. I don't know how it got there, I didn't even own a bag like this before ending up here," Himiko shrugged, yawning, "I figured, maybe we could hide somewhere nearby - like, a few of us - then whem a certain camera is triggered, the green one lights up. I think it makes a noise, it did when I tapped the speaker-looking thing on the side, but only for a second."
"I-I'll see what I can do," Shuichi nodded.

"Hey, Kiyo! Can you pass a few of those books up?" Kiibo called down the ladder. Right, Korekiyo was here. Himiko had somehow managed to forget. Maybe because he wasn't saying anything or getting in anyone's way, he had been helping Kiibo set up the books atop the shelf for the camera that was to go up there. "Alright, hang on, Kiibo," Korekiyo nodded, picking up one of the books he'd stacked uo by his feet. As if if weighed nothing , he quite easily threw it with such power to get it all the way to Kiibo, who expertly caught it, adding it to the formation of books he was creating. "Woah! Where'd you get that from?" Tenko asked, taken aback by Korekiyo's seemingly sudden strength.
"I've just got a strong throw, Angie knows," Korekiyo answered flatly, throwing another book up to Kiibo, which was caught, once again. Tenko, Kirumi and Himiko all looked at Angie for an explanation. "Well, you gotta be stromg if you plan to communicate with the Ultimate Supreme Leader! Nyahaha!" she giggled. Didn't seem like much of an explanation, really.

Time ticked by, the group mostly ended up chatting about whatever game to mind, as Kiibo and Kirumi joined Shuichi, trying to help with the adjustments that needed to be made to the cameras. "Say, it's almost noon now, is it not?" Kirumi suddenly asked, not looking up from the wires she was reordering as Shuichi had shown her. "Oh, right!" Tenko jumped up from the short book stack she'd taken a seat on, "I'll go make everyone lunch, it's a speciality of mine! Himiko, you gonna help?" she asked enthusiastically. Back at home, there had been times Himiko went to Tenko's house over the weekend and the two would spend forever making their lunch, as they both seemed to share a love for it, "Nyeh, I'll stay here, sorry Tenko," Himiko shook her head, "Kiibo looked excited at the mention of food so I thought I'd stay here and he can go with you," it was only a partial lie. "How considerate of you, Himiko," Kirumi nodded in approval.
"I mean, she's not wrong," Kiibo laughed.
"Alrighty then, off we go! Kiyo, Tenko, Kee-boy!" Angie clapped, then skipped out the room, those who she'd named following behind.

All but one of the cameras was finished, and Kirumi took those around the room to place in the spots the others had left, even though Himiko had offered. Shuichi had asked her not to turn them on for the time being, as he'd do that when the last one was in place and ready. There was now a camera pointed to both enterances to the library, one towards the centre of the room, and another near the actual secret door. The one Himiko and Shuichi were left to work on would be placed on the bookshelf that was the moving door. It was going to be the last one to actually trigger, so they didn't accidentally accuse the wrong person, the range of movement detection toned quite low, to somewhere around three metres, Shuichi had said. The plan was perfect, yet, Himiko felt it would only go horribly wrong, somehow, but how could that even happen?

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