The Killing Game. Their Killing Game. - Part Four

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"Farewell, for now, you two, I shall go to check on Tenko and the others, then will return if you have not joined us within roughly ten minutes, alright?" Kirumi asked, standing gy the door to leave the library after putting all the other cameras in place, but leaving them off, like Shuichi jad asked. "Nyeh, okay," Himiko answered on behalf of them both. Kirumi nodded silently, then left.

It took a while longer, but the two got the camera working, as Shuichi tested it by turning it on and getting Himiko to step into it's view range, causing the buzzer of sorts in her hand to be triggered, vibrating gently and letting out a high pitched beep, repeating ten times, before stopping. Then, after turning it off, they set the camera up on the bookshelf, then back on, making sure to stay out of it's range of sight. They were careful with the others, turning them on so as to make it possible to leave the room without them being triggered at all.

"That was difficult," Himiko murmured, rubbing her eyes, still tired. Shuichi nodded in agreement as the two headed up the staircase to leave the basement. On their way up, they passed Miu chasing Tsumugi, followed by Gonta and Kaede. Miu usually would've taken the opportunity to pick on Shuichi, but she was preoccupied with another easy target. Shuichi briefely stopped to tap Kaede on the shoulder and tell her, as simply as he could, not to go in the library. Without asking questions, she accepted, seeming to just take Shuichi's word, then continued her persuit of Miu. Shuichi seemed to be stumbling a little up the staircase, but Himiko assumed it was from when he turned on the last camera and jumped off the bottom half of one of the ladders to avoid wasting time, as he'd probably managed to injure his legs upon landing. Himiko considered asking if he was alright, but by the time she'd decided, they were already at the cafeteria where Tenko, assisted by Kirumi and Korekiyo, was placing plates of food on the table. Kiibo and Angie weren't in the room, but based on the voices coming from the kitchen, Himiko assumed they were in there.

"Ah, greetings, Himiko, Shuichi," Korekiyo nodded to them upon noticing their presence.
"Himiko!" Tenko gasped, quickly putting the plate in her hands down on the table before her, then she rushed over to Himiko, hugging her, "I was so worried!" she patted the smaller girl's head gently. "Nyeh? Why would you be worried?" Himiko asked, confused.
"Well, Kirumi left you with a degenerate male. I was in my right mind to be worried," Tenko stepped back, placing her hands on her hips as she shot a glare at Shuichi, who quickly hurried to the kitchen dokr as Kiibo started walking out, to talk to him rather than anyone else present. "Tenko, you don't have to worry so much. Not like he of qll people would try anything," Himiko giggled quietly.
"You always gotta watch out for the quiet ones," Tenko shook her head, but she smiled still, knowing Himiko was partially joking.

"Kork! Kirumom!" Angie suddenly ran up to the two she'd seemed to have nicknamed, "Let's go get everyone else!" she laughed, then sped out the room. Korekiyo sighed before following her, Kirumi hesitated slightly longer, but followed anyway. The four left in the cafeteria, Himiko, Tenko, Kiibo and Shuichi, all carried the last few plates of food to the table, Tenko and Kiibo seemingly had no difficulty perfectly balancing two plates, while they were too heavy for Himiko to take more than one with ease, and Shuichi was shaky as ever, Tenko had refused to let him even carry one at first because he could've dropped it, but she'd let him help after Himiko reminded her there'd be one plate left behind afterwards for someone to take another trip back if she didn't allow him to help.

"Hi Rantaro! Hey Kokichi!" Kiibo waved to the two boys arriving at the same time, as he'd just put the plates he carried over down. "Oh! Angie didn't say the feminist and the emo would be here!" Kokichi laughed, but was quickly cut off as Rantaro elbowed him sharply, "Sorry, he's only been making fun of me all morning and has been planning his insults the whole way here," Rantaro smiled, as Kokichi appeared irritated, but said nothing. The group began taking their seats around the table, conversating calmly as the others joined them. Tsumugi, Miu, Gonta and Kaede all arrived just about the same time, shortly followed by Ryoma and Korekiyo. By this point, most of the conversation was driven by Kiibo askimg everyone how their day had been, as well as excitedly greeting anyone who walked in. It wasn't long before Kaito and Maki joined the group, Kirumi with them. Angie was the last to come back, which Himiko found odd, but tried to shrug off the unusual emotion she was feeling.

It wasn't fear, nor sadness or even worry. "Suspicion," Himiko thought, recalling the correct word as the group began eating lunch together for the first - and what could be, if anyone acted on Monomi's motive - the last time. "Did anyone find any more leads to escape this place?" Maki asked reluctantly in a moment of silence. It was a question everyone had been thinking about, but nobody felt like the person to ask. There was silence again, then Rantaro seemed to recall something, "Oh yeah!" he momentarily glanced at Kokichi, who seemed to be having the same thought process, "We found this weird marking on the floor in one of the classrooms," Rantaro explained.
"We ended up pulling a floorboard up using a crowbar I got at the storage thing," Kokichi continued, "there was this book. Like, just chilling out there, collecting dust, but not covered in much."
"We were gonna go through it but Angie ran in and took it, then ran back out and we lost her. It was around the same time Kiyo and Tenko came past the classroom up the stairs," Rantaro finished the explanation. Everyone turned to Angie, who silently reached under the chair she was sitting on and took out the book in question, "Atua told me I had to take it," she smiled.
"Yeah, sure, Atua," an irritated Miu facepalmed.
"'A Complete Collection of the Danganronpa Participants. 1-V2. How unusual." Kaede read the title aloud, her voice still muffled, but that was just how her voice was to them now, muffled by that mask of hers. "Book looks like has lots of words in it," Gonta mumbled. For a robot, his voice most definitely sounded human, though with occasional glitches where it wouls change pitch or speed, but the group seemed to do their best to ignore it - except Shuichi, but Himiko, sat between Shuichi and Tenko, tried to ignore that too, as his line of sight seemed completely fixed on Gonta, who was sitting opposite him, though obviously not eating, just there to enjoy the company of the others.

Angie took the book, flipping open it's first page as she cleared her throat, "Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc was the beginning of a lengthly storyline spread across -" she read, but was cut off as Miu snatched the book, reaching over the food between them, "Yeah, okay, we don't care," she slammed it shut.
"Miu, what's with that," Kiibo paused, his tone calm, trying to think of the right word so as to not offend Miu at all, "expression?"

He had a point. Miu seemed to be glaring at anyone who talked to her, perhaps it was related to her earlier irritation, which had probably just amplified by now. Miu shrugged, pulling the book under her arm, rising to her feet as Angie stood up too. Then, Miu bolted out the room, Angie sprinting after her, yelling to give the book back. "That was weird," Kaito said flatly, somewhat confused, though, so was everyone else, and rightfully so. "I have to agree," Kirumi nodded, "Miu seemed almost..." Kirumi hesitated, not sure what word to say. "Protective," Kiibo filled in the word for her as he leaned back in his chair, making it tilt back slightly. "Thank you Kiibo," Kirumi nodded, "Miu seemwd to be rather protective of that book."
"Nyeh... weird," Himiko shrugged, trying to ignore the worsening feeling of suspicion within herself.

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