Nolan Devin.

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"Are you ready?" My Mother stands in my bedroom doorway watching me put my crutches back in my closet. It's been two weeks since my meeting with Mrs Prescott and today we're going to meet the Devin family. We had arranged to meet last week but I had the all too common cold and my Doctor ordered me to stay at home so that was a failure. I've desperately tried to not fall ill this week as well and it's been rediculously easy because the only injury I've acquired was a cut thumb and even that has healed already.

I look at myself in the mirror and see a healthy 15 year old girl staring back at me. I don't get to describe myself as 'healthy' very often, as I'm sure you can gather, so I feel extremely privileged at this moment in time.

"As ready as I can be." I reply with a smile, still studying my reflection.

"Are you dressed comfortably or is your leg hurting again?" She asks worriedly. I look at my black shirt and skinny grey jeans.

"I told you my leg doesn't hurt anymore. It's nearly completely healed." I turn away from the mirror and walk towards the door.

"Okay but if it does start to hurt again or if the cut reopens you'll tell me so I can help you, right?"

"Of coarse Mum; I'm not going to suffer anymore then I have to." And with that reassurance we walk to the car.


It took us 3 hours to drive to the city and find the Cafe we're meeting in. Mum kept marvelling in how much the town has changed and we even drove past the house we used to live in, we basically had a trip down memory lane despite the fact that it isn't my memories I was visiting.

"Hi there! Welcome to Megs vanilla cafe, can I help you with anything?" A young blonde waitress walks up to me and my Mum as we search the room for the table we're supposed to be sat in.

"Yes thank you, we're here to meet someone I was wondering if they're here yet..."

"Are you Sarah's guests?" She asks with a friendly smile and my Mum smiles back at her politely.

"We're with Mrs Prescott, I don't know her first name."

"That would be Sarah. She's upstairs," She walks towards an open stairway and we both follow her without question, "Can I get you any drinks or cakes?"

"I'll have a water please." I say and try out my friendly smile. Smiling for politeness doesn't come naturally to me.

"And I'll have a cappucino please." My Mum says and the blonde woman nods her head, shuffling back into the kitchen.

There are more people here then I expected. Students are here studying and business people doing their work. Some people are simply reading and others appear to be catching up with friends or family members. Oh what a cliche little cafe this is.

I follow my Mother up the wooden stairs with my hand trailing along the bannister beside me. It isn't long before we reach the top and it's basically just a more cozy looking version of downstairs. There are more tables and more cushioned seats. However for some reason there are less people. We approach Sarah Prescott who's sat at the 5 seat circular table in the corner. She's sat next to a boy who wears a black suit jacket with a worn pair of blue jeans. His hair is dark brown with blonde here and there- it looks as though he hasn't bothered to brush it. Next to him is a redheaded woman slightly older then my mother who's dressed in a formal navy skirt with a white blouse.

It's not crazy; I promise.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora