Drama is narcotic

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"What do they mean kick you out of school! Absurd behaviour? The only thing absurd is this letter!" My mum reads the page, word for word, every syllable is criticised. "Ryan I'm calling the school board right now, hand me my phone." My dad grips her phone in his hand, leaning back into our living room chair.

"Honey I agree that this is a load of Bull crap but if we call in right now they'll say we're being overly defensive"

"Overly defensive? Of coarse I'm going to be bloody defensive they're kicking Ellerie out of school for things she hasn't done! If we sit back and let this play out the way the ignorant school wants it to then she'll probably be looking for a new city to complete her education in before the end of the week." Mum shouts, not directing it at anyone in particular, however it's obvious that if Principal Harris were here Mum possibly would have hospitalized him by now.

"Look Mum what ever they think they have against me is bound to be fabricated so I don't see much point in wasting our energy on fighting it. If they do happen to kick me out of school under these false pretences then you can sue them but in the mean time can we just sit this one out?" I lean against the wall to take some of the pressure off my leg which is feeling a lot better now then it did in Art class.

"Fine." Mum gives in, "But if they think they can just put your education on hold then they can guess again."

"And what are you going to do about it?" I ask, hoping she doesn't make them set me extra homework tasks.

"I'm going to go into school and speak to the person in charge of subject progress and have them organise something."

"When are you going to do that?"

"Now unless you need me here." I shake my head no and start to make my way towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" My mum asks.

"To my room. All of this drama is narcotic."


My door opens and I wipe my eyes to remove the blurriness. No, I wasn't crying- I was asleep.

"I went to the school and you're tutor is coming around every other day around Five o'clock." Mum explains poorly as I force myself to sit up.

"Who is this daring tutor?"

"Some girl called Evie March, she's the person with the highest grades who is in all of your classes."

"Mum does she know she's my supposed tutor?"

"Of coarse she does, she offered her services."

"Yeah so she can snoop around my house looking for dirt on me" I mumble and my mum looks at me as though I'm over-reacting. Trust me I'm not.

"From what I heard she's a very generous person."

"Of coarse she is as long as it benefits her. Mum she's the most complacent person I know, she thinks she's superior to everyone else and the way she makes everyone 'believe her' is to find out their secrets and blackmail them."

"You're speaking from experience?" She asked with that concerned mother look in her eyes.

"Of coarse not, "I assure her with the most truthful lie I can fathom, "rumours spread like wild fire in that school."

"I noticed," She takes in a deep breath, "We need to go see Mrs Prescott."

"Is that now? I'm sure we have a couple more days until that lecture." I complain but she doesn't listen.

"Ellerie-Soroya will you ever stop being so rude to the people who are trying to help you?" She asks seriously and I shrug my shoulders in response.

"Really though Mum are we going right now?" I ask again, swinging my body around so that my legs dangle off the side of my bed, my feet finding their way into my black combat boots.

"Yes and we should get going before your Father gets home from golf, you know what he's like when he tags along to these things." She walks over to my closet and brings the wheelchair to my bed.

"What are you doing?"

"You can barely walk and if they take blood samples or give you any injections I'm not taking the chances of your arms not being strong enough to support you aswell." She unfolds the chair and helps me into it as I'm still half asleep.

"Did Dad take the car to golf?" I ask and Mum nods even though an answer was irrelevant since she makes taking bus cards out of her purse rediculously obvious.

"Better hope there aren't puschairs on the Bus then I guess." I say and Mum chuckles despite the lack of humour in my voice.

It's not crazy; I promise.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant