Chapter 15

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"I will kill you, no let me goo" Betney was screaming while been drag down the hall.

"I'm sorry I should have warn you about that" Ann walk up to me looking guilty. Only if she knows. I was about to reply her when I hear the principal voice.

"Miss Casper to my office right now"  I look up to the principal who is already matching down the hall, I follow suit without thinking.

"What do you know about this matter miss Casper" we are now sitted in his office with him eyeing me like a piece of work.

"Nothing  sir, I was confuse about what I witness this morning".

"You have some argument with Betney yesterday which causes you to leave the school premises immediately"

"Yes sir, but I didn't leave the school premises because of that, I left because of my panic attack which I reported to you yesterday" I replied him without blinking an eye, what did I have to fear, the statement is true.

"But why would Betney keep repeating your name?"

Because pay back is a b*tch


"That what I will like to find out sir because I just resumed, and with my poor health to deal with and now I am witnessing this" I said sniffing using the innocent card on him.

"I'm sorry my girl, you can go back to your class, police are already on the case" I stiff when I heard that, I was lead out by the principal with my blood shot eyes, he asked if I will go home but I told him I will manage and hurried out.

The day just goes by in a blurred as I was trying to get hold of my brother and also listen to lectures. The student are giving me the horror look while the teacher are giving me the wry look, even Ann was telling me she knows I am not the one that did it, adding salt to my injury. Before the end of the day I was called by the principal.

"Come in" called by a voice inside.
The room is filled with so many people, but I can only recognized few of my teachers, principal and the police in there uniform. This is the end I am finally going to jail. I stop dead at the entrance.

"Come here dear" says the principal, I move in slowly accepting my death, I was only wandering why my parent is not there now.

"I am sorry dear for the misunderstanding the video is released by some paparazzi it is first sighted on there anonymous website, I am sorry for any discomfort cause by the teachers and student" the principal concluded.

"No it's her, I know you did this" Betney yell at me.

"How is that even possible the period that video happen she was in Canada" one of my teacher said.

"Not only that, your one week suspension start tomorrow because of your indiscipline the school have to go through this embarrassing state" the principal added making Betney burst into tears.

"Why will she even do that in the first place" one of the police man asked.

"Yes, why will she do it" my teacher echo with that she becomes mute.

"From the very beginning I told you, she has nothing to do with it but you kept calling her name, in case you forget  you are not the only one in this even The Williams is very angry and will get to the bottom of this, all the paparazzi behind this will surely be in jail" the inspector said.

The Unpredictable GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz