Chapter 12

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"Ok kids, we are here now" my dad voice echo in my head as I wake from my nap, everybody is ready apart from me. I quickly check my face to make sure am not giving any thing away. I was the last to drop just because I'm still concious of my self.
The valet collected the key from my dad and park in God-knows-where.
We move in side and pick some random thing on the way. we are lead to an open field, the field is occupied by so many people, adult, teenage and children with different games. my dad introduce us to some adult who mostly complement my dressing.
A voice is booming through the microphone "Hello everyone we welcome you to family outdoor activities we will like to announce that polo game is open, we have 30 family here, family that will like to participate in this 'sports of king' should move to the East wings of this field". After the voice announcement different discussion start going up including our family.
"Polo is a dangerous game and non of us can ride a horse, so we are not playing" my dad concluded without asking for our opinion.

"Dad, that is not how to create advantage for your children" I said as everyone give me a questioning glare.
"I mean, non of you can ride horse, but I can" I announce as everyone look surprise.
"But you did not tell me about it" my mum said still surprise.
"They are many things I didn't tell you mum" I replied her as my dad spoken.

"I will be happy if you can pull this very well, it will make everybody recognise you''. After he spoken we start moving to the East wings of the field.

Many family are there already when the remaining people join us, A man came to the front and called for our attention.
"This is one of the big game for today with a price involve, anyone who win this game who win a trip for vacation and a recommendation from Will&Sons. When he finish his speech everyone cheers. Then some people came and give each family a number, after that the man speak again.
"We have 15 family here, unfortunate we need 8 people to play the game, so each family will produce 1 player who will represent them." I step out for my family many adult do so and few teenager, when we representative step out finish, the man who I later know is name as louis speak again.
"Interesting game, we have 4 teenager and 11 adult with a statistic of 13 males and 2 female. Aren't the famale very brave" people chuckle to his attempt to crack a joke as I swallow saliva, then he continue.
"For us to get the number of people we need then we have to play another game which is called flat race to test your stamina and ability to ride a horse but before then you all have to get ready."

We are lead to a room with the equipment needed. I pick a white polo pant with blue Jersey, they are only 2 colour, blue and green, I also pick a face guards, helmets, knee pads, gloves, booth, regulation spurs, mallets and sticks.
I went inside the change room and change to my costume, I really look great like a real polo player.

After we finish dressing we are numbered which I happen to be in the 3rd position and lead out through another exist. People cheer for us as we are walking to the open field the arrangement is now different it looks more like a stadium. I stop at where number 3 is written with awaiting horse, people cheers for us and call out names, I can hear my name among the voice but I can only recognise Nicholas voice 'Lola you can do it', I shake my head and concentrate, Nicky can't be here.

A man with a shirt of white and black stripe with short and a whistle instructed us to drop our mallets and stick and climb the mount.
I hold both reins in my left hand and gather them with a tuft of mane. I hold the right side rein a tad tighter to help prevent the horse from swinging away from me as I get on. With my right hand, I turn the stirrup so that the leather lies flat when I am sitting in the saddle. After the whistle go off I run off.
It like been in canada again with all the cow boy and girl, that are born for the race before I know what happen whistle go off and I was in second place, the winner is an elderly man, with his physical appearance he can pass as a cow boy.

The first eight where pick for the real game. I was congratulated by my family and some of my dad friends he introduce to us earlier. After the flat race, we were prepared for the real game. I am the only female left, which makes many admires me. We were given a ponies as the game is about to start. I get settle in a team called Diver and the other team are called Spiner with our long mallet the game start after the whistle go off. The game is divided into six timed period called Chukkers each game will last for about seven minute and have a three minute break interval so the game will last for one hour. I was given the number one position while mr white the man that win the race lead the other team. Within a blink of an eye the real game begin. Within the first two chukkers Diver couldn't score any goal while Spiner have a goal. Before the third chukker begins, I orient my team about our weakness and who and who to strike the ball to the goal, which stand as a surprise for the other team because they never expect what is coming, before the fourth chukker we were leading by one point and when the sixth chukker comes they divert another plan and they are leading by one point the game prove to be more difficult because of the competent of the opposite team. Within a moment, I am back in canada playing 'The kings Game' every one is competent in the game, apart from me because I was inexperience and I was made the umpire just to shame me, I practice hard, day and night but nothing prepare me for this, I watch many games but am as good as novice, I have to make something up, I am not useless here, with hard difficulties and brain torment I come up with a plan and I conquer.
Everything look like a magic at the last Chukker when everyone as given up hope, the opposite team as declear there self as the winner, but I change the plan again and take lead, I strike from difficult angle and win the game in the last minute.
It seem no one register what happen for a few seconds because the stage went silence for sometimes before the crowd uproar for our victory. I was help down from my pony and throw in the air, but I don't feel any of this victory, my strength is drain as I look forward to the comfort of my bed.
Everybody congratulate me, yes Everybody including mr white, we were given bronze cup as a sign of victory, I took many pics with the team and the cup, I even take a pics with my family and the cup in my hands. They fulfill there promise as we are given Recommendation as they say, and holiday ticket, the special treatment is just that the remaining three member of my group get to travel together at a specific time while I can travel any time I want.

When I was talking to one of my team member called Jude my dad called on me.
"Lola my dear I want you to meet the CEO of Will&Sons company Mr Williams" I look up to a 6'3 man, his appearance is dominating and his eyes are intriguing he has something around him that scream keep off, he smile at me and the brown in his green eye flinkered at me under his lashes which make me remember someone that makes me feel cold. His mouth move indicate that his saying something as I try to pay attention.

"Hello Lola" he offer his hand for a shake as I shook it respectfully.
"Is a pity I couldn't watch your game as I arrived late, congratulation for your success hope I see you more in future"

"ye..yes sir" I stuttered on my words as I try to meet up with required confidence but he just smile at me and take his leave, That awful for first impression.
"His son is playing Tennis now it will be good if we watch it'' my dad said with a great enthusiasm.

"Sorry dad, I am tired now and I will like to go home" my mum agree with me as my dad agreed also as we are ready to leave my brother speak up.

"He his my good friend, he won't be happy if I don't watch his game" with that we bid Daniel and Linda goodbye because she said she will stay with her fiance. We exist the field and leave my brother and his fiance with his mysterious good friend.

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