Chapter 2

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The words sounded like a warning to me 'welcome to SMALLVILLE'.

With Mary beside me everything was going easy.

We blend as if we knows each other since ages. she was pointing where is where for me, even if I dont get anything, I pretend to be flowing.

"What are you having for your first lecture" she asked her out of blue.

Hmm I didnt get the question at first, but it register quickly. "let me check my time table".

I was roaming through my bag while walking when I was suddenly stop by a thick wall, no its a rock. while bringing out my time-table then I decided to voice out my thought.

"Mary, how come you have rock in the middle of the hall." I heard mary laughing and decided to look up.

That when I feel that the rock is warm and soft, how can that be possible, I look up to a green eye that have a flint of brown, no not green eye, its definitely hazel, how can God create human being with a perfect face feature?, that definitely question I will never voice out.

He must have seen the confuse in my face because he looks amused "why cant you do one thing at a time. are you trying to let us know how lame you her?"

For the first time in my life, I don't have a comeback, I cant even register anything. he must have seen that the confuse in my face is deepen, because he added "we dont need a dump person around here". then he left me confuse and continue walking.

Mary was asking me something I can't even hear her, then she shake me continously and looked worried, that when every thing register.

"Hmmm thiiis is my time-table." everyone in the hall is staring at me now, like I fainted or what?, this is not how I want my first day to go.

"Your first class is English. that good we are having the same class this morning." mary looked relieved.

I just hug her immediately "I don't know what I will do today without you" relieve flooded through me, I cant go through this alone, am happy to have a friend by my side, even if I just meet her like 30 minute ago.

"Let go inside the class now, you don't want to be late for your first lecture". we are going into the english class then I ask mary "what is the name of the hazel eye devil with perfect body?"

Mary chuckle beside me then reply "Aiden Williams, trust me you can't mess up with him. "

Then I think to myself, Aiden Williams the battle line is drawn between us.

"No body mess up with Lola Casper." I replied her, she looked up at me as if am insane and pretend not to hear me.
"Mrs jumia is not the one to mess with, let get to class before the warning bell." she announce and drag me along.

Everything was going smoothly till lunch period. My last class before the break which is science, I go through it alone because mary is having AP class, we promise to meet in front of cafe and exchange numbers.

Am walking to the cafe when I remember my most embarrased moment, which just happen because of the hazel eyed devil, I vow to stay away from him till i figure what i will do about him.

"Hello Lola, have been waiting for you since ages."I heard my new friend voice, i scan the crowd going into the cafe and sport her.

"Sorry mary, I have to go to my locker before coming." I repond her.

"Its okay let go and eat now, do you have money with you ?" she asked.

"Yes I have my debit card with me." I responded.

We are in line to get our food when someone suddenly pushed me.
"Hey dump girl, you can't stand here as if you really count. you should go to a corner and call your mum to bring your food ."

I look up to the girl that pushed me, without thinking I stood up immediately and slapt her.
"who do you think you her?, are you out of your senses ?" all my adrenal is flooting through my vain.

The cafeterial is as silence as grave yard. everybody is looking with wide eye. I didn't give her the second glare. She stand there looking speechless.

I picked my lunch spagetti and chicken with a bottle of coca-cola.

Mary recover fast and collect her lunch then hurried beside me.

"Wow you are really something. Do you know that, that is betny, she is the cheerleader, every female students don't mess with her including the seniors. " mary informed me.

I sight a table, is just how I picture my lunch, is the most elegant and is in the center of attention. without thinking twice I march toward it and Sat down. It as eight chair around the table.

Mary stand beside me and look at me as if I have grown two head.
"You can sit there." she said.

"And why" I asked

"Because it belong to the school notorious gang" she respond with a wide eye.

I laugh at this information and drag her to sit down, and asked.

"How do you know am not notorious?" before she can answer me, some model like, handsome looking fellow, walk into the cafe and coming toward me.

Every body in the cafe are staring at me as if I have a death wish. they are five of them, they just ignore us and sat down on the chairs.

They sat down quietly without a word. then the hazel eyed devil walk into the cafe and come straight to me.

"Do you have a death wish?" he asked voicing out everyone thought.

"And what make you think you can grant my wish" I responded.

He looked shock by my attitude, I smile to my self. fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me. He recover quickly than I anticipated for, and sat down beside me.
Yes, the chair next to me. I ignore him and continue my food.

"Hey, new girl. my name is Mason " one of the model offer.

"I'm Lola" I responded and stop eating my food to give him hand shake.

He look suprise but responded "I like you" he said.

''Thank you'' I responded.

"Hey baby" Betny called and sat down on Aiden lap.

"Dont you think they deserve each other." I asked my friend Mary, who looked stunned and drag me out of the cafe. I couldn't even see their reaction. 

"You will be the death of me." I heard her murmur to her self.

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