We Could Really Jack Up Our Prices!

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Inside, he found a group of five individuals, a number that he quickly adjusted to six when he saw the tiny Groot lying face down on the table, its tiny legs kicking, its hands supporting its head. Just like Xandar, these were a collection of individuals all hailing from different planets, as showcased by their varying skin-tones.

"Greetings, Guardians," he said. "My name is Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard."

"I've heard of Asgard, never been, though," a small, furry creature said. "Heard you consider yourselves pretty advanced but that your weapons really aren't that much to brag about."

"We can hold our own," Thor stated indignantly, staring at the rabbit? Panda? Creature that definitely was not a squirrel.

"Don't mind Rocket, he tends to speak without thinking," a man in a long dark red leather trench coat said. "I'm Peter Quill, you may know me as Star Lord."

"Quill, when are you gonna get it through that thick skull of yours that no one's ever going to recognise that ridiculous name," Rocket said.

Thor reached out and shook Quill's hand before cocking his head at him. The earphones that he wore were familiar, as was the man's speech patterns.

"You are from Midgard ... Earth," Thor said.

"I'm originally from Missouri," Quill replied, his eyes narrowed. "Not that I've been there since I was like seven."

"I have many friends on Earth," Thor told him.

"Really? And what's an Asgardian been doing on Earth?" Quill challenged.

"Midgard is a part of the Nine Realms that Asgard holds in her sway," Thor replied. "But to answer your question, I am a member of the Avengers, a team of superheroes charged with guarding the planet."

"Avengers? Never heard of them," Quill dismissed.

"Perhaps these Avengers are like us, Peter, only on a smaller scale," a green-skinned woman suggested, walking closer. "I'm Gamora. You've already met Peter and Rocket. Over there is Drax, Mantis and on the table is Groot."

"I am Groot," the small tree said.

"It's nice to meet you, too," Thor replied.

"Wait! You speak Groot?" Rocket asked, his head swivelling between the two.

"Of course," Thor replied. "It was an elective on Asgard."

"Why did you wish to see us?" Drax, a bare-chested man whose skin was grey but covered in red tattoos, asked.

"I understand that you have encountered the Power Stone, one of the Six Infinity Stones," Thor said.

Quill and Gamora shared a look.

"Yeah, what of it?" Quill asked.

"Three others of the Six have made their way to Midgard in recent years," Thor replied and immediately, he had all of their attention. "It is my belief that there is someone manoeuvring events and people to suit their own ends, perhaps even with the goal of finding all Six Stones."

"Thanos," Gamora stated.

"These Stones, are they still on Earth?" Quill asked.

"One remains, the other two have been dispersed to safe locations," Thor replied.

"How safe?" Rocket asked. "Only, in our experience, no where's really safe, especially when it comes to these things."

"As safe as they can be," Thor repeated. "Who is Thanos?"

"The Mad Titan," Gamora replied grimly. "He is obsessed with power and has a twisted sense of balance. He believes that the galaxy needs to be cleansed of half its population in order for there to be enough resources for the remaining half to live. He's already done this on dozens of worlds, including my home planet – killed half of us, including my parents, and took me in the process."

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