McCree x FTM!Reader: It's Not Supposed to Happen!

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A/N: Reader is pre-T and on their period

"Why do we have mandatory movie nights again?" You maneuvered your way through the meeting headquarters turned movie theater, making your way to a couple of squishy white beanbag chairs a good distance away from the holoscreen that would be playing movies in moments.

"Mandatory make friendly night," your scruffy Southern beauty replied from behind you. McCree stood watching the growing crowd of Overwatch members, hands full with a bowl of cherries and strawberries and a container of whipped cream, while you positioned the the chairs closer together and plopped down into one.

Looking up at him with a grin, you cooed in a slightly awkward imitation of your boyfriend's accent, "Come along, li'l doggy. Movie's startin' soon."

"I don't sound like that," Jesse grumbled, easing himself into the beanbag next to you. He worked his way through the whipped cream's plastic seal and popped it open before grabbing a strawberry to dip into it.

You watched his actions with a chuckle. "If you eat the entire bucket before the movie starts I'm not coming with you to get more." You shifted in your seat to get comfortable, then made a face.

The brunette cowman looked at you with half of a strawberry sticking out of his mouth. "What?"

"I think I sat in something," you replied, wiggling in your seat again. Suddenly, your stomach flipped and tightened into a cramp and your thoughts changed. Instead of getting up as originally planned, you recoiled into yourself a bit, pressing an arm across your stomach and looking away from your partner.

"Hey, are you okay? It's not a huge deal, we'll just tell someone and move seats." Jesse, who had finished the strawberry and was now more than a little confused, lightly touched your arm.

You yanked yourself away from his touch and looked him in the eye. To his surprise, your face was bright red and your eyes were watery.

"I can't get up," you murmured hoarsely, "I got blood on the chair."

His heart fluttered in a little inward panic. He was among the three people, the other two being your medic Mercy and your recruiter Soldier 76, who knew that you hadn't yet fully transitioned yet; everyone else just knew you as a man named (Y/N), which was the cause of your sudden distress.

After his brief shock faded, McCree gave you a small encouraging smile. He slipped an arm around your shoulder to hug you closer and rested his chin on your head. Lowering his voice, he crooned, "Listen, it's fine. It happens–"

"It's not supposed to happen!" you yelped quietly. You sniffled and pressed your face into his neck but otherwise didn't move from your current position.

"No, you're right," your boyfriend muttered. He placed a kiss on the top of your head before continuing, "Unfortunately, it still does happen sometimes. You an' me, we've all been through this at one point or another. Don't worry, it'll be just fine, sweet pea. I have an idea to get you outta here without anyone noticing yer current situation. Trust me?"

"Of course I do, Jesse, but what exactly is your–" Your sentence was cut off by a screech of your own as Jesse dropped the entire bowl of cherries and strawberries into your lap, coating it and your legs and the chair beneath it in red juice and fruit. The noise you'd just made coupled with you jumping to your feet caused more than a few eyes to look your way, and you looked at Jesse in what was supposed to be betrayal until you noticed the now-empty chair next to him.

Well, not completely empty. In the seat's impression was a puddle of blood red fruit juice slowly being absorbed by the seat itself, with several cherries and strawberries resting in it. No period blood in sight, just red fruit juice.

Your person itself looked a similar way, with red juice coating your lap and spreading to your backside via the fabric of your sweats. Your bright red face and wide, teary eyes would have been mistaken by anyone else as a sign of shock and embarrassment due to your boyfriend's "clumsiness."

Jesse gave you a barely noticeably knowing smile before a mask of mock shock covered his features. He quickly hopped up began picking the fruit up the fruit now strewn across the chair and floor and putting it back into the glass bowl it'd come from.

"Dammit, I'm sorry (Y/N)!" he briefly glanced at you again before continuing his show for the audience of concerned or annoyed Overwatch members. "My hand'd slipped while we were talking and the bowl fell right on your lap. Let me clean this up the best I can and we'll go get you cleaned up, yeah?"

At this point, all eyes were on the bumbling cowboy, aside from Mercy and Soldier 76 who you noticed were talking off to the sidelines; they seemed to be smiling and exchanging glances between you and Jesse, which made you blush again.

"What about my chair?" D.Va made her way over with a huff, arms crossed over her chest. Examining the chair briefly, she let out a whine. "That's never going to come out!"

"Tell ya what," Jesse picked up the beanbag chair, which he's managed to fold so the stain wasn't visible, and hauled it over his shoulder. "Tomorrow, I'll take ya to buy a new one." He gave her a little pat on the head, then walked over to you. He wrapped his free hand around yours, gave you a wink, then helped you waddle your way out of the room before Hana could continue her protests.

It was a quick and silent trip to throw the soiled beanbag in a large trash chute, then to make your way to the room you and Jesse shared. When there, he opened the door and ushered you inside.

"See?" he said, breaking the quiet and causing you to turn to him. "I told ya no one would notice a thing."

"Except that you're a klutz," you commented with a soft smile, "and now you have to go shopping with Hana tomorrow."

"Details," Jesse replied with a chuckle. Then he walked over to press a kiss to your lips before smiling sweetly at you. "Go hop in the shower. Get yourself cleaned up and I'll bring you some clothes, and I'll take care of the dirty ones. It's gonna be all fine, darlin'."

You almost teared up again but stopped yourself, instead giving your cowboy a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before shuffling to the bathroom. You left your clothes outside the bathroom for Jesse to toss in the hamper, then drew yourself a hot shower.

Twenty minutes of washing up and just soaking up steam later, you finally forced yourself to get out of the shower and you were greeted by a pile of fresh pajamas sitting on the closed toilet seat, with your binder, a pad, and a couple painkillers sitting on top. You couldn't help but grin at the clean little affections Jesse provided, despite being the rugged seemingly dirty cowboy that he was.

After you took the painkillers to numb your menstrual cramps and got dressed in the pajama pants and large T-shirt your boyfriend left you, you padded back out into the main room.

Jesse himself had stripped down and put on a pair of sweats, and was laying on the bed with his feet by the pillows and his head hanging off the other end. He'd been watching the bathroom door, waiting for you to finish up, and greeted you with a large goofy grin when you exited.

"As usual, you look nice in my shirts," he commented, rolling onto his stomach and resting his head on an arm.

You responded to his compliment by sticking out your tongue. You then hobbled over to him to press a kiss to his nose before climbing onto the large bed and laying across his back, making a plus sign of people across the mattress.

"Well, this wasn't quite the position I had in mind," Jesse chuckled and rolled back onto his back without moving from underneath you.

"Sorry, my stomach is trying to kill me as punishment for being a guy and this position makes it a little more bearable."

"See, even your uterus knows that it shouldn't be there." Your dorky cowman snorted.

"Don't worry, uterus," you patted your lower abdomen. "Someday we'll both be happy."

"And I'm here with you every step of the way," Jesse murmured. His hands began to roam to the parts of your body that he could reach, lightly kneading and massaging your warmed skin.

You hummed tiredly in response and placed your arms behind your head. Eventually, between the painkillers doing their magic and Jesse's loving hands, you were able to doze of into something like a deep, dreamless sleep. 

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